chapter 31 - give and receive

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"Merry Christmas!" Marcus had arrived at Jake's door bright and early, to pick him up for training.

"Merry Christmas bro! So weird, I actually love Christmas Day training."

"Yeah I don't mind it to be fair, makes eating a massive dinner later feel less bad." Marcus agreed. They both got in the car and blasted the festive tunes all the way to Carrington. All the guys were in a great mood, which made the session fly by and before they knew it, they were piling back into the changing rooms.

"When are we doing Secret Santa then, lads?" Maguire broached.

"Now, yeah?" Jesse asked excitedly.

"Jess, it's Secret Santa, you aren't going be getting a new car or owt." Marcus replied.

"No such thing as bad free stuff Rashy Rich."

"Everyone got their gifts here?" Harry asked around the room. Nods and yeah's resounded back and so everyone starting exchanging gifts. Jake got up and surprised Luke from behind, putting his hand over the left back's eyes.

"Merry Christmas from your Secret Santa." Jake said in a low, Santa-like voice. He passed the gift around and into Luke's hands. Shawsy turned around sharply, to grab a look at who had bought him the gift.

"Ahhh cheers rivs." Luke replied, ripping off the paper. Jake had got him some very fancy poker chips, personalised with Luke's initials and shirt number on. The left back was clearly gassed with his gift, throwing his arms around his teammate. "These are sick, Rivs. Big love man."

Jake smiled to himself, as he continued to get changed after training. As he did, a present dropped onto the bench next to him. "Feliz Navidad Javi." He instantly knew his gift was from David de Gea. As soon as David had found out Jake's middle name was Javier, he had used it exclusively, when addressing the midfielder.

"Ahh gracias David, estoy seguro de que me gustará" Jake replied, opening the gift. The layers of paper tore away to reveal a Valencia FC shirt with 'Rivers 6' on the back. Jake's Dad is from Valencia and still supported them from afar.

"David, this is amazing, thank you!"

"No problem, I hope you like it."

"I love it."

The changing room was now a see of wrapping paper, as the players filtered out to get on with their Christmases.

"Does it feel weird that you'll be now dining with Rashy every Christmas, Rivs?" Dean laughed.

"You're just jealous you don't get Jane's cooking, Hendo." Rashy replied.

"I am to be fair, anyways see you both tomorrow."

"See ya mate." Jake said, getting in the car. It was slightly strange going to his family Christmas with Marcus, but over the years, he'd become like family anyway. Now he just an in-law as well. The two off them headed off over the Pennines, excited to enjoy the rest of the days festivities. Jake knew Marcus was not prepared for a Rivers Christmas. The vast amount of cousins, aunties, uncles was too much even for him - never mind being 'fresh meat' to the extended family. Jake chuckled to himself, pretty sure Niamh hadn't prepped him for the event. 'This will be fun to see.'



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