chapter 64 - mayfair and old memories

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Greek gods and grandad

rivs: so game has been moved to Friday night the weekend we are in London

rivs: more time to 🍷🍷🍷

foden: I'm telling Southgate xxx

dcl: strong snitch vibes from Phil tbf

tammy: yeah we always knew we had to have a snake in the grass somewhere

solanke: yeah my money was always on Phil or Mase with them being the younger additions

hendo: yeah I back that

mase: wow shots fired

feeks: be careful guys, Mase might leave the chat again 😶

feeks: (too soon?)

rivs: nahhh 😂😂😂

tammy: 🤣🤣🤣

mase: getting very brave over there in Milan arent ya fik?

feeks: 😘

madders: so what are the actual plans?

tammy: right so rivs n hendo play on Friday night, me and Mase playing Phil at 12:30 on sat. madders, dom x2 all playing at 3pm. So let's say 7pm I'll book us food? And Sunday let's just chill before every fucks off?

dcl: sounds good, where we all staying?

mase: think we are all at mine

phil: sensational, rivs/hendo can I jump back in with up to manny?

hendo: yeah no dramas, Jake's driving

rivs: sounds like we have a plan, excited to see you all (will FaceTime you fik)


"I bloody love a Friday game." Marcus announced to the whole coach, as he got on.

"Do you?" Luke asked.

"Yeah just gives you the full weekend doesn't it?"

"That's the only benefit I think, don't think the crowd pops as much on Friday night." Fernandes added.

"Well, either way, we've a job to do so let's go get it done." Harry's voice boomed over everyone else's.

Tottenham were their opponents, and the new White Hart Lane was a ground that got the blood pumping. Despite a huge home crowd, United managed to eek out a 2-1 victory, with Jake and Marcus on the scoresheet.

"Enjoy your weekends. See you all 8:30am Monday morning." Ole said, departing the changing room to begin his weekend off.

"Come on boys, we have to go out tonight." Marcus slung his arms around Dean and Jake. "You aren't seeing the Greek grandads or whatever, til tomorrow night. 3 musketeers night out pleaseeeeeee?"

"God, someone's wounded by not being in the group chat." Dean laughed. "But I'm in, that win has my buzzing!"

"Ok ok, let's do it." Jake agreed.

"Yeah the boys! Shower, change, let's hit the town." Marcus smiled.

They were quickly ready, and in a taxi towards Mayfair. For three England players, the red ropes were swung open at will, by London's finest nightclubs. And the boys would be sat in the VIP areas filled with more free booze than they could manage. A young lad's dream.

"Right Mr Henderson, who are we setting you up with tonight?" Marcus placed his hands on Dean's shoulders.

"Hmmm, those blondes at the end table are very attractive to be fair. But not sure I'm feeling pulling tonight, just happy it being a boys night." Hendo laughed.

"That's cute and all, but they are too attractive for you not to have a crack. I'm going to go over and gay best friend the situation for you." Jake got up and made his way over to the girls. Within minutes he'd beckoned Dean over, and set him up with Jade, a beautiful blonde sat on the end of the table.

"Ahh think my work their is done." Jake walked back over to Rashy.

"Wingman Wizard you are, Rivs. Now what about yourself?" Marcus asked.

"Rash, you already know me and Mase are giving things another shot."

"I know I know, just seeing if anyone had caught your eye." Marcus smiled.

Jake surveyed the room. "Oh shit, look, 3 o'clock, it's Alex."

"Yeah he's not catching your eye again. Over my dead body." Marcus replied.

Jake's ex had seen him and waved, so he felt obliged to go say hello. He unhooked the VIP barrier and stepped down onto the dancefloor.

"Hey stranger." Jake called out.

"Hey J." Alex hugged him. "So sorry to hear about your dad."

"Thanks man." Jake managed a smile.

"How are the family?"

"They are okay, holding up good. How are you anyway?"

"I'm good, I live down here now so actually you're on my patch." Alex laughed.

"Apologies, I'll stay clear of Mayfair nightclubs next time." Jake winked.

"Nah, it's great to see you." Alex said, with a smirk.

A silence fell over them as they absorbed being in each other's presence again.

"Oh, you better get back to the posh bit J. Before the bulldog comes and throws you back in." Alex broke the moment, referring to Marcus who was over the barrier, intently watching them.

"Ah I see, any way, it was great to see you Alex." Jake hugged him goodbye.

"You too. Text me." Alex grinned and walked onto the crowd.

"What was all that about?" Marcus questioned Jake when he returned to their booth.

"Nothing. Just felt I should go say hi." Jake protested.

"Looked very cosy if you ask me."

"Shut up you, there's nothing there." Jake shut him down, ignoring the weird connection he felt when he was talking to Alex again.

"There better not be! I know I've been a bit slow to get back on the Mase train. But I'm running onto that now, and away from the Alex train. He's in the past for a reason, Rivs."

"Exactly, stop insinuating there's so something there."

"Okay. Okay. Calm."

They'd barely stopped speaking when a very flustered Dean came over to them. "Boys, I'll see you tomorrow. I'm going back with Jade. Either of you got any jonnies by any chance?"

"Oooh smooth operator Hendo, get in son!" Marcus ruffled his hair. "But can't help you with the condom situation, me and.."

"I'll stop you right there, Rashford. Don't need to know about you and my little sister." Jake reminded his best friend, who looked a bit sheepish. "Here, there's a couple there." Jake pulled two from the back of his wallet.

The pair stared at him. "You never know when you'll need them, they've been there for quite a while!"

"If you say so, Jacob Javier." Dean teased him. "But thank you very much. See you both tomorrow."


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