chapter 74 - shall we go somewhere other than greece?

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"I've never been this hungover." Jake murmured, wondering if anyone else was awake.

"How did that get so out of hand? We fucking lost!" Dec said. Jake turned over to see that in the bed was Mase, Dec, Chilly and himself.

"I wanna die, it's so hot in this bed, how many bodies are in it?"

"4." Jake replied. "Wake up Chilly!" he shouted throwing a pillow at him.

"Too loud." Mase complained. Groans could be heard coming from the awaking Ben.

"Fuck sake. Why are we all this shitfaced after a loss?" Ben asked.

"Only way to try and cope?" Jake offered up.

"Jesus it was carnage though." Dec laughed. "Oh my god, who's that wrapped in the rug on the floor?"

Jake peered his head over. "Haha it's Deano."

"Hendo!" Dec shouted.

"Again, volume." Mase complained.

"Shush Declan. This rug is now my home, thanks Mase." Dean replied.

"You're very welcome." Mase murmured back.

"Anyone wanna come assess the damage?" Dec asked.

"Yeah let's have a wander." Jake replied.


Dec and Jake wandered round the house. It seemed some people had got taxis home, or back to their hotels, in the wee hours. Highlights of the house tour included Phil and Madders topping and tailing in bath, Luke Shaw still asleep out on the decking and the 'fuck Chelsea' graffiti on one of Mase's painting, in a shade of lipstick that looked suspiciously like Molly's.

They started the clean up of bottles and rubbish, which most bodies who were left joined in with for a bit, before leaving very hungover. Dec, Mase, Jake, Chilly, Trent, DCL, Phil and Dean were left at the end of the clean up.

"Round 2 anyone?" Phil suggested.


the rivers siblings

jake: morning, what time did you all leave?

molly: god, think Dan said about 5?

niamh: me and Marcus left at 6?

george: same time as mol (obvs as she's currently dying on my sofa)

jake: mol, did you potentially lipstick graffiti a painting last night?

niamh: hahahahahahahahaha yes she did, although Marcus provided the words

mol: oh fuck, was it on anything expensive?

jake: on mason's painting of lisbon from champs league that his parents have just had done and hung for him :)))))

mol: omg no Jake I wanna kms - I'll have it redone

jake: hahaha it's fine, you are lucky it's framed! Glass wipes.

mol: don't do that to me!! I'm legit crying

george: she actually is tbf 😂

mol: god im unstable

jake: i am baffled on a daily basis why Dan stays

george: he just said 'mainly cos you've got a nice gaff' 😂😂😂

niamh: ded

mol: you going anywhere nice on the break j? nemo?

niamh: me and Marcus are legit on the way to the airport lol, catching a few days in France before he joins up with any madness going on with the rest. Then I think we are doing a few days at the end too. Just need some chats and us time to steady the ship x

george: yeah I'm sure all is good

mol: sounds like a positive step 😘

jake: yeah very grown up of you both I love it. Not sure where we are off yet - discussions in progress.


The chat had turned to holidays and what they were all gonna do.

"I'm sorry but we have to all be in the same place and then we can go off and do bits and bats with who ever, but I'm not even a little bit done with catharting yet." Chilly piped up.

"I'm on that wave length, I'm thinking a couple days to get sorted then let's all go somewhere, then do friends and fam after." Phil added.

"I'm feeling Greece, haven't been in a while, it's always class, it's got boats - I'm there." Dec jumped in.

"Yeah been a couple years since I've been to Greece, I'm in." Dom joined in.

"I'm literally on board for anything. Just as long as I'm not in charge of planning." Dean said.

"I'll pop in and about so yeah I'm vibing Greece." Trent seemed in too.

"Jake, Mase?" Dec asked.

"Obviously love Greece, just been two years in a row." Jake pointed out. "Last trip didn't leave the worlds greatest taste in my mouth."

"So lucky third time, and rewrite bad Greek memories." Trent bounced back.

"And you've had lots of great Greek memories too." DCL pointed out.

Jake turned to Mase. "Why don't we literally set off today to somewhere other than Greece, have some time, then join up with everyone."

"Awwwww cuteeeeee." Phil awed.

"gayyyyyyy." Dean coughed, to a laugh from Mase and Jake.

"Okay I'm in, let's go now." Jake responded.

"Right you fuckers, time to leave my abode, Declan can take you all back to his. I'm off to airport to go to somewhere that's not Greece." Mase laughed.

The group cleared out, Jake packed their bags, Mase booked accommodation and a plane, and they were off. Only 4 hours after deciding to leave that day, they were on a plane.

"So where did you choose." Jake asked.

"Somewhere very romantic, stunning views, and at least on the way to Greece. Prepare for lots of pasta, pizza and penis as we are off to Capri."

Jake laughed and looked into Mason's eyes. "Love you."

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