Duan's Lover

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There's gossip in the internet. It's just a simple 'theory'of a not so popular blogger about Duan Fredrist.

There's some report saying he has a secret lover who is already pregnant and the reason of his short break is that he is taking care of her. Followed by some obscure picture of Duan buying children stuff and just last night, a picture of Duan holding someone's hand guiding the partner to the restaurant.

The news break out and people are curious if it's real. Duan is like a minor celebrity to common people and in the Mechanic world, he is like everyone's male God.

Some people is excited if Duan's partner is pregnant. They are happy for him. He is a higher level mana user. It's very hard to find a match.

But not everyone is happy. Some malicious people saying Duan is not as clean as he portrays and actually inpregnate someone without marriage. Though its not uncommon, Duan's clean image irritates alot of men and call him pretentious behind his back.

Now that they have chance to throw muddy water, they use all their strength to throw more and more. Making it even hard for the passerby to look at the vulgar words and critisism.

Duan doesn't know about it.
He just wake up next to his cute brother. He smiles happily.
Lately, he feels that his face is stiff from all the smiling. He can't help it.
Last night, even if he can't be too intimate with Shaina, he feels happy to see her dressing up for him and simply enjoying a meal next to her.

Then he came home and sleep with his favorite brother! If he can still frown, then he won't be able to smile at all!

"Brother?" Elian rubs his eyes and yawns.

"Did I wake you?" Duan asks.

"Hmm? No. I want to exercise."
Elian is still groggy and his hair is still messy but he is determined to start exercising.

Duan chuckles.

"Okay. Fix your face first." Duan rubs his head.

Elian blinks and shyly moves to the bathroom.
When he looks at the mirror he gapes.
His face look and hair looks like he got played by the small naughty drawves.

When he came back, Duan is using his left hand as support while his other hand  is in his back as he push up on the floor.

Elian feels like he can never do such high level exercise with baby or not.

Duan stops what he is doing and went to the bathroom next.
When he came back he almost feel all the blood draining seeing Elian trying to imitate how he do push up just now.


Elian startled and lost focus. His balance wavered and he fell in the floor.

"The baby!" Duan shouted. He carried Elian in his arms as easy as picking up a toy.

Elian blinks.
His stomach hits the floor but his stomach is not like an egg that a little bit of force can hurt the baby.
He is not worried but Duan is not.
He shouted to prepare his flying vehicle and as ge panics he also called a driver. He fear if he will to drive, he might kill any people in the road or worst it'll affect the baby inside.

Their parents are not in the house so Elionora is the only one who is there.
She stops Duan but Duan is so worried she agreed to drive for them.

Elian is looking at Duan. Duan is carrying him. He is sitting on Duan's lap while Elionora is driving.

"Can you go faster?" Duan said.

Elionora glares at him.
"Elian is fine! If I drive faster, we might get in to an accident. If Elian got shock and affected the baby, what would you do?" Elionora snorts.

Elian wants to say he is not that fragile but Elionora glares at him.
Elian just smiles.

Being pampered is good but he is not a fragile glass. Still it feels nice.

Doctor Hyene is shocked to see Elian again.

"Its not your check up yet?"

Elian wryly nods.
"The thing is---"

"Doctor, please check up my brother, he bumps his stomach on the floor, I feared something might happen." Duan said.

Elionora rolls her eyes but this time she didn't say anything.

The doctor heard what happened from Elian and Duan. It seems like the two are describing two different event.

But the doctor understand the giss of it.

"It's alright. The baby inside is covered with protective barrier and juices. The baby is safe inside. But if you want to be sure. I will give Elian a thorough medical check up."

Duan nods his head.
After the check up Duan is finally appeased.

"Told you he is fine." Elionora said.

"We need to be sure." Duan softly answered.

Elionora rolls her eyes.
"You carried him so early in the morning. Good thing the doctor's office is open so early. I havent eaten breakfast yet." She complains. Then they slowly turn to Elian whose stomach made a gurruuu guurruuu sound.

"Elian...Are you hungry?" Duan asks.
He feels bad that his decision made his brother hungry!

Elian blushes.
"No.....It's the baby who is hungry."

"That's even worse!" Duan said.

Elionora taps on her phone.
"Let's just eat outside. I already called this restaurant to prepare breakfast meal so when we arrive the food will be served immediately."

"Good." Duan nods.

Elian smiles.

Onnthe way to the restaurant.
Elian, Duan and Elionora meet Drake.

The possibility of meeting is not zero. But it's less than 2%.
Drake, Duke of Wrose will never appear in a restaurant to casually. But today he was called by a former friend to dine. In the door, he meet the Fredrist siblings.

One of them is someone that handles his team mechas, one is his direct subordinate and one that spend a night with him.

Somehow, that person belly is huge. Like he swallow a watermelon whole.

"Oh? You are pregnant?"



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