[85 part 2]

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"Semester's ending soon." The nurse began. "Heard the weather's nice on Earth. Plan on going back for the holidays?"

Amity lightly shrugged, "It'd be nice to see my parents for a bit before making an excuse to go back to camp- Ouch!"

Luz purred a little louder, Amity relaxing slightly at the sound. "Would you like me to set a time with your father?" Luz asked, opening her mouth.

Amity let her take the lollipop, then nodded, "Yes please.."

Luz waited a few seconds before opening her mouth again, Amity taking the lollipop back, putting it in her mouth. "Starting to doubt you two." The nurse muttered, placing the tape on the gauze."

"Doubt?" Luz clarified.

"Hard to believe you two aren't uh.. Dating.."

Luz took the lollipop back, placing it in her mouth, "What makes you think that?" Luz asked, using her thumb to wipe Amity's lip.

The nurse sighed, shaking her head, "I have your passes ready, unless you two would like to go now?"


The human hummed, "We can go buy more lollipops at the store, then we can go talk to Lily."

Luz nodded, biting the lollipop, cracking a piece, finishing it off and throwing away the stick. "Come on then."


Lollipops acquired! Waiting for Lilith's answer. "..Only a few days?" Lilith asked.

Amity nodded, "Only a few days."

Lilith checked her scroll, "Today's Tuesday..Sunday, at the latest.

Amity cheered, "Huzzah! Thank you Lilith! I'll go get ready!" The human rushed upstairs.

Luz glanced up from her meal that was forced upon her, taking another bite of it. "Really going to let her?"

Lilith nodded. "It'll keep her out of the way here.."

Luz ohed, cautiously taking a bite, "Is everything going to be alright?"

Lilith half shrugged. "I'm hoping it is. Go make the call, tell me a good time."

Luz took the final bite, drinking some water, going upstairs. "Amity! I need your dad's number!"

"Gimme a sec!! Let me find my phone first!"


"Pleaseeeeee." Alador begged.

"My mothers' wouldn't allow me to, I can't." Luz sighed.


"Let me call you back.."


Luz hung up, looking up at Lilith, "I don't want to-" Luz whined.

"I'll talk to your moms, you are going."

Luz whimpered, leaning back in the chair, "Whyyy.."

"Because you'll get to meet the parents! And they want you to go!"

Luz grumbled, calling Alador back, the human answering in an instant, waiting. "They said fine.."

"Yes yes yes! Bring all your pots and pans Luz! You're making us dinner!"


Luz rested her head on Amity's shoulder, gazing at the bus's TV. "It's stupid." Luz blurted out.

"Then stop watching it." Amity said, messing about with her phone.

"It's enticing.."

Amity flinched when she got a loud notification, reading it, "Oh we're almost there! Come on get your stuff ready."

"Wha- But the movie hasn't ended yet- Amity-"

The human hissed, pulling her hand away from her bag, shaking her hand, "Ouch.."

Luz examined the scene, concurring that Amity had closed the bag on her injured finger. The witch took Amity's hand, kissing her knuckles, "Don't focus on the pain, it'll wear off.."

Amity frowned, "How am I not going to focus on it? It stings!"

The bus hissed as it slowed to a halt, the lights flashing, "Connecticut park." The driver called out.

Amity got up, taking her bag, Luz getting her belongings, both exiting the bus since they paid after getting on. "Where to Amity?" Luz asked.

The Blight hummed quietly, "That way. Come on."

Luz looked around, snapping, their belongings disappearing, "Really? We couldn't have done that sooner?"

The witch took Amity's hand, gently squeezing it, "Well, you were mad, and I wanted to hold your hand since I didn't know where I was going. Then I also just realized I could do that." Luz said.

Amity sighed, "Come on then.."


Amity unlocked the door, opening it, "We're home!" Amity called out.

A little bell jingling caught both girls' attention, "Hey Ghost!~" Amity cooed.

The white cat trotted over, nuzzling Amity's legs, "Where did..You find her?" Luz asked.

"Outside in the woods. Which is kinda weird, cause I thought she was a carved wooden cat til I made a wish. For some reason, only then did she move, even when I tried to pet her." Amity picked her up, kissing the kitty. "Such a good cat~"


Luz felt the cat, Ghost shivering and looking at Luz. "Palisman."


"She's a Palisman, Amity." Luz took the cat. "And she's yours."



Amity shakily got Ghost back, the cat mewing proudly. "Alador!" Luz called out.

A thud ensued upstairs, quick steps rushing down the hall, the man coming over. "Luz- Hi--"

"Evening Alador." Luz greeted. "Thank you for inviting me."

He nodded, "Yes- Ah-"

"What would you like for dinner?"

                  To be continued.

Witch Luz X Human Amity. Lumity FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now