chapter 57 - pride of lions

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Jake made sure he got down to the main meeting room early, to avoid walking in like it was his own surprise birthday party. He got Rashy to come down with him so he wouldn't be there by himself. The staff had done it out with rainbow decorations and catering had put on food, with a bar and barmen there to serve drinks.

"Holy shit." Jake couldn't believe what a great job they had done. The room didn't look like the same place they had team meeting, the only give away being the unmovable stage.

"This looks class!" Marcus backed him up.

"Yeah fair play, England staff can throw a party." Jake laughed.

"Right, a drink to loosen you up, let's go - I'm sure Gareth will have us on some form of ration so let's see if this barman will help us skirt the rules." Marcus headed over to the bar. A tequila shot or two later, the rest of the squad began to filter in. Everyone had made a huge dress up effort, whether it was in rainbow colours or just non-gender conforming clothes.

"Jesus jack, you aren't leaving much to the imagination there!" Madders laughed as the Birmingham lad walked in.

"If you've got it madders, flaunt it." Jack replied, in his skin tight rainbow shorts and short tank top. The party had began to hit full swing, with all the players and staff enjoying a drink and a laugh, as music filled the room.

Players and staff alike had come up to Jake, to check in and show their support which did mean a lot to him. Then, the sound of a mic behind him caught the rooms attention.

"1,2, testing, can you all hear me?" Southgate spoke into the black stick. An enthusiastic 'yeah' went up. "Right great, welcome to our three lions pride night one and all. Few ground rules first, yes there is a bar, you are all advised that two/three drinks is plenty. However, I will not be counting. You are professionals and it's your judgement. But training is half an hour earlier tomorrow morning and anyone who doesn't meet the requirements in fitness testing will not be picked for the squad against wales. Are we all clear?"

A less enthusiastic yes was given. "Good stuff. Speaking of ground rules, I am about to break one of Jake's that he laid down in agreement to this. But I'm letting you drink so I'm sure there is some flexibility for the boss." A laugh went up. "You had asked, that there no speeches and that we all just have a good time. But I can't let the occasions go without saying how proud the group are of you."

More whoops and 'yes rivs!' echoed around the room. "Jake, I know you were just doing what you felt you had to this summer, but you've showed us immense bravery, composure and resilience in your coming out. You've embodied values we speak about showing in our Three Lions environment, and set an example to us allow in how to live those. I know every single player and staff member is here for you in whatever this journey has in store for you next, and we are all here tonight to celebrate differences in all their beautiful glory. Every time someone tell us who they are, the world becomes a brighter, more interesting place."

"I know you'll be red and sweating at this Rivs, so I'll stop now." Gareth laughed and people turned to see a very relieved Jake. "But I will give you the chance to say anything you want to say, now. I hear there's rumours of karaoke so this may be your last chance to get the mic." The England manager held the mic towards the midfielder, as he was pushed forward by Chilly and Trent.

"I did say I wouldn't do this so I'll keep it short." Jake began, but had to pause to let the cheers and chants die down. 'RIVS, RIVS, RIVS" was still bouncing from the walls as he continued. "I just want to say that I couldn't have asked for better support from the whole England family, players, staff, sponsors. Gareth, thank you for being huge support especially in the days surrounding my announcement. You are a special manager and all us players feel lucky to have you as a boss and friend." Cheers went up for Southgate, who looked touched and embarrassed in equal measure.

"One of the scariest bits about coming out was not knowing how your friends, colleagues will react. But you guys have made it so easy for me, and I am eternally grateful to you all, it does mean a lot." Jake forced himself to open up, he felt it was important. "Right, please someone come and kill a karaoke songs." Jake stepped off the stage to claps and whoops. He was grateful when Jack and Madders got up to sing 'Islands in the Stream'.

"That wasn't so awful was it?!" Dean grinned at him, as Jake returned from the bar.

"Nah it was fine, tequila helps." Jake swigged more of his drink.

"Ahh tequila opens the heart of even the most stoney faced, cold bastards." DCL said as he hugged Rivers from behind. Jake rested into the embrace from his teammate.

"What's your song gonna be Calv?" Jake asked

"I'm feeling a bit of Chaka Khan 'I'm every woman' or maybe some Whitney."

"Jake you have do Diana Ross, I'm coming out'" Dean added.

"Let's see how many tequilas I need to get me there." Jake laughed.


The boys loved a bit of karaoke, so the mic had been in action all night. Conor and Tyrone treated everyone to a bit of Queen's 'I want to break free', Kalvin and Jadon smashed 'Wannabe' by the spice girls and Dean had eventually got Jake up on stage for a whole room sing-a-long to Diana Ross. Jake was having the best night; a tequila or three too many, but he'd grin and bare that in the morning.

He hadn't thought about his situation with Mase. But his eyes locked with Dec's across the room, and the West Ham man made a bee line for him. Jake hadn't see Dec since he arrived at camp, and had only briefly seen him around the room during the night.

"Hey Rivs." Dec gave him a hug.

"Hey Dec." Jake reciprocated. "Loving the rainbow bandana by the way."

"Thanks man, I may be a bandana convert!" he laughed. "How you doing?"

"I'm good, this is class, feeling very blessed for the group we have here. Can't quite process fully, but means a lot."

"You know your fight is our fight, your struggle is our struggle. Stronger together yeah?" Dec said, slinging his arm around Jake's shoulder.

"Appreciated." Jake smiled. A small silence fell over the pair.

"I tried to get him to see sense, Jake. But he's just in a dark place right now and I don't know how to bring him out of it."

"Dec, I can't talk about him. Especially not after a few drinks. Because I'll just sit here and cry. Tonight is the first time I've not felt like I just want to crawl into bed and pull the covers over me. I know he's struggling, but my situation has clearly triggered that and this whole thing is hard enough as it is, without being responsible for making Mase struggle more."

"It's not you though Rivs, that's caused this. He's just never really accepted himself and you coming out has probably made that very real for him. He will regret taking it out on you. But I'm just scared for him mate." Dec said, with a touch of desperation.

"I can't help you with that Dec, I'm the last person he would talk to. And I don't think it's good for me to talk to him right now either." Marcus had wandered over, since they saw Dec and Jake interlocked in a deep chat.

"Everything alright boys?" Marcus asked.

"All fine, I'm just going to get some air." Jake excused himself, headed for the door.

"Mase?" Marcus asked Dec.

"Yeah. Can't fathom how he's been so dumb to let Jake go, but I've never seen him like this before and I don't know what to do."

"Shit. Look Dec, if there's anything we can all do, let's do it. Get around him in whatever way we can. But we can't involve Jake. You didn't see him after Mase broke it off. I've never seen J like that. And he's got enough to work through without having to worry about Mase too."

"You're right, just out of ideas." Dec sighed.


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