"A what?" Luz asked, thinking she heard the human wrong."A Kiss, I'll give you a Kiss.." Amity mumbled.
"Okay.." Luz muttered, slowly making her way to her bed.
She did some research awhile ago, and she knew what Amity meant. And just as she suspected, the human gave her a Smershey's Kiss. Luz unwrapped it, putting it in her mouth. "Were you expecting something else?" Amity asked smugly.
"No. I knew what you meant by Kiss. My mom said her first boyfriend did that to her. And she broke up with him after he teased her for it." Luz said, crumbling the foil.
The human placed a kiss on the witches forehead. "I won't tease you for it, you saw it coming. So you deserve one."
Fynn cooed, wanting a kiss too. Amity picked him up, tickling the Griffin and kissing his beak. He trilled putting his paws on her cheeks. She kissed his snout repeatedly, the Griffin's tail wagging furiously. "I want another one." Luz demanded.
"Another what?" Amity asked, putting Fynn down on the bed.
"Another Kiss." Luz said.
Amity kissed the witches cheek, Luz going stiff. The witch put her hand on the humans cheek, pushing her away. "The candy you dummy.." Luz mumbled, her face turning red.
"Oh- Ehm- H-Here.." Amity mumbled, handing Luz the Smershey's Kiss nervously.
Luz took it, unwrapping it. She popped it in her mouth, this one a different flavor. Dark chocolate. She liked it. She crumbled the foil, and tossed it in the trash can across the room. Fynn cooed, nuzzling his original owner. Luz scratched his chin, slowly zoning out. She snapped out once she felt her ears being touched.
"What are you doing?" Luz asked, shooting a death glare at the human.
"Nothing." Amity said, still touching Luz's ears.
The witch swatted her hand away. "Cut that out." Luz hissed in a bitter tone, her teeth showing.
"YOU HAVE FANGS!!" Amity squealed.
"No no! I doN'T- EEP!! AMITY GET OFF!!" Luz shouted, trying to push off the human.
"They're so sharp!" Amity squealed, wanting Luz to show her, her super sharp teeth. "Open!"
Fynn flew on Amity's shoulder, pouting. Luz hissed, well, tried to. Sounded more like a growl if you ask me. "Luz! Show me your fangs!!" Amity begged.
The witch tried to get the human off without hurting her, just wanting to do her work. "Then give me another Kiss!" Luz huffed.
"I don't have any more with me!"
"Then I won't show you!" The witch huffed, closing her mouth.
Amity forcefully opened the witches mouth, Luz not being able to do anything if she wanted to hurt the human. "Pointy!"
"How sharp are they?" Amity asked. "How deep is the bite wound going to be?"
"Pshetty shharppp..Abbouttt threeee InnCheess.."
"So cool."
Fynn put his paw on the witches nose, booping it repeatedly. "FynNn cUt itt ooUtt.."
His tail wag swiftly, the Griffin continuing to boop the witches nose. "FynNn imM gOiinNgg To sNneezzE AMiitT cUut Itt ooUtt tOo."
The human let go of the witch, getting off of her. Luz sneezed, covering her nose with her elbow. "Being sick is so weird.." Luz mumbled, sneezing once again.
"Well it's natural, isn't it?"
"Dunno...I've never been sick before, and nethier have any of my friends.." Luz muttered, sneezing again.
"Well what happens when you guys cough or something?" Amity asked, sitting beside the witch.
"Usually that's a sign of dying!" Hooty said, poking his head through the open window.
Luz began to panic, shaking in fear. "Am I going to die..?" The witch asked.
"What!? No! I wouldn't let that happen!" Amity shouted, jumping on the witch to hug her. "Hooty you're not helping!!" The human huffed.
Hooty cowered, going back to the door. Fynn landed on the witches head, ruffling her hair and nuzzling her. 'Poof!' For some reason, Luz transformed in to something. "Amity.. What am I right now?" Luz asked her voice deep.
"I don't know..You look like a dragon, but you aren't.." Amity mumbled, getting off of Luz and taking big steps back. "You look like a viper..!"
"A viper dragon? Are you kidding me?"
"No, I'm not kidding you."
"I'll just go outside- I'm stuck- AMITY IM STUCK! I CAN'T GET OUT!" Luz roared, breathing fire.
Fynn cowered behind Amity, shaking in fear. The viper dragon sneezed, changing her form again. "I'm okay, I'm okay- My wing is stuck-"
Amity sighed, going over to her. Luz cawed, beginning to panic once again. The human touched the phenoix's beak, Luz going still. "Calm down dummy, you'll make it worse." Amity said, moving Luz's feathers back.
The phoenix nuzzled her, calming down a bit. "Maybe if you sneeze you change forms.." Amity mumbled, taking one of Luz's feathers.
She flinched, flapping her right wing frantically as her left one was stuck in the rafters. "Luz calm down! Please!"
She chirped frantically, Fynn responding. Like when a wolf howls, others join in for no reason. "Luz! It's okay!" Amity shouted, putting her hands up. "I'm not going to hurt you! I'm sorry!"
Luz panted, her chirps quieting. She cooed quietly, moving her head back down to Amity's level. The human used the very fluffy feather, moving it up and down Luz's beak. The phoenix sneezed, turning back in to a witch. "My arm hurts.." Luz mumbled, running her right hand through her hair.
Fynn flew back to the witch, sitting on her lap. Which was a bad idea. Amity jumped on the witch, hugging her tightly. He screeched, getting out of the sandwich. Luz held her up with her arm that didn't hurt, laying her left arm on the bed. "You're tiny." Luz muttered.
"That's the first thing you say to me? I'm tiny?"
"Mhm.." Luz smiled, taking off the band that held Amity's hair up.
She ran her fingers through the humans hair, who then let out a purr of approval. "This is nice~"
To be continued.
Witch Luz X Human Amity. Lumity Fanfiction
Fiksi Penggemar❗Hey! Quick warning! If you're not comfortable with some gorey scenes, please pick another one of my stories! Just some abuse, but don't be alarmed! Just for a few episodes and you're home free!❗ In this AU, Luz is in every track. But her main one i...