chapter 49 - damage limitation

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2:34am. Jake awoke to his phone ringing. It was Sam, his agent.

"You do know I am 2 hours ahead of you in Greece, Sam. It's quite literally the middle of the night here, what's up?" Jake answered the phone.

"J, I've been trying you for 30 minutes. Wake up Mase and put me on speaker."

Jake began to panic, and turned on the bedroom light, which woke Mase anyway.

"Babe, get up, Sam's on the phone and asked me to wake you and put him on speaker."

"Jesus, it's half 2, what's wrong?" Mase groggily answered. They were now both sat up in bed, with the phone in between them.

"Right, Sam, you are on speaker."

"Hey both, sorry it's late but I decided it couldn't wait til morning. I've been given a heads up by some friends in the press that tonight, the Daily Mail have been sent images of you both in Greece, on a beach, clearly looking like more than friends." Sam spoke. Tears pricked in Jake's eyes as he felt his whole world begin to crumble on top of him. Mason just sat there in shock.

"Shit." That was all Jake could muster as tears began to fall from his eyes.

"I've now seen the images and we need to decide how we approach this. I've established some facts before we do so and I'll need to get so information off you both too. Number one, they aren't going to run the photos tomorrow, they came in too late for them to do so, so it gives us at least 24 hours to work with."

"Two, I've seen the photos and they show you two kissing but Mason's face is obscured and they only person clearly identifiable is you Jake. I don't think they even realise it is you, Mase. Mase, does your agent know about you and Jake or your sexuality?" Sam asked directly

"No he doesn't know anything about either." Mase replied.

"Well I'm glad I didn't contact him first - as far as I'm aware, unless more photos come to light, this won't directly affect you Mason. I'm pretty sure they don't know who the other guy in the photo is. Jake, it is clearly you though and we have to think what you want to do mate."

Jake couldn't believe what he was hearing. He didn't know if he felt better or worse that it was only affecting him and not them both.

"I've no idea what I want to do. I don't want to do any of this. I never wanted to come out whilst being a player. I never asked to be gay!"

"It's okay Jake." Mase put his arms around him.

"That's very easy for you to say right now. Why am I always the one to get caught and pay the price in this relationship?" Jake shirked Mason's arms away and left the bedroom.

"Are you there still Jake?" Sam's voice came through the phone.

"He's just left the room Sam, it's just me." Mase replied.

"Sorry this has happened Mase, but we need to act sharpish. Even with how upsetting this is for him."

"I'll get him to call you back ASAP."

"Okay mate, I'll ring back if I haven't heard from you in 15."


Mase found Jake sat on the terrace. He quietly sat next him, saying nothing but making his presence felt.

"This is so unfair." Jake said, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Yeah, it is." Mase agreed, putting his around Jake's waist.

"I'm going to have to come out arent I?"

"Look, give Sam a call back and let's see what he thinks your options are."

Jake dialled Sam's number, which barely rang once before it was picked up.

"Hey Jakey."

"Hey Sam, ooft, this is all a lot."

"I know, I know."

"What are our options here?"

"So we can try stop the photos coming out as one strategy - either financial offer or legal challenge. Or we get ahead of it and you come out by yourself. They are our best two strategies. I think if you leave the photos to release and then react, it'll be harder on you and you'll have even less control than we do know."

"This doesn't feel real."

"If you're okay with it Jake, I'm going to contact England and Manchester United - I think it's best to clue them in know as either way I think they'll find out plus even if they didn't, I can't see a big detriment to them knowing at this point. Legally, they may be able to help us challenge the release. Financially, I know how high I'd go but I don't want you spending money on this Jake and then it comes out some other way and it backfires."

"I agree contact United and England and see if they can help. Let's challenge legally if we can but if not see what the asking price is before I consider it. I'm going to fly back as soon as possible to Manchester, if you could meet me at mine?"

"Yeah text me when you land."

"Will do, I'll draft a statement on they way to the airport now. If you need to make a choice while I'm in the air, ring my dad and I trust you'll come to the right decision."

"Okay J, safe flight."

Jake put the phone down and collapsed into Mason's arms.

now you see me - omc x mason mountWhere stories live. Discover now