chapter 66 - water under the bridge pt 2

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By the time DCL, Solanks and Madders arrived, the table had already got through a couple of bottles of wine.

"Ooh are we playing catch up?" Madders grinned.

"Potentially, Mr Maddison." Dean slurred.

"Jesus boys, what happened to a chill night?!" DCL laughed.

"Nah, it is pretty chill. Hendo is still partially pissed from last night." Tammy laughed. The tribe were now all present (bar Fikayo), and Phil clinked his glass with his knife, gathering everyone's attention.

"Right you losers, just wanted to say, we don't get to see each other's faces in the flesh very often. And every time we do, I'm reminded of the sickest times we have together. So proud of us all for making it to Southgate's Final 44. Here's to football coming home in 4 months time!"

Everyone cheersed their glasses to Phil's speech, all sharing smiles around the table.

"Jees, can't believe we've all made it in that squad." DCL turned to Jake.

"I know, it's a madness. To think we are all pretty much the same age group too. To all have broke into the seniors is crazy!"

"You excited for the summer?"

"It's all I can think about." Jake replied. "I want nothing more than to be standing on that pitch, holding the trophy. Just gotta get picked first."

"Rivs, I'm so sure your name will be in that final 26, don't worry." Dom reassured him.

"Hmm, I'm hoping so. I want to be in that 11 though too. So many mids having great seasons like Dec and Mase. I've missed a few games and I just feel as though I have something to prove."

"Fuck me Jake, you barely missed any games given the circumstances and Gareth won't even be thinking about that. When you have been on the pitch, you've been class and you've got the remainder of the season to continue that. You'll be on that pitch come July."

"Thanks Dom." Jake replied. The table were all still engrossed in conversations.

"What's the craic with you and Mr Mount then, if you don't mind me asking?"

"It's going alright. We had a lot to sort out and work through, but it's nice having him back, not going to lie. We are taking things steady and we'll see where it goes."

"You both seem back to some form of normal, and I'm enjoying it." he smiled.

"Yeah, I've set out some ground rules that if he can't meet, he can fuck off. So I feel a lot more comfortable with it, and it seems he does too." Jake sighed.

"Got a good feeling about Round 2 Jakey, trust me."


As the night ticked on past midnight, the group began to break off to go home. Four months out from a EUROs meant they had their limits. Dean had scurried off first, gone to meet Jade again. Tammy had gone to go find his girlfriend, Leah, which left the rest of the Greek Gods, who were staying at Mason's.

"Right, taxis are outside let's start plying in." Mase announced. "Where's Jake?"

"At the loo." Madders answered.

"Okay, you four go on and I'll get in with Jake in the next taxi."

"House key?" Solanke asked. Mase threw them over the restaurant and off they went, singing merrily on their way.

It wasn't long before Jake made his way back to the table. "Everyone gone?"

"Yeah sent them back in the first taxi back to mine, ours is outside now so let's go." Mason replied, grabbing Jake's hand and leading him out. Both a little tipsy, the taxi journey was quite tough. But Mase didn't let go of the Yorkshire boy's hand.

They arrived back at Mason's to an after party already in full swing, with Phil on the speakers and Madders lining up the shots.

"I thought we left for a semi early night, lads!" Jake laughed.

"Meh, we got back and thought, one last blow out?" Solanke winked, whilst madders shoved shots onto all their hands.

"To health and good fortune, and to England winning the EUROs." Madders shouted. All of them necked their shots and danced about to the tunes Phil had put on.

A few shots and songs later, Jake felt a familiar pair of hands round his waist.

"Hey." Mase mumbled onto his ear lobe.

"Hey." Jake replied. "What's up?"

"Just wanted to come say hi, and feel your body I won't lie." The Chelsea boy smirked. Jake turned in his grip to now face him. They looked into each other's eyes, the tension rising between them.

"If you continue looking at me like that, I won't be held responsible for the things I'll do to you." Mason whispered.

"What, right here in front of everyone?" Jake laughed.

"I'm that horny, trust me, I wouldn't care." Mason said, filling the air between them with chemistry.

"Hmm, I'm not sure we should be doing this yet Mase. We haven't been back on that long and what if this sends you back to square one?"

"We won't if you don't want to. But that won't happen, I promise. I want you so bad, J."

The United player thought on it for a second before grabbing his hand and pulling him upstairs, into his bedroom. Their lips crashed together, as they tore each other's clothes off. This wasn't going to be slow and romantic. It was going to be passionate, frantic, rough. Make up sex always is. Jake got onto his knees and took his boyfriends length into his mouth, extracting moans of pleasure as he did so. Mason returned the favour before his pinned down his lover and entered him, Jake gasping as he moved in and out.

"I've missed this, J. I love you." Mason managed to murmur, before they both finished.

"I've definitely missed that too." Jake giggled.

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