chapter 33 - backs had

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Sunlight had began to to peek through the curtains. When Jake looked at the clock it was 9:47am. Then he remember the night before. The Chelsea boys and DCL had left shortly after midnight. Mase wanted to stay but Jake knew he'd be dropped and fined so made him leave. Phil and Solanke left shortly after. And he was pretty sure Dean was somewhere still asleep in his house. And of course, so was Madders.


Good luck today, very
proud of you last night

Thanks JJ, love you

Has Madders woken up

No, not yet 😬

What you going to say?

Unsure yet, I'll tell you
after the game though,

He heard a light knock at his bedroom door, and he beckoned them in. The door opened to a crying James, who was clearly trying to hold back his emotions.

"Morning, look I don't expect you to want to speak to me and I don't blame you," he continued to stifle sobs, "I'm just so sorry Jake, I don't know what came over me. I can't believe I used language like that and I need to go away and look at myself."

Jake sat in bed and listen, as he gave his apology. He'd made a mistake, a mistake that if he repeated would be much harder to undo. But Jake wanted to get past this, to make Madders think more about language that was rife around football, that was inherently homophobic.

"Mads, I don't hate you mate. Look, what you said was really grim, yeah you do need to go away and look at what language you use. But we all do shit, sometimes hurtful bad shit. But we learn, we apologise, we move on. All the guys could tell a mile off something is up with you since your injury. So lean on us and let us help. Maybe before you come round calling me a bender or something next time." Jake tried to smile, to add some light to the situation.

Madders was still silently sobbing as Jake laid out his angle on things. "Ok maybe things have been rough the past couple of months but I shouldn't have acted how I did. I don't know where it came from. Thanks for letting me stay Rivs, I'm going to set off after talking to Dean, let you both prep for tomorrow."

"Text me when you arrive home, yeah?"

"Yeah I will."

"I actually mean that, if I don't receive a text I'll be ringing chilly to knockdown you're door or something." He got up to hug the Leicester midfielder goodbye.

"Fuck, please stop being such a good human. It's making me feel worse." Madders laughed through the tears as Jake brought him into a hug before he left.

Jake could hear Hendo and Madders talking before he eventually left and set off home, but couldn't make out what they were saying. It was definitely a lot less heated than last night, which was progress at least.


Only an afternoon training meant that Hendo and Jake had a lazy morning, before Marcus came to pick them both up for training.

"So how was last night? Fill me in. Did you all stay off the beers?" Marcus was very chirpy, as they got into the car. Both their hesitations at answering the question made Rashy immediately suspicious.

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