#88 Mute.

378 19 43

Random picture. XD Also warning, this isn't my best work since it's been awhile.

It had happened ten years ago today. Something that had not only effected a life, but the entire dynamic of the family itself.

Ten years ago today, Meliodas had gone mute from an accident. It had made local news with how shocking the story was, even if it was only caused by dog attack. However his little brother Zeldris, was never caught up in the gossip that has gone on for those several months. Meliodas had made sure of that. Why one might ask though? What did his little brother have to do with such an unfortunate event?

It was because little Zeldris was what caused the incident, and Meliodas never wanted him to blame himself for that since he had luckily been too young to remember.

Meliodas had been absolutely ecstatic when he was told about having a little brother. He may have only been five at the time, oh but he was already so protective of his mother and unborn brother. He would follow her around everywhere and constantly ask how little baby was. It got to the point where he wouldn't even sleep in his own bed. He'd say he had a nightmare every night so he could curl up with his Mamma and snuggle against her tummy next to the baby.

This was of course very reassuring to the parents as they knew early on the two boys would get along. However, when two years passed and the small children were playing in the drive way, that protective instinct would reach a level they hadn't previously thought possible for a seven year old.

A Pittbull came out of nowhere and rushed the children, or more specifically, little two year old Zeldris.

It came fast and without hesitation according to the neighbor's security cameras that recorded the whole event. So fast in fact, that the boy was completely paralyzed when it happened, he didn't even have a change to move.

But his brother did.

Meliodas tackled the dog right as it launched itself at his brother and told Zeldris to run, something he luckily did quickly. Yet unfortunately, the brave boy didn't get out of the situation as unscathed as his brother.

Since he was so small, it was only a few vital seconds he had been able to hold the dog for. After that, he was slammed to the ground by the powerful dog and bitten right in the throat.

Zeldris had gotten their mother immediately after running inside and she rushed out and called an ambulance quickly enough that the child miraculously survived the incident after emergency surgery.

The only truly tragic thing about this situation though, was not everything was saved in the events that happened.

His vocal chords had become severely damaged in the accident, and the doctor told the family he would never be able to speak again.

Surprisingly enough, they took it harder than he did.

It upset him of course, however he was just happy to be alive and that his brother was safe and sound as well. His parents didn't seem to share those views.

It started with denial as they tried desperately to get him into speech therapy and would often try to force him to speak by "reassuring him" and trying to push him to speak the words he needed to. The denial didn't even stop when they got the same answers over and over again from therapists saying it wasn't possible. It only happened when he felt a burning in his throat and was rushed to the hospital because his vocal chords were being strained when they shouldn't have been. Caused by their persistence to get him to speak when he wanted something.

Then it turned into embarrassment. He had been given mandatory classes by school to learn sign, and the parents were encouraged to as well. Howbeit they only showed to two sessions before quitting. They knew the alphabet but nothing more. With all the effort they had put into him to get better, they refused to have much part in any of his therapy or signing after it was revealed he couldn't speak anymore.

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