chapter 4 - midnight skinny dip

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'Never have I ever' came to and end with Solanke saying "never have I ever gone skinny dipping", to which everyone drank bar Solanke and Fik.

"Have you two seriously never been in the sea in the nud?" DCL said in shock.

"Nope" Fik shook his head.

"Well that's changing right now. Last one in the sea is cooking breakfast tomorrow!" Tammy shouted, already half way out of his seat. A stampede ensued, the 8 lads ran off the terrace and down towards the shore, discarding whatever shirt and T-shirt's they had on. Cheers and woos echoed out as each of them felt the cold water on their naked bodies.

"Cracking arse on you there calv" Hendo shouted after him.

"Sculpted by the gods, Hendo, what can I say!" DCL retorted.

"I'm guessing that means Dean was last then if he can see everyone behind!" Tammy laughed.

"I like my eggs scrambled Hendo cheers" Jake quipped.

"What you think of the skinny dip then Dom and Fik?" Mase asked.

"Liberated to be fair" Fik answered.

"Yeah I'm all about it actually" Solanke added. They all got into a huddle in the sea and began jumping up and down singing some Oasis. They were absolutely smashed and DCL thought they should get out of the sea before someone drown. The music was still coming out from the villa and the boys all searched for their missing clothes, whilst half dancing and singing along to the tunes. Fik fell and was clearly not getting back up anytime soon. Between the laughing, Tam and Dean helped him up and tried to get in back to the villa.

"Honestly boys I'm finnnneeee" Fik slurred.

"Haha looks like it, Tam stop laughing and take an arm" Hendo chortled.

Phil challenged DCL to a beer pong match, which a semi conscious Solanke claimed he would ref. Jake felt an arm on his shoulder as he searched for his clothes in the sand. It was Mase, handing him his t shirt back.

"Thanks maateee" Jake managed to get out. He was feeling the tequila and lost his balance, falling back in the sand laughing. Mase followed, also pissed, laughing his socks off on the Greek beach. They both ended up on their backs, looking up at the stars. Jake admired the clear skies and how many stars he could see.

"That was real brave Jake, earlier. You've got balls man." Mase said into the silence.

"Thanks Mase, means a lot" Jake replied. God we are both too drunk for this conversation Jake thought. "Makes it easier you guys being legends about it".

"Still, brave as fuck man - I, I don't have that sort of courage" Mase stuttered.

"Ay a bit of Dutch courage is always helpful." Jake laughed, not picking up on any distress from the young Chelsea boy. Silence followed and as it continued, Jake turned towards Mase and it looked as though he was trying to saying something or be sick, Jake didn't know which.

"Mase, you alright?"

"Jake, I'm gay too"


Jake was taken aback, and hammered, which wasn't a good combination for saying words. He looked into the boy's eyes. Kind. Dreamy. Pricked with tears. He took Mase's hand and just held it.

"It's alright you know Mase, you can tell me." Jake managed to compose himself enough to comfort his teammate. Mase smiled at him, and before he knew it, he could feel the boys lips on his. Gentle and soft. He didn't know what to do. Jake felt he shouldn't do this but the alcohol took hold and Mase's lips felt too good to resist. He returned the kiss, and one led to another, each more urgent and passionate than the last. Mason moved on top of Jake as he lowered back into the sand, both of their hands wandering around the others' body. They peeled off what clothing they had put back on and, for the first time, they could feel each other's full bodies press against each other. Jake was so hard at this point, and he could feel Mase was too, as he took both their lengths into his hand. Mase moaned slightly at the northern lad's touch, trying to stop himself screaming out in passion. Jake felt him travel down his body and take his length into his mouth, in one go.

"Shitttt" Jake stifled a full moan, but was in heaven at how good it felt. He felt Mase move off his dick and move round to his behind. Kisses, licks. Jake was biting his lip so hard, this guy was driving him crazy.

"Can I go in?" he heard Mase ask.

"Yeah." Jake whispered, trying to not let his voice break. He was on the edge and as Mase entered him,  he pulled the hot midfielder down into a passionate kiss, moaning into his mouth as Mase slowly rocked back and forth. It wasn't long before they both were nearing their climax. Jake finished first, looking into Mase's eyes - which then sent him over the edge too. Mase collapsed onto Jake and they both lay there, panting. Mase rolled off and as they both got their breaths back, neither of them left or said a word. Jake rolled to look over at Mase, who when he felt Jake move, also turned to look at him. They shared another kiss, before they heard Phil singing 'we are the champions' and forcing DCL to down the rest of the beer pong drinks.

"We better go back up" Mase said, getting up on putting his clothes back on.

"Aye we should, but Mase, we should talk tomorrow. You're not alone in this"

"Thanks Rivs"

Jake's head was spinning as they walked back up to the villa. He knew things had changed forever. In what way - he didn't know, but was sure going to find out.

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