chapter 55 - the day they didnt see coming

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Mase 💙

Hey can you drive to our usual
place to see me?

It's only a week til England camp
Mase 😂 what's up just FaceTime me

I think this needs to be in person

Right Mase you are scaring
me - what's up?

I'll call you


Jake answered the FaceTime, his heart pounding. "Hey baby, what's up? Your messages have freaked me out."

Mason's eyes were visibly red, and tears pricks his eyes as he tried to talk.

"Omg Mason what's happened?" Jake said, ever more concerned.

"Nothing's happened J. I just need to talk to you. I wanted to do this in person but that's not possible. I'm really struggling J, since the whole Greece thing, I'm not myself. Every time someone talks about it, I can't handle it. I'm not ready to be out and I'm not sure I ever will be." Tears streamed down the Chelsea players face as he spoke. "I'm not sure I'm the right person to be with you on your journey. I need a break."

Jake's heart dropped. He was so shocked he couldn't form a response. He thought Mase had been a bit distant but he just thought the space was good to give him time to recover from the intense summer. He never thought it would result in this.

"The whole reason I'm on this journey is because of you. The entire reason I was forced out, was because I chose to be with you. I didn't want to be out either but I didn't have a choice." Jake's voice broke with emotion.

"I know, I know." Mason replied, battling with the facts and emotions.

"The only thing that's got me through is thinking 'at least I can be with Mase'. What a load of shit that was."

"Jake it's not shit, it wasn't shit. I just can't do this, I can't be who you need me to be right now."

"No Mase, I'm not who you need me to be anymore. I'm no longer closeted anymore. I'm now too gay for you." Jake spat back.

Mason tried to come back quickly but that had hit him square between the eyes. "I'm not ready for this, you can't suddenly make me ready for this."

"I'm asking nothing of you, I've not asked you come out to, nothing. So what exactly aren't you ready for? Because I'm actually the one who's been forced out into the limelight and yet I've not blamed it on you or tried to sack this off because of it." The tears were now freely rolling down Jake's face. Ones of shock, anger and devastation.

Mase went to try reply but Jake cut him off. "You know what Mase, I don't think more words are going to make this any better, you've made yourself abundantly clear on what you want. You've shattered my heart. We have to see each other next week but please stay as far away from me as is possible. Other than that, thanks for breaking me." Jake put the phone down and collapsed next to his bed in a pile of tears.

Mason sat numb on his couch, in disbelief at how he could hurt Jake like that. But he saw no other way.


3 musketeers

rivs: hey are you guys about tonight?

marcus: yeah just the shop, why wagwarn?

dean: just at home

rivs: I'm a bit of a mess ngl - can I come round?

dean: yeah sure - both come to mine, or we could go to yours jake?

rivs: I need to be out of my house

marcus: deans then? rivs are you okay?

rivs: not gonna lie boys, no

marcus: I'm coming to get you right now

marcus: dean see you in ten


Rashy opened the door with his key, as soon as he arrived at Jake's.


"Yeah I'm coming down now." Jake walked down the stairs with a bag packed.

"Jake what's up? You look like shit."

Jake couldn't respond he just welled up again.

"J you are going have to tell me before we set off, are you okay? Is it a health thing? Are your family ok?"

"Nah nothing like that." Jake managed to say. "Mase has just broke up with me."

Marcus' jaw hit the floor. He hadn't asked that because he couldn't conceive it as a possibility. "Nah, you've got to have misunderstood what he's said. Surely not?!"

"He called me about an hour ago." Jake said, no longer fighting back any tears. By the time they had got to Dean's, they were still flowing. Jake told them both what had been said, to both their astonishment.

"What the actual fuck." Dean said. "I'm sorry but where the fuck has this come from?"

"I knew he had been a bit quiet and I knew the whole summer thing was a lot for him to deal with. I just thought we'd get through anything. Fuckkk, I feel like this is karma for me doing the same to Alex."

"This is not the same thing at all J." Marcus interjected. "Alex cheated on you, you weren't ready to come out, he made his choice. Here, you are asking nothing of Mase and he's bolted now you've had to face the music for your relationship."

"Does the boy have a screw loose? I'm seriously confused what part of him came to this choice and why he thinks this is a good idea. Who's told him it's a good idea?! I'm ringing Dec." Dean was still incensed.

"No Hendo, please don't. I just need it leaving for tonight. Thanks for letting me stay, I just can't be in my house right now."

"You know you can be here as long as you need, I mean that."

"Thanks hendo."

"I'm staying tonight too." Marcus added. "So make sure that guest room is made up for two." Marcus smirked causing the others to laugh.

"Thanks boys. You are true legends." Jake smiled.

"We are elite, to be fair." Dean agreed, with a smile.

"Already regretting saying that." Jake laughed back.

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