chapter 78 - new, old, blue, borrowed.

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Summer 2022

"Are you ready" Marcus asked Jake, straightening his bow tie.

"As I'll ever be."

"Right, we'll go get Jane." Dean said, giving him a big hug on the way out. Marcus followed, holding onto him for a touch longer than necessary.

"Fuck I love you, man." Rashy whispered.

"You too brother, always."

Jake soaked in the silence that they left. God, he'd come so far to be here today. He's not sure he could've convinced himself even 12 months ago that this would be happening.

Jane entered, looking every inch the stunning mother of the groom. Jake turned to her and smiled, and he could see she was already tearing.

"I'm just going to get all tears out in here now before we go out." She laughed.

"You look beautiful mum." Jake smiled.

"You look every bit as handsome as you did on your first day of school," she said brushing imaginary dust off his blazer, "you don't ever know what you'll feel when this day comes for your kids. But I'm so proud Jacob Javier Patrick Rivera. There simply aren't words to describe how proud I am to be your mum." Both of them were now letting tears roll down their faces.

"There is one more thing. I know you think of him every day, so today will be no different. But your dad wrote letters to you all, for important days in your lives. And your wedding days are one. He wanted to be able to wrap an arm round you all, even when he couldn't do so in person. And don't tell Niamh because she's next!" Jane ended with a laugh. She passed the letter to Jake. He opened the envelope.

"Will you read it to me?" Jake asked, tears pricked in his eyes. She nodded.

"Hey Jakey, Dad here. If you are reading this, it means it's your wedding day. Boy, not sure my liver would've survived this one even I was alive! I am so unbelievably happy J, that you have found someone to be happy with. I don't think I ever told you this, because it wasn't important, but the only thing I worried about for you, when you told me you were gay, was that you'd find someone to be happy with. To share all lives twists and turns with.

I know that person will be great and kind and funny, because you've picked them (sorry if any previous death bed meddling of mine delayed this moment). Embrace every minute of the journey, because I don't regret a second of mine with your mother. I'm crazy proud of you for opening yourself up to this great gift. I love you and have the best day, I'll be watching.
Love Dad."

Mum surprisingly got through with minimal tears, only a slight hiccup at the mention of her name. Jake on the other hand was a mess of tears, laughs and pangs of sadness. He'd love for nothing more than his dad to be here.

A knock at the door came. It was Fikayo. "All ready to start."

Jake wiped his face. "Yes mate."

"Sick, I'll tell you when to go."

"Thanks Mum, for everything, you are the greatest gift I have ever had and I'm so glad you are the person walking down the aisle with me. Love you." Jake embraced his mum.

"Love you too son. Now let's get you married."


🎵 aisle music - 500 miles, Sleeping at Last 🎵

The stage was set, the best men were in position, the music began. The ushers get Mase and his Dad off down the aisle. Debbie's beaming face stared at them from the front row. Mase found a smile on his face he couldn't stop. He looked at the front, seeing Dec already having tears in his eyes nearly sent him too, but he composed himself. Chilly and Lewis were also awaiting him at the front. He thought back to all support they'd given him over the years. As they reached the front, he turned to his Dad. Tony wrapped himself round his youngest. "Love you kiddo." Mase stood next to Lewis, and awaited his fiancée's arrival.

Fik set off Jane and Jake from their room. As he turned down the aisle, he only saw Mason. He held back his tears so hard, determined not to be a mess. He could see a few tears leave Mase's eyes. He just grinned. He was so happy. He looked over at his best men to try compose himself. But George was crying too, Marcus was holding it in and Dean was avoiding eye contact with him, which did make him laugh and do the job of composing. He got to the front, Jane kissed him on the cheek, and he took his place in front of Mase.

"Hi." Mase said through his tears.

"Hey." Jake grinned back.


Mason's vows

Jacob Javier Patrick Rivera,
I choose you.
To stand by your side and sleep in your arms.
To be joy to your heart and food for your soul.
To learn with you and grow with you, even as time and life change us both.
I promise to laugh with you in good times and fight alongside you in bad times.

I promise to be your best friend,
Your partner during strive,
Your ally in conflict,
Your comrade in adventure.
Your consolation in disappointment,
Your accomplice in mischief,
Your toughest adversary and your greatest fan.

Jake's vows

Mason Tony Mount,
I take you as you are, loving who you are now and who you are yet to become.
This journey has been crazy, and I wouldn't change it for the world.
I promise to listen to you and learn from you, to support you and accept your support.
I will celebrate your triumphs and mourn your losses as though they were my own.
I will love you and have faith in your love for me, through all our years and all that life may bring us.


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