chapter 25 - the L word

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Jake's alarm went off in his London hotel room. Game Day number two of this international period and they had Kosovo at Wembley tonight. However, Jake's alarm wasn't football related. He darted out of bed and got changed into some non sportswear, and headed out into the City to meet up with George and Niamh for some breakfast. It had been 3 days since Jake had told Mase he loved him. Mason had not said it back.


niamhriversss: another day another coffee - thanks to my breakfast photographers @georgerivers94 @jakerivers6 📸

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niamhriversss: another day another coffee - thanks to my breakfast photographers @georgerivers94 @jakerivers6 📸

liked by marcusrashford, deanhenderson and jessmontague
mollyrivers: miss you guys 🥺
jakerivers6: love ya nemo
georgerivers94: gang gang gang


"So he didn't say he didn't love you though?" George posed to Jake.


"He just smiled back when you said it." Niamh added.

"Yes." Jake confirmed.

"Well it's not a disaster J, it was probably just fairly overwhelming situation. Just made your first cap, all the families meeting and stuff - it probably took him by surprise." George reassured his younger brother.

"Yeah Jake, look you aren't used to this but welcome to the world of 'Boys are shite'. He probably doesn't even know you are bothered, maybe he thought the smile back was enough to say he did too." Niamh said. "He will say it, maybe you'll just have to be patient."

"Eurgh, yeah whatever. I want to not be bothered, but that'd be a lie. He's been normal the past couple of days but we haven't really talked about the "L" word moment." Jake despaired. The three of them drank coffee and lamented over Jake's situation for the rest of the breakfast date, before he had to fly back to the team hotel.

"It'll all work itself out Jakey." Niamh said, as she hugged him goodbye.

"Yeah, plus it's game day so no time to dwell." George added.

"Yes, you are right! Buzzing for Game 2, see yous both later."


Mason knocked on the hotel room next door to his. Dec opened up, rubbing his eyes.

"Jesus Mase, bloody early to be making a racket." Dec murmured. Mase brushed past his best mate, into the room. "What's up."

"Jake told me he loved me the other night, after the game." Mase stated.

"That's huge mate! So what's the problem?"

"I didn't exactly say it back."

"Oh, I see. Is it because you don't feel that yet?"

"I don't know, I don't know. I was so happy, both our families met, it was great. Then he just said it and I just smiled back. I was speechless, I didn't know what to say."

"Maybe something like 'I love you too'?" Dec replied

"Thanks Dec." Mase replied with a sarcastic smile. "Before I could even get my head into gear, the moment had passed and our families were chatting to us. I've been stewing on it the past couple of days, thinking it's not that bad. But it's bothering me that it is, and I'm going to fuck this up." Mase stressed.

"Right mate, you need to calm first bro. Not going to lie, probably not great that you didn't say it back." Dec said. "But it's not the end of the world, and you have chance to change that. It's more important that you don't say it before you know how you feel."

"I don't want to mess this up, Dec. I don't want to lose what we have." Mase confessed.

"Is that not your answer then?" Dec questioned.

"What do you mean?"

"Isn't that what loving someone is? You don't want to lose them, you want them in your life, you are at your happiest when you are with them."

"I....I don't think I've been in love before." Mase admitted, staring out of the window.

Dec got up and hugged him from behind. "Welcome to the party then, brother. Because I see the way you look at each other, and trust me, it's in a fuck-i-love-you-and-our-future-gay-babies sort of way."

Mase laughed as he returned the embrace. "Shit, well I need to sort this then."


@england's tweet

Tonight's starting 11: Pickford, Alexander-Arnold, Keane, Maguire, Chilwell, Rice, Rivers, Henderson, Sterling, Sancho, Kane.


marcusrashford: racing towards another @england win tonight, let's go 🦁

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marcusrashford: racing towards another @england win tonight, let's go 🦁

liked by deanhenderson, niamhriversss and philfoden
jakerivers6: you only look at food like that
harrymaguire93: we got this 🙌🏻
manchesterunited: our striker ❤️


Jake had managed to stay focus during the warm up and prematch talk; Mason had tried to grab his attention a couple of times but he had a job to do. No one would get inbetween Jake and his goals.

"You ready to go Rivs?" Dec asked him in the tunnel.

"Yeah let's have it!" Jake laughed back at him. The two shared a fist bump before turning and walking out to the screams of the crowd.

The first half performance had been good from England. After sloppy defending in the first minute of the game gave Kosovo the lead, the team had responded brilliantly with five goals and dozens of close chances. The half time team talk asked the same again from the lads, to keep the intensity up. That hadn't happened with them conceding two early second half goals. This sparked a couple of changes, and in the 70th minute, Jake saw his number appear on the fourth officials board. Mase stood underneath, waiting to take his place. He jogged over and put the hand out for Mase to shake. Mason grabbed Jake's hand and pulled him into a short embrace, though long enough to whisper in his ear.

"I love you too Jake."

Jake looked up at his grinning teammate, who quickly ran onto the field. Jake couldn't help but smile, his whole body lit up with happiness. A weight has been lifted. He hadn't said the L word in vain. The boy he loved, loved him too. Was there a better feeling in the world?

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