chapter 27 - kick off

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Jake's head was spinning. There was just too much for it process at once. He barely heard Alex's response.

"I happened to be out in London tonight too, when we walked in someone told us some footballers were in, and I thought I'd see if you were here." Alex responded. "How are you anyway? You haven't replied to my past few texts."

"I'm good, I'm good. I'm sorry, I know I haven't replied. But I thought it best we left the past in the past, Alex." Jake stated.

"So we can't even be friends, after how long we have known each other?"

"Would be the weirdest friends ever. 'Hi everyone this is my friend Alex - who I used to date, lost my virginity to, cheated on me, broke me..'. I'm not sure that would be the basis of the healthiest friendship."

"I broke you?! I spent months wanting more than you would give me, you broke me!" The pair were now drawing attention from onlookers in the club. George came between the pair, in an effort to calm the situation, but to no avail.

"You knew what you were getting into Alex, not on me that you changed your mind!" Jake retorted, the alcohol lowering his filter.

"You are the biggest wanker I've ever met Rivers, honestly fuck you." Alex replied. Mason had caught the action in the corner of his eye and decided he and Trent would come over.

"Everything alright, Jake?" Mase asked, from over Jake's shoulder.

"Yeah, just give me a minute Mase."

"Oh yeah, wouldn't want any other precious footballers overhearing would you, Jake." Alex interjected.

"Alright mate, calm down." Mase replied.

"And who the fuck are you?! Get out of my face." Alex wouldn't step back, wouldn't retreat an inch as he squared up to Mase. Trent put his hands between the pair, to stop any further escalation.

"Alex, I think it's time you left." George calmly added, trying to usher Jake's ex away from the bubbling situation. Mason heard the name and pieced together who was standing in front of him.

"Nah, I'm not scared off this scrawny rent boy." Alex spat back. Mason saw red and reach over the arms of Trent, clocking Alex around the face with a right hook. Alex came leaping back at Mase, as they both continued to scrap. George was pulling Alex away, while Trent was trying to contain Mase.

"What the hell are you both doing?!" Jake tried to reason with them both. But to no avail. Instantly, club security was over and escorting George, Alex, Trent and Mason out of the club. Leaving Jake, shell shocked, alone.

"What the hell happened there Rivs?" Marcus appeared in front of him.

"Why don't you ask the inside of my sister's mouth ey Rash?" Jake replied, pushing past his teammate. He walked out of the club and into the cold London night.


George Rivers

Hey where are you? I'm in
A+E with Alex 🥴

Didn't see you come out of
the club, are you alright? Are
you with Mase?

Jake please reply to me

Where are you? Why aren't
you answering the phone?


Trent AA

Gone back to the hotel
with Mase

Have you left yet?

Rivs, everyone else is back
from the club where are you?

Just want to know you're
alright Jake x



Rivs everyone at the hotel is
looking for you, are you alright?
Can come get you from wherever
just give me a shout x



Jakey, I'm sorry I'm stupid.
I didn't think it through and
sorry it was in front of you
like that.

What happened in the club?
Where are you now?

Back at hotel, Trent filled me
in. Wtf where are you? Are you
with Alex? Ring me ASAP

I know you might be mad at
me but tell me where you are
and that you are okay,
everyone's worried.

Right George doesn't know
where you are either and he's
with Alex so where the hell
are you? Pick up!



Sorry I'm drunk I don't
know why I did that.

With Trent at hotel

Where are you?

J, everyone's back and
George hasn't heard from
you either. I'm worried,
please answer the phone

I love you


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