'You could've at least told me you weren't feeling well...' Luz thought, putting the damp towel on the humans forehead.~Earlier~
"What did Agustus want again..?" Luz asked, looking at the chocolates.
Amity came back to Luz, holding tons of random things. "Amity, we don't need any of that. Perry's getting our stuff.." Luz said, taking the stuff from her.
Amity's cheeks flushed, the human getting warm. Luz put the stuff down, grabbing Amity's hand. "Come on, we should go get some tea.."
"I'm fineeee.." Amity giggled, following the witch.
[Think Drunk Adora]
Luz checked the chocolate, getting some choco covered roaches, then going to isle 52. "Do you want Peppermint or elderberry..?" Luz asked, comparing the packets.
Amity faltered back, shaking it off once again. "You can pick..Can I go home yet..?"
"Are you okay?" Luz asked, taking the peppermint packets and walking over to her. "Amity, are you not feeling well?"
"I-I'm fine..Don't worry about it.." Amity mumbled.
"Come on, let's get g-"
Luz shared no expense into catching Amity. She sighed in relief, putting the human on her back. She grabbed the chocolate, getting the elderberry packets as well. Then made her way to the front. "Do you know a shortcut to my aunt's house..?" Luz asked, placing her things down, not including Amity.
"Mm..Once you exit the store, take a right. When you pass 2 streets, cross. Then it should be there..Need help?" Perry asked, bagging her items.
"Maybe take it to my house later..If that's okay.." Luz muttered, fixing Amity's hood.
"You got it." Perry responded. "Take the tea packets with you. You'll need it." The older witch said, handing her them.
"See you later."
~Present time~
Luz went downstairs, greeted by Lilith. "She okay?" The older witch asked.
"Don't know...Mom never got sick, at least not this bad. She has a fever, yet she's freezing cold, she's been out for 15 minutes too.."
"I'll take care of her, you can go home." Lilith said, standing up.
"Not after I give you a checkup. Eda said something happened. So I need to see what changed." Luz said, her screen appearing.
"Fine. Just make it quick."
"Tone it down a bit on the elixir yeah? You drinking to much can cause drastic changes to your health. So maybe half of the bottle in the morning, then the rest in the afternoon." Luz said, typing it in to her log.
"Okay. Be careful on your way out. There may or may not be a missing step on the staircase."
"Got it. Tell Amity I hope she feels better, she needs to stay hydrated. Bye Lilith!" Luz said, opening the door, grabbing her umbrella.
Lilith waved goodbye to the witch, her leaving and going home. Amity stumbled down the stairs, she panted taking small steps. "Amity, what are you doing out of bed?" Lilith asked, going up to her.
"I heard Luz...I didn't say bye..L-Let me go say thank you at least.." Amity muttered, losing her breath.
"No, go back to bed. She'll be back tomorrow. You've had a long trip, going back to bed is important." Lilith said, dragging her to her room.
"But..I need to go say thank you.."
"If you go back to bed, I'll make sure you can say thank you."
Amity reluctantly went back to bed, coughing. She took a sip of the tea Luz made, drinking alot more.
~The next day~
"Is that going to help her?" Luz asked, looking up at her mom.
"When I used to get sick, my mom used to do that to me. She'd make sure I ate something warm, like soup. She'd make me tea, all the time. Just make sure she rests well, okay?" Camilla responded, standing up.
"Okay. Thanks mom.." Luz said, standing up as well.
"It might rain again, so take an umbrella." Edalyn said.
"I will. I'll be back later tonight if the rain dies down. If not, I'll stay with Perry. He's near Lilith so I think it'll be okay." Luz said, grabbing her bag and umbrella.
"If it does get worse, stay with Lilith. Perry said he might go out with Agustus today after he finishes work." Eda said, throwing something the witches way.
Luz caught it, opening the door as well. "Bye! Love you! Bye King, bye Hooty." Luz said, before closing the door and walking off.
"Bye Luz! Hoot!" Hooty called out.
"I miss her already." King said, falling on the carpet.
"Me too." Hooty said, opening the door so he could see King.
"Honestly, what would we do without her?" Eda asked, walking over to them.
"Lots of things. Things she wouldn't allow us to do probably." The twins said.
"Want to go broomdiving?" Edric asked.
"Heck yes I do!!" Emira shouted, both fist bumping eachother.
To be continued.

Witch Luz X Human Amity. Lumity Fanfiction
Fanfiction❗Hey! Quick warning! If you're not comfortable with some gorey scenes, please pick another one of my stories! Just some abuse, but don't be alarmed! Just for a few episodes and you're home free!❗ In this AU, Luz is in every track. But her main one i...