chapter 72 - blood is thicker than water

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They'd barely got through the door of St George's Park, when Jake was already knocking at Mason's room door.

"Hey babe." Mason kissed him.

"So what's gone on?" Jake asked.

"I knew I had to tell you this as soon as I heard, but I was still getting a rub down in the changing rooms whilst Marcus and Dean were still showering, and I overheard Marcus saying that he regretted proposing to Niamh."

"What the fuck?! It's only been three weeks. What else got said, I need to know everything you heard." Jake was raging.

"I wasn't fully listening at the start because I had no idea what they were talking about. But then I heard Niamh's name and tuned in. Marcus was saying he felt under pressure since the engagement and that Niamh was already planning the wedding and he didn't want to get married that soon. Dean was trying to rationalise to him that obviously Niamh would be excited. But Marcus was just ranting, clearly getting it off his chest. He was saying that he felt smothered whilst at camp, and he was avoiding going upstairs. And he ended it with, 'I'm starting to regret asking her in the first place' which isn't ideal."

Jake had gone into a red state of anger.

"Jake, are you okay?"

"Obviously I'm fuming Mase. Why the fuck is he bringing that into camp for one, why hasn't he brought this up to Niamh. She seemed a bit fucked off at him today but she's very happy in the relationship. And like that's my sister for fuck sake what if I'd walked in to hear that. I could honestly go knock his block off right now."

"Well, that would be a dumb idea. I think you need to calm down and address it with him calmly tomorrow. Decide what you want to say." Mase reasoned with him.

"You think I'm bad? If George was here right now, he'd be going bloody mental."

"Great thing he isn't then. Look I didn't tell you to make you mad, I told you so you can have Niamh's back."

"I do appreciate it, thanks Mase." Jake said, in a slightly calmer tone.

"You also need to remember, Marcus is your best mate and he's clearly struggling too. Don't let the off the cuff comments cloud the bigger picture, J."

"Can you stop being really smart and rational please?" Jake laughed

"Now, come here and let's sleep. Or if you have any energy left?" Mase winked.


Next morning, team breakfast.

Mason had talked to Jake, who was now considerably calmer, about what he was gonna say to Rashy, and that maybe the team breakfast wasn't the right place to do so.

"Hmm so how do I act this morning then?" Jake threw back.


"I don't feel my normal feeling towards him, though so this is going to be difficult. Why am I also mad at Hendo? I know that's not called for but just feeling also fuming towards him."

"Let's focus on one problem at a time shall we?" Mason smiled.

They sat down and ordered what they liked, breakfast post game day was always a bit splashier. Gareth got up to go through the days time timetable.

"Right all so very much a recovery and analysis day. So out of breakfast by 10:30 please and Group 1 into physio and massage, Group 2 into yoga. Then swap. 11:30 into individual analysis time slots, rotas are on the board. 1pm lunch. 2pm team analysis session. 3pm light gym session. That's it today lads, see everyone soon."

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