Fetus Curse

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Drake watches Elian eats millions worth biscuit like it's nothing.
After calming down, he finally able to assess his situation and even able to look at Elian with a new light.

This guy is a hamster beast man!

No no.
He is an ordinary human.
But he can abolished can of biscuit like it's nothing.
His cheeks bulge as he chewed and he have these innocent eyes that make Drake's heart trembles.

Is this really the same Elian?
He doesn't remember him being this cute!

Elian paused after opening another can of biscuit.
He recall that Drake said this is worth millions.
His heartache and looks sorry at Drake.

"I ate so many." He sadly reported.

Drake, who is drinking tea,actually not, he just lift the tea and pretend drinking it for a while now for no particular reason, raised a brow.

"So? Don't you think I won't stop you if I care?"
Drake thinks those biscuits and cookies are tok sweet. Even if the ingredients are fancy and expensive, he never coveted them. But his brother gives him a lot yearly saying they are tasty and bla bla bla.
Actually, there might be some information that it contain a bit of mana that can be beneficial to pregnant moms but he rarely listen to his brother so he is not sure.

"Oh." Elian smiles. He then open one more can and looks at Drake. Drake sneers and just nods his head.
"Thank you." Elian smiles showing his canine teeth.

Drake things Elian is adorable.

'Stop! The hell is the word adorable!'
Drake stood up.

Elian eyes followed him.
He wonders if he will be questioned now but Drake just get the phone and suddenly the video screen light up.

"Sir, you called?"

"Send Doctor Grey in." Drake icy cold voice made the woman in the video screen trembles.

"Right away!" She made a military salute and the video drop.

"Are you feeling sick again?" Elian asks.

Drake is stunned and realize that he is not feeling any discomfort anymore. Actually, he feels very great.
He squints his eyes at Elian. He wanted to question him but the door suddenly opened.

"Duke, you called?" The doctor is the head of all the doctors in Drake's mansion.
He has a haggard look because of him.

Suddenly, he raised a brow seeing the Duke completely fine.
His eyes traced to Elian who is curiosly looking back at him and his heart jolts.
Elian's tummy made him open his eyes wide.

"Fetus Curse." He automatically said.
Why didn't they think of Fetus curse? They even think maybe the Duke is pregnant but not under a fetus curse!
Of course they didn't think of it. This man doesn't tell them that his partner got pregnant!
His whole body is shaking in anger.
This is why he hates people lying about their circumstances with their doctor.
The Duke dare blame them but didn't tell them clearly about this!

Elian gasps as he hold his tummy.
The word curse is not very pleasant.

"What do you mean? My baby is not curse!" Elian amgrily said. His voice is not very high but you can hear the grievance on it.

The doctor blinks and covers his mouth. Fetus curse is not a medical illness. It's just an old people diagnosis without any medical explanation.
Curse is a taboo word and pregnant woman hated it. Who wants to hear their baby and the word curse together?

The doctor hurriedly apologize.

"It's a slip of tongue. I'm sorry." The doctor bows his head avoiding the chilly aura coming from Drake.

Elian is not reconcile. His baby is very well behave.
"What do you mean Fetus curse?" Even if he hates those two words together, if its about his baby, he wants to hear everything. This man is a doctor, he would definitely not talk nonsense, right?

"Fetus curse is an old saying in the relatively uncultured planets. It's about how fetus is trying to tell the father that they need help. It's a condition where the father of the baby will have pregnancy symptom instead of the mother. The duke here, just experience it for two weeeks."

Drake eyes widen.
He knows Fetus curse. It's not a scientific thing so why would the doctor bring it up?
He really did have pregnancy symptoms before but it's so severe that he doesn't think that is pregnancy symptom or he is actually dying!

Elian is even more shock.
But his mind is in different direction.

"The baby is.....asking for help?" He doesn't understand. He clearly goes to the doctor. The baby is doing well, why would he ask for help?

"It's not only for asking help. It may also just want his father to spend time with it. Or the best explanation was, it wanted to get some mana from it's father. Umm..Can you...Give me your medical record? Better yet, can you tell me your obgyne's name and contact? Before I can give you my final diagnosis, its better to know your condition first." The doctor erased his hate for the duke and has a new inspiration.
It's finally here! The Duke is finally having a baby! He is very excited. As someone working for the unreasonable Duke ofcourse they care about his life more than their own!

Drake sneers at the side but didn't comment. It's just right for his doctors to know his baby's condition.

Elian still worried about the 'baby asking for help' notion but he understand that the doctor needs to do his job. He told him about Doctor Hyene and his contact number.

"Duke of Wrose, we will go and grab---invite this doctor in the mansion for now. Please make sure the madame is well taken care of." This doctor is obviously scared of Drake but he said his last sentence glaring at him.
It's obvious that the doctor is blaming him for not bringing Elian to them earlier. It's clear it's been months since Elian is pregnant! Does he not know how crucial is the first 4 months of pregnancy?
If he can, the doctor will not glare at Drake and even twist his ear and shout at him.

Drake raised his brow and the doctor hurriedly run away.

Drake looks at Elian's sad expression as he rubs his tummy.

"What's wrong? Does that doctor displease you? I'll kick him out."

Elian shakes his head hurriedly.
"No.no. I...I just feel bad for our baby."

Drake feels something jerk in his heart but he tries to ignore it. The word 'our' sounds so effortlessly in Elian's throat.

"Our baby doesn't seem like he is asking for help. I think he is asking me to kneel and die from the pain he jusy cause me."
Drake kneels on one knee and put his hand on Elian's tummy.

Elian blinks at Drake's hand.
He blushes and didn't avoid him.
"Look. He is trying to get your attention. He likes you."

Drake lips twitch.
The olace where he is touching had a reaction. But he feels like the baby is kicking him away.
"I think this baby is scolding me."

Elian pouts. How can his baby be so cruel?
For sure, this baby like Drake or why would he only be so active when he is around? But Drake is not with the baby for 5 months so maybe Drake won't like the baby. If he thinks the baby is scolding him, maybe Drake will like him even less?
He panics.

"It's not scolding. He just misses you."

Drake looks at Elian's teary eyed eyes and blinks.
'Why are you on verge of crying?'

He raises the other hand that is not touching Elian's tummy to touch Elian's cheek.
"Who bullies you? I'll kill them."

Elian didn't know how to react. He is clearly helping the baby and the father to fix their relationship! Why did it suddenly him being bullied?

"Killing is bad." But his mind focus in different things again.


Let's eat Brunch ~~~~

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