chapter 13 - the long goodbye

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Jake's week in Surrey was fast coming to an end. He only had a few days before his preseason started at Manchester United. But he'd had the best time with Mase, doing stuff with him, his family, his friends. Jake had come down here not really knowing what this was. Was it just an opportunity to sleep together again? Was this something more serious? He knew now that he left with little doubt that this was deeper than just the fact they were two gay footballers. They connected, it was passionate and real. Yet it was easy, relaxed and effortless. Jake felt like Mase just got him.

It only made it harder to leave, though.

He threw his stuff in his travel bag, went out to put it in his car, and came back inside to say goodbye. Mase sat at the kitchen counter, looking a little bit like a sad puppy, as Jake re-entered the kitchen. He went over and wrapped his arms around Mase, savouring the feeling of having him this close.

"Commute the 4 hours to Carrington everyday and stay?" Mase joked.

"Hahaha, I'm sure Ole would have something to say about that."

A warm silence followed and Mase pulled him closer.

"I've had the best week. Didn't quite think I'd end up leaving feeling like this." Jake admitted.

"And how's that?" Mase replied with a smirk, knowing he was forcing a soppy answer.

"Don't embarrass me! I thought I was coming here for a couple of shags and now I'm leaving with all the feels, fuck you Mount." Jake laughed.

"All the feels, ey?" Mase tickled Jake and the pair ended up in a heap on the floor, laughing.

"I've had a sick time too, J." Mase said.

"What happens now?" Jake broached.

"I don't really know, not really done this before." Mase conceded.

"Try and meet up at some point before the season starts? See if we can carve out a couple of days." Jake suggested.

Mase looked at him and smiled, "Sounds good." he said before kissing him. Jake got up and went out to the hallway. They embraced on last time before saying goodbye. Jake got in his car and pulled out of the drive, Mase still stood in the doorway. He waved then drove off into the distance. His heart ached at leaving and his body let out the emotions of the past few weeks. His eyes welled, and he allowed himself a small cry.

It had all been such a whirlwind, and while he was sad to leave Mase, the thoughts of their week just made him flutter inside. The tears came from a deeper place. One of the pain of past heartbreak, the thought of never having someone in this capacity in his life. He knew he'd needed to allow himself to love and be loved, he hadn't realised he craved that feeling. Instead, he'd buried any want or need for relationship. Jake felt a realisation of how unhealthy that was. Yes, he could try and keep his private life out of the media and those who didn't need to know, but that didn't mean he couldn't have a life. An authentic life. One real for him.



Text me when you get back

Have a safe drive


Back, safe and sound. Still buzzing from the past week, thanks for a great week 😘



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