Not Abortion, Check Up

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Jerome was the only child.
His father and mother are both busy and he grew up with his nanny.
Everyday he will watch his parents in the news. They are news anchor and also news reporter.
They are always been a team before they decided to get married and have Jerome.

Though Jerome is lonely, he is a well-tempered kid and grow up nicely.
He will always be down-to-earth, kind and patient.

His parents love him the most and never want another child because of fear that they can't love the second child as they love him and also because they are busy.

One child is already impossible to play with, a second will be more troublesome.

When his parents out doing field work, he saw the news of his parents accident.
They got thrown in the waves of the tsunami and they are never found again.

Jerome's life turn upside down.
But he maintain a smile accepting his parents death. Though his heart is in pain. He tried to think positive and wish for his parents happiness.
But seeing his relatives greed.
He is hurt more.

No matter how they act kind before, he never thought how fierce will they show when money is in front of them.

Though Jerome is kind, he is not a fool. He is already 18 and since he is the only son and the one who has the most right in the inheritance, he made a decision.

His parents money is not his relatives money.
Since they torn their mask and fight day and night to get more than what the other wants then he decided not to give anyone a single coin.

He gave their maids money but for now, he doesnt need their service. He believe he can live alone and slowly start a small eatery business. He have the inspiration but was plotted against by his greedy relatives and died.

He didnt feel anger.
He just think his relatives are all pitiful.
Money and greed can never make anyone happy. So he thought they will never have real happiness.

"Ah?" Jerome try to stand up but see a huge ball in his stomach.

The old man pat his shoulder.
"I think the nurse is calling your name?" The old man looks at the boy.

Jerome looks at the old man with one horn on his forehead. Smiling at him.
His skin is a bit sky blue but its a bit darker.

Jerome blinks and think if he is hallucinating.

"Elian Fredrist? Elian Fredrist?"

Jerome looks at the nurse with three eyes. Her hair is red and curled beautifully. Her skin is dark and her fangs look tough.
Her legs are like an octopus. Truly, she looks very weird but Jerome doesnt know why he doesnt fear her.

Also the name Elian Fredrist was a bit familiar with him.


'Shut up. I dont want to see your face again.'

'How can you do that to Kale?'



Jerome shakes his head.
He doesnt like those memories.
His body tense up and feel cold.

He wanted to stand up again and leave when he drop his wallet and the Id's and cards scatter.

"Elian Fredrist. Why are you not answering, Sir? Ive been calling you for ages." One octopus leg picked up the Id and shows it infront of Jerome.

Elian Fredrist.
Human Race.
23 years old

Jerome squats down to pick the other Ids and cards but its a bit hard with the huge belly.

He is confuse but want to remain calm.

"Im sorry. Where am I?" He asks.
Why is he here?
If this is a nurse then is he in a hospital? Maybe to check about this heavy belly?
He doesnt feel anything wrong except for the belly.

"Well," the nurse tilts her head.
"You are here to ask for a permit to abort your baby,right?"

Jerome is shock.
As a christian, you would never think of abortion even if you become poor or be laugh at by your neighbors.
Wait.. He grabs the Id and make sure.
It says Male.
Then he looks down in his stomach.
"Me? Im pregnant?"

The nurse looks at him weirdly.
It seems like she wants to retort at his question but her professionalism refuse her to do so.

"Yes. You are 5 months pregnant."

"Wow." Jerome is amaze. But seeing an octopus girl, a grandpa with horn, he can just accept anything. He grabs his stomach.
"There is a baby inside?"

The nurse smiles.
"I think you are confuse. Do you want to sit down and drink water? If you are feeling any discomfort you can tell me."

"No. No. Im fine."

"When you came here you are a bit unstable. Shouting 'abortion'. So I--"

The apology in her face made Jerome smiles.
"Im sorry. Im a bit confuse at first."
He just check his appearance in the walls. Walls in this place are made out of mirrors. It is not mirror for looking at your face but he is sure he is in different body.
And right now he is pregnant.
If this is a dream or reality then he will accept anything.
Life is precious. Even in dreams or reality, he will never think of abortion.

"Im not here for abortion. I want to check up the baby." He smiles politely.

The nurse give a smile.
"Ill tell the doctor."

Jerome sighs when the nurse left.
He looks at the old man and smiles.
"Grandpa, thank you for waking me. Sorry if I made a fuss."

"Its fine. Everyone has their story when they come looking for doctors."

Jerome thinks that even if the old man looks different and a but scary at first he is just like a regular good old man.
His heart is a bit at ease.

'Where am I?' He looks at the ceiling and blinded a but by the light.

"Elian Fredrist, the doctor want to see you."

"Yes." He smiles at the old man first before walking to the clinic.

EL's Time;

Well... well. Uhhh.. Hmmm.. I want a happy qnd kind Mc again. I need kindness in this made up world.hahahahhahahhaha

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