[Oneshot request 4]

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warp_speed requested; Boscha and Willow date.


A special witch read her book while she waited for another witch, she ate a macaroon while she continued to finish her chapter. "Hey~"

Boscha giggled, looking up at Willow. "Morning."

Willow hummed, examining the witches book. "What are you reading?"

Boscha closed her book, showing her the cover. "I'm not aware of it's title yet, but I only know it's about some place in Amity's world."

Willow kissed her cheek, getting a giggle from the witch. "You're so cute." The witch with glasses said, resting her head on Boscha's shoulder.

Boscha leaned against Willow, opening up the book again. Willow read along, being a bit quicker to read the the other witch. "What happened to the date?" Boscha asked, turning the page.

Willow shrugged. "Cuddle date at the park?"

Boscha nodded, kissing Willow's cheek before getting up. "I was already prepared for that line." The peachish pink witch said, holding up a small basket.

Willow took it, taking her hand as well. She lead the way to the park picking a nice shaded area by a tree to sit at. She took the small flannel pattered blanket, unfolding it and laying it down.

She say down in front of the tree, patting the spot beside her. Boscha took it, leaning against the witch. She opened the book back up, Willow putting her hand around Boscha's waist. "Don't mind me."

Boscha giggled, kissing her cheek before continuing to read the story.

I know it's short- But this is all they did- They finished the book- And it was in London- So- Yeah- Here's another one.

aminerules requested this;

Listen, I love these ideas- They're amazing- BuT wHy So MaNy!? I'll do all of them, except the ones relating to animals

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Listen, I love these ideas- They're amazing- BuT wHy So MaNy!? I'll do all of them, except the ones relating to animals. The episode I just finished required alot of researching to at least seem legit, so I have to simmer down on animal requested ones for a bit. The other three will all be connected, so be prepared!

After convincing Lilith to let Luz and herself go to the human world just to get some donuts, Lilith agreed. "Be back in 2 hours! Not a second late!"

Luz nodded, putting up her hood. "If you need anything, just call me." Lilith mumbled, handing Luz her phone back.

Luz took it, taking Amity's hand. "Okay. You're the expert, let's go.."

Amity took Luz through the portal, Lilith waving before closing it. The human, who was no longer in a foreign place, inhaled deeply. Luz stayed close weary of their surroundings. After a bit of walking through the forest, Amity could see a very familiar street.

Witch Luz X Human Amity. Lumity FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now