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Jerome smiles.
"The turtle got mad and he gather spiky snail shells and planted on the banana tree as far as he can reach. And hide under coconut shell. When the monkey finally eat all the bananas. Satisfied. He pats his bulging belly. "I guess that's enough for today." He said and merrily went down the tree. Climb down slowly. But the monkey didn't expect the turtle scheme. He was hurt and injured, bleeding from the snails shell cut. Angrily he stomps on the ground. "You turtle! How dare you do this to me. I will get you!" The monkey angrily said. He finally saw the turtle before the sun went down. He laughs and hold the turtle in one hand. "Hahaha!" The monkey goes."

"Mom!" Jaden suddenly shouted

Jerome smiles and shakes his head.

Jaden frowns.
He blushes too. How can he be affected by a story? But he didn't know the turtle is so small that he can only fit in one hand. How did he put so many spiky shell to endure that monkey? He was scared for the turtles life.
He didn't do anything wrong. He just planted the part the monkey didn't want. Was it the saying that treasuring a jade ring is a crime?

"What should I do to you now? You Turtle!" The monkey said with an evil grin. "Ah I know, I should knock you with a rock!" The monkey looks around and see a very huge rock. The turtle snorted. " I have a very sturdy shell. You can't hurt me." The turtle bluffs. "Okay, then I will stew you and eat you." The monkey roars in laughter and anger. "You can't eat me. I haven't bathe in a week. I am very dirty." The turtle continue bluffing. The monkey is so mad. "What should I do to you? I know! I should throw you in the water and drown you!" The turtle flinched. "Oh no. I can't swim! I will drown. You cant throw me in the water. Please don't." The turtle begs. The monkey happily roars. "You wish! I will drown you!" The monkey said and throw the turtle in the river."

Jerome saw his son facing his palm.
Jerome can't help but laugh.

"The turtle swim back to the surface and laughs at the monkey. "How silly of you. To throw me in the water." The turtle shales his head. "I thought you said you can't swim!" The monkey said angrily. "Oh, you think I will tell you my weakness when you are trying to harm me?" The turtle said. The monkey is so mad, he wanted to go into the water and he did. But the turtle already swim far away. The monkey is not a very good swimmer and he just watched the turtle swim away. The End."

Jerome knows that the monkey has a very bad ending in the original story but that is not needed to hear by his young listeners, especially his son.

The story ended and he even received some gifts with his fans. He thank everyone and hugs Jaden to sleep.

Jaden wakes up earlier than his mother which is very uncommon to happen.

"Mom, wake up." Jaden knows that Jerome never slept in.
"Mom?" Jaden eyes widen when he feels the burning hot sensation in his mother's skin.

"Uncle...UNCLE!" Jaden shouted.

The first to rush in was June. Jaden is rocking Jerome but there is no response.

"He was too hot!" Jaden cried.
Joshua scoops Jaden in his arms while Cello carry Jerome in his arms.

With the help of the neighbors, they arrived in the hospital.

"Doctor, what happened to my mother? He is alright last night." Jaden cries.

"Your mother is stressed. He keeps thinking and thinking in his mind. I heard he has amnesia? He confess that every night, he dream of someone. He was in pain and he needs him. So he wants to remember but there is something blocking from it and eveey night he would be sleepless cause he doesn't want to dream again. Because it pained him and he said his son needs him more. He was torn by the memory of his past haunting him but unable to recall and the oblogation he has with his baby.The brain suffered from too much stimulus and all he does to relieve his headaches is drinking sleeping pills that already lost its effect on him."
The doctor said and looks at all the men present. He is not only answering Jaden. He is telling everyone that the patient is hiding his pain from anyone and nobody realized.

"What should we do doctor? If it keeps haunting him..What is the solution?" Joshua asks.

"It's best if we can make him remember."

"Doc," Cello steps forward.

Joshua understand and pulls Jaden away. But Jaden can already used his mana. He keeps listening.

"Doc, Jerome is a pirate victim. We even think that he has an amnesia because he is trying to forget the past that might hurt him. Isn't it bad to reopen an already close wound?" Cello asks. Boss June also nods.

The doctor shakes his head.
"It wasn't a close wound if you forget it was there. And the patient is obviously willing to take a risk of reopening his past pain just to remember that person he wanted to save. I know you mean well but running is not always the best solution. Give the patient support. Even if he remember the past as long as he have people that support him, Im sure he will be fine. And his love for his son, he would always find a way to cope."

The two nods.

When the doctor left. The three men plus a baby, looks at the sleeping Jerome.

"He is always smiling. I didn't know he was already suffering." Cello said.

"Though I always call him weak, I never seen anyone as brave and strong as Jerome." Joshua sighs. "This idiot really is a piece of work."

June pats his head.
"Video. Internet."

"Yes! Jerome is pretty famous. We can post in his social fan account and look for Jerome's parents. Even.if his parents doesn't want him. Some people that will recognized him can give clues who he was in the past!" Joshua nods.

"Lets take a picture then." Cello said.

Jaden was left behind....gaping.

So all along, a doctor is needed for this people to help him?

But the price is too huge.
Even he sleep next to his mothee bit he cant tell that he is suffering.

"Mom...Why are you like this? I don't like you being in pain."

Droplets of tears wakes up Jerome.

"Are you crying? What's wrong?" Jerome sadly wipes his tears.

"I won't tell you!" Jaden crosses his arms and looks away.

"Tell mommy. I will blow your booboo."

"Then you should tell me too if you are in pain. I will blow your booboo too." Jaden blushes saying.
Tears threatening to fall again.

Jerome chuckles.

Jaden thinks his mother is a little liar.



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