Sorry if I'm doing to many part 1's and 2's!
"I'm back!" Luz shouted, Hooty opening the door.
"They've gone out! Hoot! Wanted to get something for you!" Hooty responded.
"Mm, okay. Thanks for telling me." Luz said, walking upstairs.
Amity followed, struggling to get up the steps. Eventually she made it up to Luz's room, trotting around. Luz opened the bag of treats, the enfield stopping in her tracks. She sniffed the air, looking over at the witch. "Want one?"
She yipped, running over to her. "Sit."
The enfield stopped, and began whining. Luz snickered, getting off the bed and sitting in front of Amity. "You want one don't you?" The witch teased.
She pouted, slowly sitting down. Luz scratched behind the enfield's ears, placing the treat in front of her. Amity swiftly took it, chewing on the meaty treat. Her tail wagged swiftly, pawing at the bag of treats. "You like them don't you?"
She yipped, grabbing the bag and tugging at it. "Hey! You're going to rip it!-"
By then, it was to late. Amity ripped the bag, the treats flying in the air. She yipped, catching the ones in the air. "You're such an idiot." Luz laughed, petting Amity.
She yipped, her tail wagging even faster.
Luz trembled, not enough for Amity to notice luckily. The human transformed back a while ago, not even realizing it. She wrapped her arms around the witches waist, nuzzling in to her back. 'I'm so gay..'
Luz clicked her tounge in annoyance of her thought. She was gay, she just hated admitting it. Even to herself! The witch sighed, putting the utensils down. She turned around, hugging the human back. Amity yelped at the sudden action, flinching. "W-What are you..?"
The witch just tightened her grip on the human. Not wanting to let her go, just wanting to finally accept she was gay. Sigh. The things you do for love. A few minutes go by, Luz finally let go of the human. "Sorry.." The witch mumbled.
Amity smiled. "It's okay!"
Her heart skipped a beat, feeling like mush.
Just wanted to include that~ Sorry~Hooty ate with Luz and Amity, watching the show with them. "For the honor of GaySkull!"
The orb flashed, turning off. "What happened..?" Amity asked.
"Get off for a second, I need to go check.."
The human got off the witch, Luz getting up a second later. She looked around the living room, and found Eda's staff. She picked it up, Owlbert stretching his wings as he woke up. Luz scratched his head, walking towards the door. She opened it, and just as she suspected. "Rain. It's raining." Luz sighed.
Hooty cowered, hiding behind Amity. "It's fine Hooty, it happens." Luz said, grabbing an umbrella.
She opened it as she walked outside. Owlbert cooed, turning back into wood. Luz spun the staff around, a yellow curve appearing over her. She concentrated on making it bigger, enough to cover the house. Amity stood by the door, watching the witch closely. Luz breathed in and out, making a bubble like casing on the house.
She fell to the floor once it finished, panting. Amity rushed over to her, kneeling down beside the witch. "Are you okay?!"
"I-I'm fine..Just a big spell..Takes alot of energy out of me..Don't worry.." Luz laughed weakly.
Amity sighed, helping her up. "So what happened to the orb..?" She asked.
"The rain must've went through the power box..Cut a wire or something.." Luz muttered.
"It's not acidic is it..?"
"Heavens no..It can go up to very high temperatures..So I could melt the metal.."
"Can you fix it..?"
"Yeah, I'm smart remember..?"
Amity laughed, helping the witch to the side of the house. Hooty has been here when it happened before, so he knew what to do. He brought over a toolbox, dropping it beside Luz. And she did her thing.
They continued eating, well more like Hooty. Luz and Amity had already finished, the witch was laying on her back the human laying on top of her. "Done!" Hooty chirped.
"You can go back to the door if you want." Luz responded.
So he did, he made a clicking sound once he arrived. "Hey Amity..?"
Luz breathed in, then out. She casted a spell, holding on to it. "You'll probably forget this but.." The witch mumbled, giving the effect to Amity.
The human yawned, her eyes growing heavy. "I love you.."
To be continued.

Witch Luz X Human Amity. Lumity Fanfiction
Fanfiction❗Hey! Quick warning! If you're not comfortable with some gorey scenes, please pick another one of my stories! Just some abuse, but don't be alarmed! Just for a few episodes and you're home free!❗ In this AU, Luz is in every track. But her main one i...