chapter 48 - back to the scene of the crime

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masonmount: gutted to not get over the line, we'll be back

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masonmount: gutted to not get over the line, we'll be back

liked by fikayotomori, jakerivers6 and madders
benchilwell: chin up bro ❤️
tammyabraham: YES WE WILL 💙
philfoden: sending love


"The only thing taking the edge off the cup final is knowing we are on our way, to get on a private plane, to go lie on beaches together." Mase whispered in Jake's ear, as they sat in the car driving to London City Airport. Dec was dropping them off, to avoid having a driver suspect something between the pair.

"Right you two. Best behaviour now in Greece please, we don't want another Harry Maguire head butting situation." Dec joked with them.

"No promises." Jake laughed.

"Yes dad." Mase replied.

"..and go and have lots of sex to make up for the time apart." Dec added.

"Dec, you've made the Dad comment weird now!" Mase scolded him.

"Thanks Deccers." Jake laughed as he got out of the car. Soon, they were on a private plane, sipping a cold beer and on their way back to where it all began for them both. Greece.

"So what do you have planned then Mr Mount." Jake asked his boyfriend.

"A couple of surprises up my sleeve Mr Rivers, if you must know." This had been Mason's Christmas present to Jake, and Mase knew how to do gifts. When they arrived, a car picked them up from the plane, and took them to a private villa, in a secluded part of the island. Here, masseuses were waiting for them to give a full body massage and a private chef cooked them dinner, which they are overlooking the Greek sunset.

"I have to hand it to you Mount, maybe the best Christmas present ever." Jake smiled.

"Well I don't like to disappoint." Mase smirked. "I'm glad you like it."

"It's perfect."

"Just one more surprise for the day, and then we can laze about all holiday I promise." Mase grinned. He took Jake's hand and led him out of the villa and onto the track they'd driven to get here. They walked down the hill and towards the sea.

"Where you bloody taking me?!" Jake asked.

"You'll see, patience." Mase laughed.

They turned a corner onto a driveway and Jake instantly recognised where they were. It was the villa where they had stayed with the guys last summer.

"Ahhhh no way!"

Mase led him past the villa and out to the beach the villa backed onto. There, was a blanket laid out, illuminated with fairy light, and a basket with champagne and fruit in.

"You are a true romantic Mr Mount." Jake kisses his now blushing lover.

"I love you J."

"I love you too."

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