chapter 69 - who's in the squad?

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Jake was awoke by a knock at his door. He rolled over and saw it was only 8am. They didn't have to be down at breakfast til 9:30, who the fuck was this?

"Hey." A grinning Mason greeted him as he opened the door. He was still in full Chelsea get up, his medal still around his neck. Jake beamed back at him, pulling him inside the door and into a huge hug.

"Hey, so fucking proud of you." Jake said into his ear.

"Thanks J, not quite a winning penalty to take a trophy though." Mase smirked, now facing Jake.

"Fuck off you've just won a Champions League!"

"Doesn't make me any less proud of you this season."

"Well that's cute, but you're the bloody champion of Europe at 22 so let's bask in that please."

"Okay," Mase smiled, "wanna have sex while I wear my medal?"

"You are too much." Jake laughed.


The squad assembled in the dining hall at 9:30, all picking out the breakfast items they wanted. Unlike the usual noisy atmosphere though, there was a slight muteness to the room. Now everyone was back in camp, it was squad reveal day. They'd all have meetings with Gareth today, and 8 players who were here wouldn't make the final 26.

"What times your meeting?" Dec asked Mase, as they sat round the table.

"10:40" Mason replied.



"Fuck you both, I have to wait til 12." Dec complained.

"Not gonna change the outcome, Deccers. We all just gonna have to shit ourselves til we find out." Chilly piped in.

The group all had gym and recovery sessions all day with no on field work, mainly to allow those who hadn't made the side a chance to say byes or not and for them not to have to see everyone on the training pitch.

Jake had gone for a massage with Marcus, who's appointment was in between Mason's and Jake's at 10:50.

"Let's get these full bodies then head on up?" Jake said.

"Sounds good, but no selection chat whilst we are on the massage tables." Marcus insisted.

"Okay okay." The duo got onto the tables and the lights dimmed.

"There is something I want to talk to you about actually." Marcus said tentatively.

"Crack on then, no time like the present." Jake responded.

"Well, I'd love if you'd give me your blessing to propose to Niamh. I've been thinking about it for a while and I just didn't know if it was too soon after your dad and.."

"Let me cut you off there Rashy. My dad absolutely loved you, he'd 100% have given his blessing so I 100% give you mine." Jake turned his head towards Marcus and smiled.

"Thanks man, that means a lot." Marcus smiled back.

"Totally grim my sister is going to be a Rashford though." Jake jested.



Marcus and Jake sat patiently outside Southgate's office. They hadn't seen Mase go in, so sat down on the chairs outside, awaiting him to come out. Mason's face soon appear at the door.

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