Your Type

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Drake crosses his arms and looks at Elian.

Elian lips curved up and it turns into a chuckle.

"Duke, are you making a joke?"

Looking at the type of bottled water in front of him. Elian feels his heart is filled with giggle.
Even a cold guy can make a joke?

"I am not. There are 20 types of water that said to taste good in Universe 32. What water do you like the most? I want to know."

Elian is shocked.
Water is just water. How come there's variaty now?
20 types?
Which one is the regular?

Elian frowns thinking the Duke is making fun of him. His 'inherited' memory doesn't have this kind of memory.

Slowly Elian looks at the bottled water with aggrieved expression.

Drake lips twitch.
The little guy is so patient.
Though he looks annoyed he seriously look at the bottled water checking the ingredients on it.
Seriously, how come he didn't notice how cute he was before?

"So? What do you like the most?" He asks.

".....the regular water please." He looks at Drake and snorts feeling he got played.

Drake calls the robot maid to remove all the bottled water.

Drake takes one that is suitable for human race to drink.

"I'm just playing with you. Here. Drink some water. Aren't you coughing?"
He wants to rub Elian's head but Elian evades his hand.
"Don't get mad. Here."

Elian thinks the Duke is treating him as a small animal, a pet. He pouts.
"I'm not your little pet."

"You are not."
Drake nods. He doesn't like animals. Small beast men, he doesn't like them too.
How could he compare the mother of his child to an animal. He feels that Elian just want to act spoiled in front of him but instead of getting angry he feels that it was cute and lovely.

Elian softly smile.
He shows his toothpaste commercial smile at Drake.

Drake was stunned at first but slowly burst into laughter.

Elian thinks that gradually smile into laughing loudly is uncalled for.
Why does he feel that the Duke is playing with him?
He wants to get mad but it also feel like he is selling moe if he does.

He just pinched thr Duke's leg.

Drake blinks at Elian. He saw him reaching for his pants and he thought 'what a bold man', but he ended up pinching his leg. Pinching him so softly as if he is trying to tickle him.

"Put some force."
Drake said.

Elian gapes.
He is already pinching so hard.
He thinks Drake is deliberately telling him he is weak and he looks away crossing his arms.

Drake is amused at him.
So rich in facial expression.
How can this person be like this?
Does he seriously missed all this colorful expression before? How blind was he?

Drake stood up.
"Okay. I will stop playing with you. I've been away from work for so long. I need to finish some work today. Can you come with me?"
He offers his hand to him.

"What would I do there if I go?" Elian tilts his head.

"I don't want to suddenly feel sick again if you are not near me." Drake points at Elian's belly. "Some arrogant baby who get revenge at his daddy."

Elian touches his belly.
"He is not arrogant. Maybe he is just lonely."

Drake snorts. Elian has no idea how he was tossed by the 'lonely'brat.

Elian went to the Duke's office and almost scared to see so many pile of white paper.

"So many?" He doesn't know how long was Drake been 'tossed' but these is so exaggerated.

Drake smiles. How many planets does he need to check? And there are some troublesome incidents in each planets. Not just one or two things. He is the one who handles the security of major planets all alone so he needed to know all the reports and the security adjustments before it was implimented to the public.

This is why Drake is so busy.
He was rich and powerful and everyone envy him but those are power and rights he got with a price of being work to his bones.

Still Drake was also displeased with the amount of piled paper on his office.
Though the stacks of paper is neatly arranged. He feels that there is a hidden contempt on how much work he needs to finish.

Drake leads Elian to the comfortable couch and asks a robot maid for tea and snacks.

Elian watches the maid with a smile.
"There's few robot servants in our house."

Drake is busy signing papers but he still looks up to Elian.

"That's because your parents wants to give people job instead of buying a mechanical one. In my case, I can't trust people with anything in my mansion so I can only buy robots."
Drake said.

Elian looks at Drake. It makes sense that he doesn't trust people.
If his life is constantly in danger. If he has to choose, human who can change hearts versus a cold robot that only know how to listen to it's master, ofcourse he too would pick the robot.

But he still feel sad thinking how lonely would it be.

"You can trust me."
Elian softly said.
"I will trust you too."
He blushes.

Drake smiles.
"Really? But you want me to marry someone else?"

Elian shakes his head hurriedly.
"I don't want you to marry other."
He gasps.
"I mean....If I have a choice....But she is your match so I can't be willful." Elian glares at the cookies on the plate and eat it blocking his stupid mouth for a moment.

Drake chuckles softly.
He didn't bother Elian and continue signing.

'Dare to make me trust you huh.'

Drake is not so foolish as to just give his trust to someone that says 'trust me'.
But he feels that Elian's words has a sweet aftertaste in his mouth.

"That matching thing is all about her ability to get  pregnant with my baby. Don't you know someone who is more capable than her for giving me babies?"

Elian almost choke in the tea he is drinking. Who is more capable than him? One night stand and he ends up pregnant. Hello?

Elian eyes widen.
"So you don't intend to marry her?"  --and you still choose not to till me until now?

His hidden words are too easy to figure out that Drake can't help but to laugh.

He laugh so loud and carefree.
It's been awhile since Drake can be this pure.

"You are stupid." But his mouth is still bad.
He wipes the wet edge of his eyes from laughing. Grinning at the pouting Elian.

He crosses his arms.
"Of course not. Even if there's no you. I still won't marry her. She is too arrogant. Not my type."

Elian snorts but sneak a peek at Drake.
He wants to ask.
'Then, am I your type?' But he is too embarrassed to ask.


I need to eat.
I need to cook first.hahhahahahah

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