chapter 82 - epilogue

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"Do you think this is how we looked when we were 6?" Marcus asked Jake.

"Hmm I don't know, you probably looked sick, shock golden boy. I reckon I was probs a bit shite." Jake answered.

"I mean I was so shit, they put me in net." Dean added, to the other two's laughter. They were all stood at the side of a cold, wet football pitch, watching their kids play U7s football.

"Mad that the sprogs all play in the same team isn't it?" Marcus pointed out.

"Another 3 musketeers forming?" Dean smiled.

"They can try emulate the OGs. Tough task." Jake smirked. The final whistle went, the kids went into the coach and then came running over.

"Dad, dad, can I go to Eoin's for tea?" Brody leapt into Jake's arms.

"Yeah dad, please can I go too?" James asked Dean.

"If that's alright with Uncle Marcus?" Jake looked at his best friend.

"Yeah that's fine boys." Marcus smiled. The young boys ran off with shouts of yey. "To be fair, I think Molly and Dan are round with the kids so the house will be full anyway, what's two more?" They all chuckled.

"How's Mase doing with retirement, Rivs?" Dean asked.

"He's doing alright, working out his next move. But just enjoying time with the kids really."

"Right, get the sprogs whatever time. Jake, you on Monday Night Football tomorrow?" Marcus asked.

"I am."

"Think I'm filling in for Jack so I'll see you there."


Jake got back through his front door, to be met by the rest of the Rivera-Mount clan.

"Daddy!" Eva flew into his arms. Slowly followed by little Diego, waddling behind her.

"Hey you two! You been playing?"

"Yes, I am the princess and Diego is my dog." Eva said whimsically.

"Oh, that's nice." Jake smirked, realising that Diego was in a pair of dog ears. "Where's daddy?"

"He's in the kitchen."

Jake walked into the kitchen, following the smell of a Sunday Roast.

"Hey babe." Jake said, embracing his husband from behind.

"Heyyy. How was the game?" Mase replied.

"It was under 7s football. But yes they won. Brody has gone to Marcus and Niamh's for dinner."

"What did you expect, a bunch of messi's?!" Mason laughed. "Okie dokie, that's cool, I think Trent might be popping over, he text saying he was over here and I asked if he fancied a roast."

"Ah nice!"

"I've still not come to terms with the fact my Son is playing for United." Mase sighed.

"Ooooh, fairs. I'm unsure if I'd feel okay about them playing in royal blue." Jake agreed.


"Awwww, it's okay. They are picking up your posh accent so it's evens." Jake laughed.

"Hey! There's nothing wrong with that!" Mase started tickling Jake. They descended into a pile on the sofa. They lay there for a second. Jake eye's gravitated towards the photo of them both on the mantlepiece, from Greece 2019.

"Mase, who are those people?" Jake asked picking up the photo and bringing it back to the sofa.

"Feels like a lifetime ago. They have no idea what's about to happen to them." Mason pondered.

"Bloody hell, if they did, would they be smiling?" Jake posed.

Mase got up and picked something up. "Yes, they would." he said, revealing a photo of the 5 of them.

Jake smiled. Who would have thought two gay footballers would find happiness. Well, they had, and they'd found it together. Out to the world.

Now you see me.

The End

Authors notes to follow

now you see me - omc x mason mountWhere stories live. Discover now