chapter 37 - take the plunge

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the rivers fam

mumma J: god, is everyone waiting for this announcement?

george: yeah me and jess waiting on tenderhooks

dad: you staying in London, George?

george: yeah, Jess will have to with work.

molly: mum, dad - me and Dan are literally on a train back to Yorkshire as we speak.

molly: sorry for the unannounced plan but any chance we can stay?

mumma j: like you even need to ask! Yes of course, Niamh will be happy she doesn't have to deal with me and your dad be herself

niamh: well actually, I might go and lock down with marcus 😬😬😬

george: ooooooooooh

mumma j: honestly whatever you want to do love, just make the move quickly before you can't anymore 😘❤️

niamh: ill come downstairs and discuss now

molly: go get your man nemo 😂

dad: you coming back here jakey or?

jake: well in the words of molly im going to 'go get my man' too 😬

george: you're coming to the south?!?

jake: I am indeed

mumma j: when were you going to tell us that?!

jake: calm mother - fast made plans etc

niamh: god why are we all 43 and moving in with our partners 😭😭😭

jake: I'm telling rashy you just called him your 'partner'

molly: can't believe you're all leaving me with mum and dad

mumma j: less of that missy

dad: charming

molly: (love you guys thanks for letting us stay)

mumma j: there we go 🙄

george: we can go on walks if we are allowed jakey - don't think you'll be too far from us.

jake: sickk

molly: well family facetimes it'll have to be

niamh: that does sound quite fun though

mumma j: love you all very much ❤️

jake: love you guys ❤️

dad: ❤️

niamh: love you all ❤️

molly: 💗💕💗💞💕

george: big love ❤️


"Hello, hello." Jake said, down the phone.

"Alright mate! Isn't all this COVID stuff bloody mental?!" Trent's voice came through the speaker.

"Aye, can't believe it. Looks like it'll be a lot longer off than they have said too."

"Jeees, I'll be going mental. At least my brothers are going to move in for a bit which should be pretty fun."

"Yeah that'll be a laugh - and means you won't be on your lonesome." Jake laughed.

"So what you doing then, Rivs? Staying in Manchester or are you back at the parents?"

"Erm........" Jake hesitated.

"Oh my god, you are going to Mase's aren't you?!" Trent realised.

"In the car, on my way there now."

"You sly doggg. Love it." Trent laughed.

"I'm a bit nervous, yanno" Jake admitted.

"That's normal rivs. You are going to live with the bloke, I think a bit of nerves is natural when you haven't lived with him before, or any guy for that matter."

"True true. It's just if it all goes pear shaped, I can't just leave in the middle of lockdown."

"Well there is that. But you'll be sweet, Rivs. Exciting you guys get to actually see each other for a change." Trent reassured him. And he was right. Jake was really excited to be spending proper time with Mase. It was just the 'no escape' thing that made him slightly nervous.

Mase was waiting on the drive for him as he pulled in. The two had an embrace before taking Jake's stuff inside.

"You didn't bring that much J." Mason commented.

"What am I really going to need though? I've got clothes, gym stuff, a couple of books - not like we are going to be going anywhere."

"Fair point. Hopefully this means you've not brought much to wear around the house." Mason winked.

"You should be so lucky, Mr Mount." Jake retorted, with a smirk.

"Not having seen you recently is killing me though, turned on by the breeze at the minute."

"Hahaha me too, let's go and sort that out shall we?" Jake suggested.

"Yes please."


The two boys sat down on the sofa; showered after a rigorously thorough 'reunion'.

"How weird is the world right now?!" Mason broke the silence.

"It's mental, like the thought of not actually being allowed to go anywhere is crazy. Just stuck in staring at your ugly mug, ey?" Jake laughed.

"You're not going to be able to leave at the end of this, Rivers. Mark my words - you'll be begging to stay."

"Not afraid to rate yourself highly, are ya?"

"Gotta back yourself, haven't ya? Plus I didn't here any complaints earlier." Mason winked.

"Hmm you are not wrong. Definitely a satisfied customer here." Jake laughed.

"Any way what do you want for tea?" The two boys got up and looked at what they had in. Jake watched as Mason took up full chef mode, chopping some vegetables. He could just sit and watch him for hours.

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