Duke's answer

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Elian walks with Drake as they send Elian's family to their space craft.

"You sure you want to stay here until tomorrow?" Eliza smiles.

Elian nods.
"It'll inconvenient the maids and servants if we just came and they have to rush their work because of Drake."

Drake smiles.
"You are so considerate."

Elian blushes.

Elionora looks at Elian.
She wants to warn him that the Duke is not the smiling/gentleman/kind person he was right now and so he won't get fooled but she saw the duke staring at her with his golden eyes. She feels her legs want to gave in and fall. Duan supports her and glare at Drake.

Elionora finally able to breath properly.

"Is there something wrong Sister?" Elian gapes seeing her gasps for air.

"What's wrong? Don't you hate her?" Drake said nonchalantly.

Elian frowns at him.
"Don't talk nonsense. This is my sister  thank you very much." He pouts and walks to her.
"What's wrong with you? Is your dress too tight that you suddenly feel uncomfortable?"

Elionora gave him an eye roll.
"Go back. I'm fine. Just....forgot to hide what I am thinking."

".....Can you even expose that in your face?" Elian doesn't hear Elionora saying what's she is thinking. Her poor choice of words make him confuse.

Elionora glares at him
"I said it's nothing."

"Then it's nothing. Why are you glaring at me?" Elian sighs.

Elionora feels amused.
She now lost her ability to warn him. If the Duke is this overly protective then her warning is really not needed.

"I am not." Elian pouts.

Duan smiles and rubs his head.
He wanted to carry Elian in his arms but instead just hug him.
"I'll see you tomorrow."


Duan eyes widen.
He is frozen in his place.

Elian giggles and used his 'paws' to 'scratch' at his chest. "Meow?"

They all laugh at Duan's comical reaction.

If Elian didn't sneeze it's possible that his family won't took off.

"What was that? Acting cute toward your older brother?" Drake teased.

Elian blinks.
"Woof?" Elian shows his small pink tongue and give him a doggy smile.

Drake froze.

Elian howls in laughter.


The Palace released a message the next day, Congratulationing the engagement of the Duke of Wrose,Drake to the youngest Fredrist, Elian.

The congratulation message was followed and like by millions of Universe 32 residence and thousands of comments per minute flooded the post.

Not just the palace. The Duke of Wrose and Fredrist social media accounts are all busy.

On the other hand, Elian, the dog, sleep comfortably in the bed of soft feathers.

Drake is buying cute onsie for Elian. No he bought pairs of onsies. He preferred sleeping in his animal form but it's better to be prepared.

He already expected the people's rushing to confirm the information about his engagement but would the palace release a false rumor?
It was already accepted knowledge but some still want to hold to a slim chance it was a mistake.

For the most eligible bachelor to be engage, many hearts are broken.
Elian slowly wakes up and see Drake is actually still in the bedroom yet he is holding and looking at papers on his hand.

"Good morning." Elian crawls from the middle of the bed to The side of the bed.

Watching his amusing act, Drake smiles.
"This cute puppy won't bark today?"

"Woof?" Elian tilts his head as if he has no idea what he is talking about

"Come here." Drake squints his eyes and extends his eyes.

Elian sat on the edge of the bed and stretched his lazy bones.
"Wooo." He says lazily imitating a dog howl.

Drake sneers.
"Give me a kiss."

Elian eyes widen in shock and he runs away from Drake.

Drake chuckles watching the running puppy.

They are eating breakfast when Elian opens his quantum bracelet. The quiet social page he made a couple days is now filled with notifications and messages. It was so loud.

"Wo...woo.." Elian said copying a scared puppy.

Drake sneers at him.
"You really won't talk?"

"Woof?" Elian tilts his head.
'I'm a dog. I don't understand.'

Drake smirks.
"People are curious about the Cinderella Im marrying."
He put some bacon on Elian's plate.
"People are envying you for having me."

Elian blushes at Drake's deep stare.
'Don't bully me. My heart is weak.'

Drake smiles
"What do you think? Are you lucky that you are my fiancee?"

".........You are lucky I want you." Elian murmurs.

"What did you say?"Drake squints his eyes staring at him.

Elian looks at him blankly.
'I didn't say anything. Must be yourage catching up to you.'

Drake snorts.
"I think you really am lucky."

Elian ignores him.

"Not everyone can have the Duke of Wrose attention."

Elian looks at Drake. He gave him a doggy smile again.

Drake caught the pink tongue pinching it.

"Ah!" Elian pulls back and hissing at Drake.

"Haha. The dog turns into a snake?"
Drake chuckles.

Elian pouts.
"Don't do that. Your hand is dirty."

Drake lips twitch. Dare to be disgusted at his hand? He washes his hand all the time. How come he is dirty?

"You don't play with me so much. Why do you ignore me huh?" Drake said

"I didn't ignore you." Elian blushes. "I can even say everything you told me."

"Really?" Drake pokes at his bulging cheek as he chews.

"Really. I can recite them in dog's language."

"Huh?" Drake looks at him weirdly

"You said. Woof woof woof~~ Woof woof woof woof woof." Elian laughs.

Drake watches him enjoy himself.

There is a post on the internet discrediting Elian. Saying he a social climber, a hooker and he even seduce married men. There are pictures of how embarrassing Elian was. It was despicable! Infuriates anyone who see it.

Aftee one posted one picture, several people also shows their own copy of pictures. There's even videos.

People are asking Elian to explain.
Duke of Wrose give them an explanation. Arrest anyone that slander his fiancee.


Elian : If I am an animal, what animal am I?

Drake : Mine.

Elian :(blushes) That's not the question...

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