chapter 23 - training, trent, and 'tyrone & the returners'

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"What the hell...."

The two boys jerked their heads around, panic at who had just walked in.

"You two need to be more careful!" Dec said, whilst throwing himself on top of the pair.

"Jesus Dec, you gave me a fucking heart attack!" Mase replied.

"Then don't leave your door open! Be grateful it's me and not someone else."

"Fair point mate." Jake admitted.

"Now get off before we are all late for this meeting." Mase pushed Dec off the bed, much to all their amusements.

Dec laughed. "God, I am buzzing you two are here mind."

The three of them walked down to the meeting room, Jake's heart rate still hadn't gone down from being caught by Dec. What if it had been someone else? They had to be more careful, he thought to himself.


The squad had assembled in the meeting room and Gareth had begun his presentation, talking through the build up to the Euros, the expectations of us all in England camps and more specific points about the upcoming qualifying games versus Bulgaria and Kosovo. The whole talk made Jake excited for what was to come and hungry make sure he was along for the whole ride.

"The hard work continues here boys, let's really make the most of our September, October and November camps. See everyone on the training pitch in 30 minutes." Southgate concluded. There was a general buzz of excitement amongst the group as everyone filtered towards the changing rooms to boot up for the afternoon. They were all hungry to impress, knowing there were several players not in the squad through injury or close calls, who were ready to take your place.

Jake entered the changing rooms with Rashy and Harry, leaving Dec and Mase once they entered the meeting earlier to sit with his teammates. He noted at how tribal the camp could be at times, with club loyalties and bonds showing strong.

"Fucking hell Rivers, someone could set sail in those boots. They're bloody massive." Jordan Henderson remarked from across the room.

"Size 12 Hendo , nothing too crazy." Jake replied, "and you know what they say about big shoes....big socks." A little 'Ayyyy' went up around the changing room. He caught Mason's face giving him a knowing smirk after the comment. Jake had to look away to save himself from laughing or getting turned on by it, he didn't know which would be harder to stop. The group made their way onto the St George's Pitch 1, where the coaches were already waiting. Kane led them all through a warm up and a couple of group drills to ease everyone into the session. The gaffer took over, talking then through a series of drills and minigames, designed to help them play out from the back. The intensity was relentless and Jake was happy to hear the words 'shooting practice' as he knew this would be the end of the session.

"Bloody lung buster that one." Dec panted.

"Tell me about it, absolutely dying." Jake managed to get out.

"Get me fed and to bed." Trent added.

"Squad meal tonight boys, so you'll get a feed Trent, don't worry!" Kane joined them.

"And a chance to hear 'Tyrone and the returners' in full flight!" Dec added.

Dec and Harry walked on a head and this left Trent the chance to get something off his chest.

"Also Rivs, you need to get better at closing your door, may have walked past something a little hot and heavy earlier." Trent said with a coy smile.

"Shit, Trent, please don't say anything. Fuck what if more people saw, I'm such an idiot."

"Nah, I doubt it - I saw Mason waiting at your door and pretty sure I only heard Ricey come down after me." Trent reassured him. "And your secret is safe with me, I fucking need to hear how the fuck that one came about though matey! Took me well by surprised." the scouser chirped.

"I'll fill you in late mate." Jake was increasing aware they were nearly back at the changing room.

"No worries. Still cant over you've gone for a southern pretty boi though." Trent giggled, as Jake hit his arm in jest. Jake felt surprising more relaxed then he thought he would at the idea someone else knew. But a wave of relief had washed over him. Plus, it was only Trent - Jake thought - which negated him having to come out for the 7489th time. He would have to tell Mase someone else knew. That made Jake feel less chilled.


marcusrashford: dec's face when madders went to sing tonight

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marcusrashford: dec's face when madders went to sing tonight

liked by masonmount, harrykane and benchilwell
declanrice: done me a dirty here rash
madders: my voice is sick, this is slander
trentarnold66: loooooooool


Tyrone had chosen a bit of 'Stand by Me' by Ben E King, with Mase, Madders and Jake swaying along with the occasional 'oooh' thrown in for good measure. The lads sang along and Tyrone got a rapturous applause. Jake had to give it to him, the boy could sing. It had been a long day, and the team didn't hang around the restaurant hall very long after dinner. The now sparsely populated tables, gave Jake a chance to chat with Trent. He took him through Greece and the happenings since, whilst Trent's jaw kept falling further towards the floor.

"Jesus Rivs, that escalated fast! One minute your just doing it on a Greek beach, next minute you're meeting the parents."

"I know, I know. It's all sort of taken me by surprise to be honest. And then we haven't see each other for ages and the first time we do, we get bloody caught." Jake laughed.

"Well learn to close your doors. To be honest, if I didn't already know you were gay and the fact I actually saw your lips touching, I genuinely wouldn't have thought anything of it. I think it's the last thing the guys will be thinking so chill out a bit man. All's good."

"Cheers Trent."

"Now I'm knackered and you've not seen your new boyfriend in like 5245 days so let's hit the hay." Trent smirked.

"Woah, no one is throwing around boyfriend, double A." Jake quipped.

"Whatever you say."


Jake knocked at Mason's door, and couldn't have been waiting more than a second for it to fly open to an excited Mount.

"Thought you weren't gonna come up for a minute then." Mase sighed.

"What and miss squeezing this little face?!" Jake grabbed Mason's cheeks as they laughed and rolled onto the bed.

"Missed you." Jake looked deep into his eyes. The pair of them stayed up chatting about the past few weeks, training today and Dec walking in on them. Jake didn't tell Mase about Trent. That could wait til another day. Right now, he just wanted to spoon and fall asleep holding his love.

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