chapter 34 - bridge battle and a birthday bash

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10th of January 2020 was two things. It was going to be the first time Jake and Mason had played against each other in the Premier League. And it was Mase's 22nd Birthday. Playing at Stamford Bridge under the lights was always intimidating for any away player, and Jake was no exception. But for Mason; it was his favourite thing.


Happy Birthday Mase ❤️
can't wait to see you tonight
and console you on your loss,
loveyouuuu 😜

Thank you babe, aww the
confidence is so cute x

(Can't wait to see you)

You on your way down?

Yeah on the coach now.
Marcus n Dean say HBD

Ahh thanks lads

Well, I'll see you on the
other side

Indeed you will, meet at
Dec's after yeah?

Yeah, already got the okay
from Ole to not be back til
Monday morning

So excited 😍

Me too 😘


Team sheets were out and both boys were starting for their sides. It didn't really dawn on Jake til they lined up in the tunnel, Mase only a metre or so away, that they would be battling against each other. Tackling each other. The minute his feet touched the grass, all thoughts of that were gone. He wanted to win, this was his zone, his game, his job. He knew Mason's head would be in exactly the same place.

Mase's skin was pricked with goosebumps as the teams walked out into the Stamford Bridge night. This is what he lived for.

First Half brought lots of physical challenges, tight pressing, intensity; like you'd expect from a United vs Chelsea battle. Mason occupied the majority of Jake's defensive efforts, the United player having to keep the attacker as shutdown as possible. Just before the break, Rivers cut out a loose pass on the edge of the United's box and picked out a surging Pogba on the left. Paul took on 3 Chelsea players, whilst advancing up the pitch. Cross. Rashy. Goal. Bullet header from the striker gave Manchester United the lead at half time.

Second Half was much of the same. United were under the cosh, defensively. The pressure from the Chelsea attack was huge and De Gea had kept them in the game with some brilliant saves. 79th minute, a free kick given away just outside United's 18 yard box. Mason stood over the ball. 21 years old today. You wouldn't have known his youth from the composure he had, unleashing a powerful curler into the top right corner. 1-1.

The last few minutes were nervy. Both teams had chances. But the final whistle went, the rivals sharing a point each from the fixture.

"Well played bro." Tammy's arms were the first to embrace Jake.

"You too Tam." Jake could see he had his shirt in his hand, pressing it into Jake's chest. The United player took of his shirt and exchange with the giant Chelsea forward. They both hugged. England juniors for so long together made nights like this so much more special. They'd made it and they'd made it together.

Jake shook the other Chelsea players hands, congratulated his own teammates, hugged Fikayo and was then greeted with, an also shirtless, Mason Mount.

"Well played J." They both embraced.

"Well played Masey. Happy birthday babe. Love you." Jake whispered in his ear.

Mason broke the embrace, before it looked too long, a huge grin on his face. "See you at Dec's, yeah?"

now you see me - omc x mason mountWhere stories live. Discover now