chapter 79 - confetti

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Confetti rained down on the newly married couple, as they exited the big oak doors. Hand in hand, the made their way down the stairs towards the crowd of guests waiting. Molly grabbed Jake first, dragging him into a huge hug, that ended up involving Niamh and George too.

"Why the hell are you all crying, this is meant to be a happy day!" Jake laughingly scolded them.

"It's the happiest day." Molly said through tears. "This is all happy tears." Jake kissed her head.

"Yeah bro, I'm just overwhelmed by how proud I am, how proud dad would be. I just love you, man" George managed to get out.

"Yeah Jakey, I just love you. And Mase. And I'm just so happy for you. And I'm so happy we know dad already approved." Niamh added, which made them all laugh.

"I think we all miss Dad more on days like today, because we all feel so happy, so let's celebrate for him too yeah?" Jake said, welling up slightly.

"First shot toast to big Serg?" George suggested.

"Deal." Molly smiled

"Now, disperse and stop crying, everyone is gonna think my family are a mess." Jake said with a smirk.

He was then swamped by his Manchester United teammates, who all also looked like they'd shed a tear today. They gave him loads of stick about marrying a Chelsea boy. "I just can't believe it, Javier." De Gea sighed. Much to everyone's amusement.

Jake went over to thank his ushers. Fik, Tammy, Madders, Phil, DCL and Solanke had represented the 'Greek gods and grandad' tribe and seen everyone to their places and seats.

"Eyyyy, it's a married man." Phil shouted, to more jeers.

"Aww thanks boys, couldn't have done it all without yous." Jake said.

"Right, you've not even had a drink yet, and you're getting soppy." Tammy intervened. "So we may as well get you a drink now."


Everyone had sat down to their meal, drinks were being polished off, when Marcus got up and began clinking his knife off his wine glass.

"Ladies, Gents and Footballers, if you'd be so kind as to listen in. We have a few people who have some speeches to make, so without further ado, I'd like to introduce Tony Mount to kick us off." Applause went up.

"Thanks Marcus. Hello everyone, thanks for coming out to celebrate Mason and Jake's wedding. I'm going to keep this short. Myself and Debbie have felt totally blessed by the addition of Jake into our family. We were totally opened up to a new, amazing side of our son and that was all down to you. We are eternally grateful you came into our lives and you'll be our son for life.

We also are so lucky to have Jane, George, Molly and Niamh as our in laws. You know there's always a brew waiting for you down in Portsmouth. Love you all.

And finally Mason. We love you. We are so proud of you. It's been a journey to here and you have shown us a strength that humbles us so much as your parents. Here's to Mason and Jake." Cheers went up and glasses clinked. George gave a similar speech in the absence of Serg. Marcus and Dean, followed by Dec and Chilly had everyone dying with some of their stories of Mase and Jake's early sneaking around. Which just left Mase and Jake to speak.

Jake got up first.

"Hi everyone. Thank you so much for sharing this day with us, it means more than we can express. I'd like to start by thanking my ushers, my Greek gods. You've been my safety net over the past few years and although we are all over the world now, I know we'd all drop everything for each other.

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