chapter 15 - welcome t' north, london boy

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Jake's phone alarm went off.


Friday 26th July 2019

He got up to turn it off, and sat on the edge of his bed, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the light. Mase was coming today. The thought sprang into Jake's head and he suddenly had a surge of excitement and adrenaline. He sprang all the way down the stairs, into breakfast, into the shower, into his training kit and into his car. No late night texts could dampen his mood, as he made the journey into Carrington.

"Wonder what's put a smile on your mug this morning." Hendo piped up, as they both got out of their cars at the United training complex.

"Don't know what you're on about, Hendo." laughed Jake.

"Grinning like a Cheshire Cat." Hendo wrapped his arm around his mate as they walked in. "So we going to get an audience with the pair of you or what?!"

"Fancy coming to my parents on Saturday night? Jane's throwing a soiree, you know what she's like, but I've limited her to people who I can tell or already know about me and Mase. Think she might have actually invited your parents." Jake replied.

"A Jane Rivers soiree, I'm there!" Dean chuckled.

"Cool, going to mention it to Rashy too as I'm pretty sure mum's invited his mum too."

"Jane's quick on the guest list isn't she?!"

"Now she's retired, there's genuinely no stopping her."

The pair of them laughed as they entered the changing rooms.


Mason was on his way up to Manchester, to film some stuff with Nike Football, when his phone rang.

"Wagwarn brother." Tammy's voice echoed down the phone.

"Alright Tam, what's happening" Mase replied.

"Not much bro, I know you're on way to the Nike thing, but just a quick one. Me and Leah are having a spontaneous get together on Saturday night. Most the Chels boys are in, Dec is in, are you in Mount?"

Mason panicked. He was an awful liar and had no idea what to tell his teammate. Tammy knew Mason's sexuality but didn't know anything about him and Jake, yet. "Erm, nah sorry mate. Already got plans." Mase hoped he would take that as an answer.

"What plans are better than me? All your football mates are here, I know you said your family are on holiday because you were moaning about it the other day." Tammy pushed back.

"Just stuff." Mason was flapping.

"Mase, what are you hiding? I will find out, do I need to ask Ricey?" Tammy was a dog with a bone here. And he wasn't letting go. Shit, Mase thought, he hadn't checked with Jake to see if this was okay, but he was going to have to tell Tam.

"Look Tam, I'm staying in Manchester after the Nike thing, because I'm seeing someone who lives there." Mason gulped.

"What? Seeing seeing?!" Tammy gasped.

"Yeah." Mase replied.

"Woah bro, thats massive! How long has this been going on?" Tammy asked.

"A month and a bit, it's early days but it's going quite well."

"Sickkkk. Where did you meet?"

Mason paused. "Greece."

"What? Wait...when we were there? Like in a club?" Tam was puzzled.

"Yeah when we were there, but no not in a club." Mason responded.

Tammy paused. "Wait, are you dating Rivs?!"

"Maybe a little bit."

"WHATTTTT, and I'm only just finding out, what the hell, you both have some explaining to do." Tammy exclaimed.

"To be fair Tam, you were the only person until very recently to know about us both being gay, and yet it still took you bare long just then to work that out." Mase laughed.

"Hahahaha, thats true fam, I did know. You've gotta fill me in one the full story at some point, in fact, as soon as you return bro."

"Will do Tam, will ring you on my way back."

"Love you bro, and I will be texting Rivs some abuse!"

"Love you too, brother. And can you at least wait til I've told him that I have told ya?" Mase chuckled.

"Alright yeah, but text me when you have, cos I'm not letting that boy off the hook."

"Hahahaha bro, alright catch you soon."


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Jake sat in his car waiting, outside the Etihad training ground, for Jake to finish. He laughed to himself at being behind enemy lines' here at Manchester City's training ground, waiting for a boy he was seeing, who also played for a rival. Fuck, some football fans might be accepting about the gay thing, but gay thing plus seeing a Chelsea player and meeting him by City's ground - he'd be crucified. His passenger door opened and he got to to see Mase's face for the first time in what felt like ages.

"Hey stranger." Mase smiled. He leant over the car and pulled Jake into a deep kiss.

"Hi." Jake said, pulling him back into another.

"Missed you."

"You too Mase." Jake gave Mason a reassuring smile. "Let's go." They drove through Manchester, chatting about their days, how Phil thought eggs were vegetables and what Jane Rivers was planning for Saturday night.

"What you fancy for tea?" Jake asked Mase.

"God, you're full on northerner tonight! Erm, for dinner, I fancy a naughty takeaway to be fair. This weeks seasons have been a killer and once the season starts I won't be able to be as lax, but the sessions are burning it off at the minute."

"Hahaha wow, imagine telling Ole that you made me eat shite before a game."

"Rivs, it's a preseason friendly vs Salford, I'm sure you'll be fine."

"What do you fancy then?" Jake conceded.

"Hmmm, maybe an Indian." Jake rang his local and placed an order for delivery. They'd just made it home before it arrived. Jake turned on a film as they sat down to tuck in.

"Love this film!" Jake announced.

"Don't think I've seen it to be fair." Mase admitted.

"You've never seen Coach Carter?! What the hell. This is one of my all time favourites. Strap yourself in, you're in for a treat."

They sat engrossed in the film, until Jake's dad rang. Jake paused it, claiming he couldn't miss any, while he took the call. Mase sat listening to Jake turn up another level on the northerner scale, with his voice turning more Yorkshire as he spoke to his dad.

"Didn't think you could get more Yorkshire until just now, J" Mase said as Jake returned.

"Ey, I'm having no stick about it this weekend. You are on our turf now. Welcome t' North, London boy!"

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