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'Ring Ring' Luz's phone rang, the witch groaning. She sat up, reaching for her phone. She pressed the green button, answering the call. "Hello..?" She asked, her tone coming off rudely.

"Morning sleepyhead. Someone sounds angry." Amity giggled.

Luz perked up. "Oh, Amity! Morning! Sorry, I'm just kinda tired. What's up?" Luz replied, getting off her bed.

"Nothing much, just wondering if you wanted to hang out? Lilith said she was going to be busy till later in the afternoon and we're so bored."

Luz hummed, getting some clothes from her closet. "We?"

Squeaks, coos, and meowing could be heard over the phone. "Yes we, I have pets Luz."

Luz scoffed. "Okay okay, calm down human. Geez, just curious..Okay, I'll be there later, maybe 20 minutes?"

A loud thud ensued on the other end, spooking Luz. "Dairy no! Don't do that! Licorice doesn't like Fynn she's just cold doofus!"

The jackalope squeaked innocently, Amity sighing. "Sorry, Dairy just pushed Licorice off the bed after she curled up beside Fynn..Bad bunny!"

Luz giggled, shaking her head. "Male jackalope's are possessive, it's completely natural when they start to age up."

Amity sighed. "Yeah Fynn's not to happy about it though. Fynn don't do that! No no no! AH! EEP-"

Luz pulled the phone away from her ear, questioning what the hay just happened. "Amity?-"

"I'm okay, they're all on me right now. You guys want to say hi again?"

All the pets overlapped each others voices, all trying to say hi to Luz. "What happened?" Luz asked.

"Fynn was bapping Dairy's nose, and when I told him to stop they all bapped mine. Now they're all messing up my hair.."

Luz smiled a bit, moving her hair back. "They probably want something, I'll be there later. Bye."

"Later alligator!"

The witch hung up, stiffling a laugh. 'She's such a dork..'


"Amity, you're the bad guy aren't you?" Luz asked, moving the humans hair back.

"W-What makes you say that?" Amity questioned nervously, letting out a purr.

Luz showed her her screen. "Because you just killed me in security."

"That was you?! I-I'm so sorry!" Amity exclaimed, getting up.

Luz hummed, pulling the human back down. She put her phone down and rubbed Amity's back. "Can there be more then one bad guy?"

The human nodded, her purrs growing. A sad tune played on Luz's phone, a happy tune on Amity's. She giggled, showing Luz her phone. "I won!"

Luz smiled, getting her phone. "Yeah yeah, you little rascal. You didn't even vandalize, what's up with that?"

Amity hummed, thinking about it for a bit. "Well I didn't want to accidentally kill you if the cabinmates couldn't make it in time..-"

Luz left the game, Amity doing the same. "I probably would've done it on my own." Luz responded.

Amity put the game mode to put on two bad guys, giving Luz the code. The host started the game once Luz joined, her screen turning red and showing her partner. "Ohohoho. This is going to be fun." Luz smirked, heading to security.

Amity giggled, killing someone right in front of Luz. "Quick get out, I saw someone coming awhile back." Luz warned.

They both vented away, heading to a different room. After a couple of seconds, red reported the body. No one was voted out, so they continued the game. Amity killed someone in galvanic, someone coming in too. "Oh no-"

Luz came in, killing them too. "I got you." Luz said, rubbing Amity's back.

Amity put her phone down, nuzzling in to Luz's chest. The witch killed someone, the duo immediately winning. Luz turned off her phone, putting it on Amity's bedside table. She moved the humans hair back, looking over at the pets. Dairy was curled up beside Fynn, the Griffin's wing over him. Licorice was leaning on Amity's leg, slowly dozing off.



"You okay?"


Luz hummed, pushing her off. The human moved a bit, curling up slightly. The witch sighed. 'Knew it.'

She left the room, closing it behind her. She pulled up her screen, checking the time. 11:54. She went downstairs, and in to the kitchen.


Luz knocked on Amity's door, coming in. She went over to the human, shaking her gently. "I made lunch~"


"I made it from scratch too."

Amity sat up, rubbing her eye. "From scratch..?"

Luz nodded, moving Amity's hair back. She wiped the humans cheek, who then let out a purr. Amity nuzzled in to Luz's palm, putting her hand over Luz's. The witch caressed Amity's cheek, the purrs growing. "You going to eat or do you want go back to sleep?" Luz smiled slightly.

"Sleep is a good choice.."

Luz laughed, the pets waking up. Fynn stretched, spreading his wings. Dairy yawned, looking over at the girls. Licorice stretched quickly, going over to Luz. The witch kissed Amity's forehead, the humans purrs growing. 'Poof' Both the jackalope and cat turned back in to stuffies.

Fynn cooed, nuzzling the jackalope. No reaction. The Griffin got up, booping Dairy's nose. Nope. Fynn panicked, pawing at the jackalope. He chirped frantically, catching the girls attention. Luz let Amity go, picking up Dairy. She kissed his forehead, a cloud of blue surrounding them this time. He shook his head, groggily looking at the hybrid.

Luz hummed, sitting down beside Amity. "You okay buddy?"

Dairy squeaked, attempting to nuzzle her, but ending up staggering forward. Luz squeezed him tightly, a puff of black surrounding them. Luz put him on her lap, moving his fur back. Fynn chirped, nudging the witch in a panicked manor. Amity picked him up, which was getting harder and harder since he's getting alot bigger, kissing his beak.

He cooed, looking over at Dairy. He chirruped, his tail going in between his legs. Amity sat him down on her lap, moving his fur back. "He's okay buddy. He just needs a little rest."

Fynn looked up at Amity, chirping quietly. "Just give him some time to collect himself. Let's go eat." Luz said, ruffling his fur.

She put Dairy down on the pillow, getting up herself. She took Licorice off her shoulder, gently placing her on Amity's head, then taking Fynn. He got on her shoulder, wanting to go back to the stuffie. He chirped, trying to jump. "Fynn, he needs to rest. Leave him.."

He yelped, attempting to jump again. Luz casted a spell, the Griffin going stiff. He huffed, relaxing slowly and dozing off. Amity went downstairs first, Luz closing the door behind her. She followed Amity, placing Fynn on the counter gently. "Think he'll be okay..?" Amity asked.

Luz shrugged, moving Fynn's fur back. "We'll just have to wait.."

To be continued.

Witch Luz X Human Amity. Lumity FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now