"Off! Get off!" Luz huffed, trying to get the Griffin's off of her.She yelped, falling in the grass. They all chirped, jumping or flying around her. The witch switched forms, running off. She barked, trying to scare them off. Which only made them want to follow her even more. Amity called her over, Luz immediately going towards her.
She hid behind the human, not really being covered by her. Her antlers were sticking out, and her bushy tail was way to big. The Griffin's cooed, flying directly to her. She continued running off, the Griffin's nearing. She howled, the Fenrir's perking up. They all began barking, trying to jump over the fence that enclosed them.
She tripped over some remains of the classroom, tumbling down the small hill. She sneezed, the Griffin's landing in her mane. She huffed, going back to the school. The Fenrir's still barking. She trotted towards them, barking aggressively. They perked up, sitting down. Luz walk back to Amity, laying down in front of her. "We're supposed to be helping out! Stop messing around!" Viney shouted.
Luz barked, the Griffin's getting out of her poofy fur. She barked a few more times, them getting in a single file line. She got back up, walking towards a collapsed room. "Dragon would be better, careful okay?"
She nodded, switching forms. Same dragon she was when she fought Macy. She spread her wings, flapping them. The dust all collected in the corner, making a big pile. Luz helped lift the celling while some of the witches who came took some of the bigger chunks of the wall. Amity took care of the animals, mostly the Griffin's.
Viney helped Amity out with that too, teaching her how to properly clean a Griffin's wings. Some hippogriff students placed bricks on the celling. A few fixing the giant hole that was showing from the room beside it. This is going to be a loooong day.
Fixed 2 rooms, almost done with the 3rd one. But the sun was setting, so they called it a day. The Griffin's nuzzled the dragon, going back to their designated nests. The Fenrir's barked, all making a dog pile. "Need a ride?" Luz asked the human.
"No, I'm okay. Thank you though."
"Okay, be careful."
Amity nodded, walking back to the front of the school. Luz, on the other hand. Stayed behind. Amity took the long way home, she just wanted to clear her mind a bit. 'I should visit the teachers tommorow..' The human thought.
She passed a familiar building, The Dorky Diner. Camilla was inside with Eda, picking up with her wife. They kissed eachother everytime they passed one another. Laughing a second after. Amity smiled, continuing the route home. She passed the park, a few parents making their way home.
It was quiet. A bit to quiet. She heard flapping, thinking it was Luz flying by, but no. She looked straight ahead, picking up the pace a bit. The sun had set, and the moon was now rising. She heard a twig snap, so she looked back. "Someone there?" She asked.
Amity heard a click, so she looked back in front. A hooded figure stood there, holding something in front of her. Looked like their version of a gun. But more..Advanced. She took a step back, another click. "Have anything?" They asked, their voice clearly altered.
"No." She mumbled, trying to make sure her voice wouldn't crack.
"Pitty.." They snarled.
'BANG' "Think you missed." A familiar witch said in a bitter tone, dropping the bullet.
Amity uncovered her face, looking up at the witch. "Oh my god I'm so glad you're here." The human sighed, hugging her witch from behind.
Luz pulled her close. "Did he hurt you?" She asked.
The witch swallowed the lump in his throat, taking a step back. "No, but he did scare me.." Amity mumbled, holding on to Luz's arm.
She could feel the human tremble, definitely in fear. Luz glared at the witch, him shaking in fear now. "Drop the weapon." Luz demanded.
He let go, putting his hands up. "Apologize."
"Sorry, so sorry. Forgive me please." He begged, kissing Amity's hand.
Luz snarled, pulling Amity even closer to her. "Don't touch her."
The witch apologized profusely, bowing. Amity pulled her hand back, both now around Luz's arm. "Scram you idiot!" Luz hissed in a bitter tone.
He screamed, running off. Amity tightened her grip on Luz's arm, the fear of almost getting shot staying with her. "I'll walk you home.." The witch said, grabbing the humans hand.
She picked up the weapon, snapping it in half with her free hand. This thing was made of metal. She was ticked off, all her anger going in to breaking something. Luz held on to it, needing to turn it in and get someone to cover this part of town. She walked the human home, not once letting go of her arm.
As they walked towards Lilith's home, Amity spoke up. "Thank you..."
"How did you catch that bullet..?"
"Adrenaline kicked in..So I don't really know.." Luz mumbled.
"I'm glad you were there.." Amity said.
"Me too. I didn't feel like leaving you alone to walk home. So I kind of followed you. I stepped on a stick, which caught me off guard too." Luz said, both turning the corner
"You followed me? Guess you knew I would need your help." Amity said.
"I just had an overwhelming feeling..That if I didn't go I could've lost you.." Luz muttered, her voice breaking.
Amity looked up at the tall witch, nudging her. "I don't go down easy, you know that." The human smiled slightly.
Luz pulled her in a hug. "Don't go anywhere alone ever...The bathroom is an only exception." The witch muttered.
"I won't." Amity said, hugging Luz back.
To be continued.

Witch Luz X Human Amity. Lumity Fanfiction
Fanfic❗Hey! Quick warning! If you're not comfortable with some gorey scenes, please pick another one of my stories! Just some abuse, but don't be alarmed! Just for a few episodes and you're home free!❗ In this AU, Luz is in every track. But her main one i...