chapter 18 - a rivers family soirée

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Jake took Mase into the living room, while Dan got Molly a water to prevent any more truth bombs.

"Right," Jake began as he closed the door, "I've touched on a previous relationship before in stuff I've said, and that was with this guy, Alex. I don't know why I've avoided talking about it. Probably because it ended painfully and it's uncomfortable to discuss. We met at high school and after we'd left to go to college, we bumped into each other at a party. We had tonnes of mutual friends and we really got on. He wasn't out fully yet, I hadn't even realise I fancied guys and so we just started a friendship. A drunken night made me realise I liked him more than a friend, and eventually we got together. Totally in secret at first, then we told some family and friends, but I was clear to him that I couldn't ever be fully out while I played football."

Jake went on to describe how the relationship ended. He wanted to somehow show Mase he was definitely over it. "Look, Mol has put her big foot in it as tonight was definitely not the best forum for me to tell you all this, but I should of sooner and I'm sorry if it's caught you off guard. I wasn't hiding it, I just hadn't actually brought it up fully." Jake leaned a placed his hand of Mason's knee. He'd listened to Jake intently and seemed to just be processing it all.

"Yeah not the ideal timing, but let's not let it spoil our evening. We all have a past, I was just surprised - I guess we've been in our own bubble and as we begin to venture out of it more, we'll have a few situations where something takes us by surprise." Mase smiled reassuringly. Jake allowed his heart to come out of his mouth and relax. He was so grateful to be with someone so understanding.

"Shall we get back to it then?" Jake grabbed Mase's hand.

"Not before this." He pulled Jake into a kiss, before they rejoined the party.


By the time they joined, the Garcia's, Paul and Maria, had arrived. Jake and Mase had just their next round of introductions, when Dean walked in with his parents.

"Jake, how are you?!" Brian Henderson embraced him. The Henderson's had ended up like a second family to Jake, along with Mel Rashford. The three friends had become a bit of a package deal during their time at Carrington and so had become very intertwined in each other's families.

"I'm good Bri, you?" Jake asked.

"No complaints, no complaints."

"Bri, Julie - this is Mason." They greeted each other and Brian soon got Mase onto football. Rashy, Hendo and Jake made their way into the kitchen with everyone else.

"I heard Mol fucked it slightly mentioning Alex." Rashy said.

"Yeah fuck sake. Mase was actually chill about it, just hadn't fully explained who he was before."

"Oh shit, all good though bro?" Hendo asked

"Yeah yeah, all good" Jake confirmed.

Everyone was now in the kitchen diner, mingling and mixing around the room, whilst Jane finished plating all the food she had made. George graciously helped her put it all the table, while Niamh was circling the room filling drinks. Any Rivers Family soirée was a well oiled machine.

"Niamh is looking mighty fine tonight." admired Marcus to Dean and Mase.

"Can still hear you bro." Jake reminded him.

"It's a compliment!" Marcus defended himself. Mase and Hendo laughed at him being caught out. Niamh glanced over and smiled.

"I think you might actually have a shot there Rashy, she's looked at you a fair few times." Mase said.

"She's the very top of your league though Rash, would be a stretch for her to give you a shot." Dean laughed.

"Erm, can we stop match making my little sister please." Jake dropped in. The other 3 sniggered but agreed.


Jane's food had gone down a treat, and everyone was enjoying the remnants of any pavlova that was left. Jake looked over at Mase chatting with Dan and George. Shit, he thought, I'm falling hard. His heart could of burst at seeing Mason with his family. One of the reasons he'd been so devastated at his previous relationship ending, was that Jake thought he wouldn't ever have this again. He thought, whilst being a footballer, he could never meet another guy and then not one who would want a relationship, yet have that relationship behind closed doors. He felt very lucky to have found this, and felt he'd been given a chance at love again.

Jake was sat chatting with his dad, Dean and the Garcia's; Molly was over with her mum, Marcus, Mel, Brian and Julie, so Niamh took this as her chance to slip out with minimal goodbyes.

"Where you going nemo?" Jake bumped into her on his way to the loo.

"Off out out, trying to slip off with no byes." Niamh bluntly said.

"Rude! Go say bye to people." Jake demanded. With an eye roll, Niamh went to announce her departure to the room.

"Where you off, love?" Jane asked.

"Just going into town. Gals night out" Niamh responded.

"How you getting there? I'd offer you a lift but I've had a drink." Serg said.

"Nah I'll get a taxi - all good." Niamh smiled.

"I didn't mind running you into town, Niamh." Marcus piped up. "It's only 5 minutes and I've not drank so saves you some cash." Dean tried to hold back his laugh, as Marcus innocently offered. George was giving Niamh some eye contact too, with a big grin on his face. Before Niamh could accept or decline, Jane was already up giving Rashy a hug. "Awww thanks so much Marcus, least we know she'll get there safe, enjoy your night love."

"Thanks Marcus." Niamh blushed. Marcus went to get his keys and the two left.

"Smooth operator." Mase laughed to Jake, who gave him some serious side eye back. The night rambled on into the small hours of the morning. Rashy had returned, getting some stick from Hendo and Mase for his chivalrous act. Dan had had to take Molly to bed after she reached her Prosecco limit. Marcus and Mel were next to make a move.

"I love you both together." Rashy whispered in Jake's ear as he hugged him goodbye. Jake smiled at him, "thanks Rashy."

"Don't forget to come collect some stew next week Jacob!" Mel reminded Jake, as she replaced Marcus with her goodbye hug. Even his parents didn't call him Jacob so it always made him laugh when she did. "Plus I like Mason. You make a very handsome couple."

The Garcia's and Henderson's weren't far behind them in also saying there goodbyes. Hendo hugged Mase goodbye, "I'm so happy for you both mate." Hendo said. "But take this as my official best friend warning, if you break his heart I'm after you." Mase and Dean laughed. "Seriously though Mase, mega proud of you both." Dean nodded.

"Thanks Hendo, lots of love" Mase replied pulling him into another hug.

Jake and Mase were so exhausted they went straight to bed once they had gone. Their heads barely hit the pillow before they were out like lights. Content. Happy.

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