chapter 39 - zoom

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Greek gods and grandad

feeks: right I'm bloody bored of this lockdown malarkey

dcl: bloody preach

foden: yeah I'm over it - I really miss real training, anyone else hating this zoom shite?

madders: yeah not loving it

mase: is dull af

solanke: any news on restart?

rivs: we've been told maybe may back to training

tammy: yeah chels have said similar things

solanke: eurgh still like at least 3 weeks

hendo: I know, I'm bored of these 5k runs

rivs: just cos your slow deano

foden: classic goalkeeper whinge

hendo: when do I ever cover more than 1k in a game tho?

tammy: hendo we get it, you're lazy, it's okay we still love you

feeks: #pray4hendo

hendo: goalkeepers are so discriminated against

madders: you goalies got some sort of union you can go to? Where you all complain about outfield players😂

rivs: god that would be the whiniest group chat ever

tammy: so deadddddd 😭😭

foden: how's the doggo rivs?

rivs: yeah he's good, perfect lockdown amigo

feeks: very cute, what's the furball up to right now?

rivs: he's just sat here, licking mase's face


"J, are you stupid?!" Mase exclaimed.

"What the hell are you on about?" Jake asked confused.

"You've just told them all we are locked down together." Mase laughed.

It dawned on slowly on Jake what he'd just revealed. "Oh fuck."


Greek gods and grandad

feeks: ermmmmmmm

dcl: you guys got something to tell us 👀

foden: cats out of the bag

solanke: or the dog in this case

dcl: 😂😂 very good for you solanks

hendo: haha rivs is stupid

madders: and you all call me grandad? with blunders like that rivs is coming for my crown

mase: god the dog has ran a long way to London to be licking my face 👀👀👀

tammy: the only one licking your face or is rivs helping there too?

rivs: kk turns out I'm a bit thick

hendo: 😂😂😂

feeks: so how is married life then you two?

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