chapter 36 - locked down, locked in

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rivera hermanos 👭👬

jake: soooooo i may officially have a boyfriend now

molly: yaaaaaaaaaas things we love to see ❤️

geo: so gassed for you bro ❤️

nemo: awwwww jakey yes! spill the beans - how and where?

jake: he took me to play mini golf and then watch a sunset and he asked me there

molly: very cute

geo: ⛳️ every hole is a goal

nemo: always lowering the tone 🙄

molly: you still near LDN jake? Me and Dan are near, if you and mase have no dinner plans we'd love to catch up with you guys

jake: yeah I think mason's planning ended at asking me at sunset (plus a little champagne he had planted there earlier), so sounds good!

molly: cool - I will let you book because I actually know nowhere, mase can pick. But our treat for the young loverrssssss ❤️❤️

jake: hahaha okay thanks mol

geo: thanks for the invite you two - only lived in LDN for 18272615 years now - but I do actually have plans

molly: then stop whinging you southerner

geo: pls do not joke about that - you know that hurts

nemo: enjoyyyy my babies ❤️


3 amigos

rashy: so a little birdy tells me rivs now officially has a BOYFRIEND

hendo: Eh? Is this news? Didn't you already have a boyfriend?

rivs: nice to know news travels fast thanks niamh 🙄 but yeah Mase asked me today.

rivs: lovely to know you pay so much attention thanks hendo 😂😂😂 no we weren't officially boyfriends that conversation had not happened. Took him 72 hours post me saying 'I love you' to decide he did too so the boyfriends conversation seemed a long way off 😂

hendo: well congratulations - im very happy. When is the wedding, I'm so excited for it, INJECT IT INTO MY VEINS

rashy: 🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺💃💃💃💃💃💃

rivs: fuck off you two 😂

hendo: no genuinely I'm gassed for it - so pls don't leave it too long

rashy: yeah me too - im feeling lots of ABBA on the DJ decks

rivs: I think we are both still a bit too closet for a gay wedding yet lads 🤣🤣🤣

hendo: you do make a very compelling point - I will not be giving up hope though

rashy: sending the newly official couple lots of love (and a night of the naughtiest fun)

rivs: suddenly incredibly uncomfortable thanks boys 😘

hendo: just how we like it ❤️



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