chapter 47 - pennance

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rivers fam

mumma j: are you okay Jakey? Just seen on Twitter you are out for the game at the weekend x

jake: yeah I'm fine mum, just some close contact COVID rules but I'm all negative dw x

dad: ahh that sucks son

george: sorry to hear jakey

mumma j: as long as you are okay son xx love you



mol: george I'm moving this to this chat

mol: because you have to actually here why Jake isn't playing and we aren't telling mum n dad

mol: (Jake can't believe you haven't already told him)

niamh: 😬

jake: thanks x for x the x support x

mol: Ole caught Jake sneaking Mase out of his hotel room after the FA cup semi

mol: didn't see it was Mase but saw Jake sneak someone out

mol: and has banned him because breaking the COVID bubble

jake: well not banned but yeah protocols mean I can't play

niamh: but let's face it he'd have banned you even if you could play

jake: again loving the support here

george: jj, not your best move 🥴

jake: I know, fucking dumb, but it is what it is now

jake: gotta deal with the consequences

george: so you isolating or what's the craic?

jake: yeah 10 days, currently on day 4

george: so you won't even be at the game on Sunday?

jake: nope fml

niamh: im bringing you round some iso gifts this afternoon tho j cos I'm the best

jake: ❤️

mol: love you brother (even when you make stupid choices)


Jake was lying on his couch, when he heard a knock on his window. Niamh and Marcus were both waving, as he gestured them round the back. He opened his back patio doors and sat back inside; the couple taking a pew on some outdoor furniture.

"Hey, you look nice." Marcus laughed at Jake, in his PJs.

"Well there's nothing to be dressed for is there so might as well take advantage and be minging." Jake replied flatly.

"Take it being alone is taking its toll?" Niamh asked.

"It's just boring, and living alone is great when you can leave but it's dull when you have to be inside 24/7. Eurgh, anyway, only 6 more days to go."

"You spoke to Ole?"

"No, not since he text me saying to report to his office on Wednesday morning."

"A week today?"

"Yep. So that should be really fun." Jake said sarcastically, with his head in his hands.

"It'll be fine." Rashy tried to reassure him. "It'll be a slap on the wrist before summer, and forgotten about come next season."

"Yeah jakey, it'll be fine. You've learnt your lesson, had pretty extreme consequences already. It'll just be to touch base before the end of the season." Niamh added.

"We shall see." Jake replied, with little zest.

"Spoke to Mase?" Marcus asked.

"Yeah, facetimes me every day, bless him." A rare smile ebbed across his face. "He feels guilty because I'm paying the price for something we both did, but there's no use both of us being in iso. Plus he has the cup final to prepare for so I'd rather take the hit."

"When do you go to Greece?" Niamh chimed, to try cheer her brother up.

"Literally 2 days after cup final. Very buzzing for some sun."

"Ahhh yes, fry me. Can't wait to be on a beach." Marcus added.

"Better make the most of it because only a 3 week summer this year then back to the graft." Jake replied, in better spirits.

"Graft never stops bro."


harrymaguire93: UCL ✅ 3rd Place ✅ nice way to end the season ❤️

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harrymaguire93: UCL ✅ 3rd Place ✅ nice way to end the season ❤️

liked by jakerivers6, manchesterunited and england
marcusrashford: my captain 👊🏿
jesselingard: ❤️
d_degeaofficial: si mi hermano


Carrington always looked different in the post season. The buzz around it was muted. Jake felt like he was the only person their as he walked up the path to the training ground's offices. He greeted the receptionist, who told him he could go straight in to see Ole. Jake's heart was in his mouth.

"Take a seat Jake." Ole gestured to the seat in front of him. The midfielder did so quickly.

"How was isolation?" the Norwegian asked.

Jake was taken aback by this, thinking this chat would start out much harsher. "Erm, it was okay boss. Tough if I'm being honest. A lot of time for reflection." he replied.

"I'm glad to here the latter. I hope it gave you time to reflection on not only your personal choices, but the subsequent choices you forced the team, the club and myself to make. Champions League football was on the line this weekend, and to go into that game without our starting centre mid was far from ideal." Ole spoke calmly. "You are fortunate that things turned out well, because I think had they not, there would be a lot of pressing question as to your absence, the status of my job and the club's future."

"Gladly, this isn't a burden we have bare on this occasion."

"Yes boss."

"The coaching staff, Harry and yourself are the only people who know why you've been absent and I would prefer it stayed that way. As far as I'm concerned, once the new season is under way, the slate is wiped clean. But please use this a a valuable lesson Jake. Things may have turned out differently and your teammates and this club must come first."

"Please accept my deepest apologies on this one, boss. I really messed up and I promise you it won't happen again."

Ole turned his chair to face back to his computer screen. "I know, enjoy your summer Mr Rivers. See you after England camp."

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