chapter 16 - tour de north

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manchesterunited: Here we are today at Moss Lane for a preseason fixture vs Salford City

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manchesterunited: Here we are today at Moss Lane for a preseason fixture vs Salford City. Hope the weather hold off!

liked by jakerivers6, marcusrashford and deanhenderson
harrymaguire93: let's go boys
jesselingard: ❤️🔥👊🏾
jakerivers6: cannae wait


English Summer was living up to all expectations as the rain hammered down at Moor Lane, where Manchester United had a preseason fixture against Salford City. Mase had managed to sneak into the stand, unseen and sat at the back, big cap on hand to disguise him. Some of the internationals were not loving the rain but Jake absolutely loved these conditions. The feeling of being even more up against always lit a fire in Jake. The water dripping of his hair, the sapping ground beneath requiring even more energy to move across. He just loved the challenge.

As with any preseason fixture, the substitutions were plentiful and, after he had started,  Jake was taken off after 60 minutes. Thoroughly drenched and covered in mud, he took a seat on the bench and wrapped himself in a coat. Mase smiled on with pride. Jake had played really well, key to both United's defence and attack. Mase couldn't wait to get the opportunity to hopefully play together again, after the summer's tournament hadn't ended how they'd liked.

The final whistle went. A comfortable win for United and the small crowd that had turned out at 11am in the pouring rain, started to filter out. Mason made his way back to the car, to wait for Jake to come out. 30 minutes later, Jake trotted out, mud-free and happy with his win.

"Oi oi!" He swung open the car door.

"Eyyyy, get in quick tho J, it's wet." Mase replied.

Jake got in the car and they set off, over the Pennines, towards Yorkshire. They discussed the game, where they both thought it'd gone well, what they thought was points of improvement. "I forgot to ask where we were actually going." Mase laughed.

"Well, we are going to Halifax, and I'm giving you the grand tour. Then we are going to meet the fam." Jake replied.

"Sick, let's see what Halifax has to offer!"


Jake took Mase passed his old primary school, high school, his first football club. He took him up Castle Hill, nearby by, for a view of the West Yorkshire surround, and then past the John Smith's Stadium. Here, Jake watched Huddersfield Town, every week as a boy with his family. "If we had to go to Fratton Park, then we had to come here." They parked up and walked past the empty stadium.

"I used to dream of playing on that pitch. So when I got to do it, wow, it was amazing." Jake awed. "Might of being playing against Huddersfield but hey ho!" He laughed. The pair strolled on past, and Jake felt a hand drop into his own. He squeezed Mase tight and continued their walk back to the car.

"Right, time to meet the Rivers's"

Mase gulped, "Shit, now I know how you felt meeting my parents."

"Haha you'll be fine - they are all pretty chill. Plus mum has invited a few people over, don't worry just their tight circle who already know about me, and are football friendly, so no need to stress. But Hendo and Rashy will be there, so at least you'll have a couple of friendly faces."

"Fuck, I'm not dressed for an event." Mase said.

"I've got clothes there, we can change before people arrive." Jake replied

"Right, let do this then." Mase smiled at him. Jake pulled him into a kiss, which immediately turned into a passionate make out.

"We have some time before we need to be there.." Jake winked, "if you fancy jumping in the back." Mase ran out of the car into the back, followed quickly by Jake. Their clothes were quickly removed and Mase lay down on top of his lover, on the back seats of the BMW X5. Their impulses couldn't be tamed, as Mase made his way down Jake's harden body, kissing his abs as he went before taking him into his mouth. A moan escaped Jake's mouthy. He had forgotten how good Mase was at this. It didn't take long before he finished, and was returning the favour, making the Chelsea boy write with delight. He lasted even less time than Jake and soon they were a giggling mess, not able to contemplate that they'd just done it in an empty car park. In the middle of Huddersfield.

Clothes back on, slightly disheveled but presentable, they made their way to Jake's parents...

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