Luz had been checking up on Amity as the witch cooked. This was probably the 12th time in the last half hour. Yeah...She felt a bit guilty for being responsible for knocking out the human. "Would you like me to monitor her?" The automated voice suggested."No, it's okay. I got it. Do you think you can fix the light in the closet? Eda said it didn't work."
It beeped twice, leaving Luz with the sizzling sound of the oil. You want to know what she made? You reallyyy want to know? Well...I guess I can tell you. Chicken nuggets. For Amity. She knew the human was 14, but she still acted like a kid. She decided to add some cut up vegetables on the side, and a few fries.
She went back to her room, and placed the plate on her bedside table. The human was asleep, getting kind of cold too. Luz went to her closet, taking out a small light blue blanket. She walked back over to Amity, covering her in the blanket. The witch ran her hand through the humans hair, getting no response.
She smiled slightly, seeing how peaceful the human looked as she was sleeping. She bent down and kissed her forehead. As she left the room, closing it behind her. The automated voice spoke; "I can see you have feelings for 'Amity Blight,' Luz."
"Wha- I do not. She's just a really good friend."
"You are lying to yourself. It is better to let your feelings out. So, would you like to talk?" It asked.
"No, thank you Friday. I'm fine." Luz said, walking back to the kitchen.
[I miss you Tony Stark ;w;]
"You seem to be annoyed. Would you like to talk about it?"
"No Friday. I'm okay. Did you fix the light?"
"Yes. I did. We need to restock on the ingredients by next week if you plan on staying for a few days." Friday said.
Luz turned off the stove, grabbing the pan and turning on the sink. "What are we missing?" Luz asked, washing the pan.
"Your favorite ice cream, chamomile tea packets, running low on milk and soap, then finally rice. There is only enough rice for 2 people for 3 days." Friday said.
Luz finished washing the pan, drying it off before putting it away. "Thank you Friday."
She beeped twice before going silent. Luz checked the time. 4:27. Luz dried off her hands and went to back into her room. A few of the dinosaur nuggies were gone. The witch walked over to the human, looking at her. "You're awake aren't you?"
Amity turned and faced her, tears coming out of her eyes. "W-What happend? Are you okay?" Luz panicked, sitting on the bed beside her.
"Why do you treat me like a kid..? I'm 14..." Amity mumbled, wiping her face.
"Well...Technically...You still are a kid.. Hey, look at me.." Luz said, putting her hand on Amity's cheek. "Enjoy while it lasts doofus. I'm not going to make you any more dinousars." The witch said, wiping the humans cheek, getting rid of her tears.
Amity laughed slightly, leaning in to Luz's palm. "I'll treat you like a teen. And I'll make you dinosaur jelly sandwiches." Luz said, pulling her in a hug.
The human giggled, hugging her back. "Peanut butter and jelly only..And no T-Rex's..."
Luz hugged her tighter, agreeing to her demands. "Now finish eating. Starting tomorrow, probably, I'll make you PB&J dinousar sandwiches. Okay?" Luz asked, pushing her back.
Amity nodded, jumping on top of the witch, hugging her tightly. Luz hugged her back, hoping Friday wouldn't come back online and ruin this. Sadly, it wasn't the robot who ruined it, it was Amity. She pulled back giggiling as the witches face turned a light red. "I'm going to continue eating. And you can't have any of my nuggets. Or my fries. You can have my vegetables."
"Nu-Uh, you're eating your vegetables. And I'm going to watch you eat them." Luz huffed.
Amity growled, huffing and getting off the witch. "I'm not eating them." The human muttered.
"If you don't I'll make you regular sandwiches." Luz threatened.
Amity gasped, pushing the witch. "That's going a bit to far!"
"Then eat your veggies!"
The human groaned, grabbing a carrot and biting in to it. "Happy?"
Luz left the room, coming in a few seconds later. She stabbed a piece of a random carrot. "Say Ah~" Luz said in a sing-songy tone.
Amity opened her mouth, taking the carrot and eating it. She huffed, snatching her dinosaur nuggets, and shoving it in her mouth. "I hate you."
Luz laughed, getting another piece of a carrot. She did the same thing, Amity reluctantly eating it. "You only ate 2 slices, there's still a lot more." Luz said.
Amity groaned, and sat down. "Fine.."
To be continued.

Witch Luz X Human Amity. Lumity Fanfiction
Fanfic❗Hey! Quick warning! If you're not comfortable with some gorey scenes, please pick another one of my stories! Just some abuse, but don't be alarmed! Just for a few episodes and you're home free!❗ In this AU, Luz is in every track. But her main one i...