A Stalker

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Duan looks at the tracking device and clenched his teeth together.

"Ill send you the coordinate. Please dont mess up."

Duan said exhaling a mouthful of warm breath.
He was very angry right now.
Not at the Duke but at himself.

He ride his mecha the moment he saw Elian's video. The main base of the mecha engineering laboratory was half way nearer to Planet 600 than the Major planet where his parents are. He was able to arrived 2 days later when Elian's escort came missing his chance to meet them.
Thanks to Joshua, who gave him a tracking device he was able to follow their route.

"Jaden is a naughty brat before he transformed. After he was bitten by a dog, I bought this tracking device. It can cover 3 planets worth. Jaden is a very beautiful child so I bought the best tracking device. What if the child got abducted, I thought,here take it. Make sure you escort him home. I love that brat a lot."

At first Duan was angry at Joshua.
He is the real Uncle so he feels jealous when he talks like he knew everything and he sounds like a stalker but since he genuinely love his brother and nephew, he feels connected to Joshua more and they even add each other in their social account.

If not for this tracking device. He might lose his mind in fear of what is happening to his brother and nephew. Why does anyone hates it when others are happy? If they can be this nosy in making others sad, then they can also use that strength to find their own happiness right?

"Unacceptable!" Duan grits his teeth.
He should have ride a space craft. Instead he bring his mecha in panic.
Mecha can turn into a space vehicle but they are mainly for fighting and the speed is not that fast compare to space crafts.
He blame his foolishness.

Duan lifts his head seeing incoming calls.
He accepted it.

"Brother, Duke gives me a squadron to intercept the kidnappers. Give me the coordinates." Elionora said.

"Why you?" Duan raised a brow.

"I beg him." Elionora said seriously. "I dont want our last conversation to be about salted fish. Thats stupid." Elionora said gritting her teeth.
They talked about farm food before Elian left and Elian laughs at her when she said salted fish is created in farms.

It was a happy last conversation and they keep joking about it but Elionora hates it. She wants to say more...more sister-like words.. like...she is happy he sticks to his promise and didn't start bitching again. And that.. she is willing to be his sister again in their next life if he continues being good. And that she likes the cookies he baked but next time dont burned it.


"What is happening?"
Elian hugs Jaden that has fallen asleep in his arms.

The mermen are running here and there and the space craft are shaking.

The door to his cell was opened.

"Grab the son. Leave the mother!" One mermen shouted.

Elian eyes widen and he hugs Jaden tightly
"No! Leave us alone! If you are taking my son take me too!"
Elian will never let anyone take away Jaden.

"This b**ch!" The merman kicks Elian
"Let go!"

Elian hugs Jaden tightly securing his safety in his arms. He received the kick with his body fearing Haden might get step on.


Elian smiles at Jaden. Rubbing his arms.

Jaden was startled. Elian skin was very sensitive. Its a richman skin using Cello's words.
A small pinch can make it red like blood.
Elian's been very careful with his own self and rarely see any wound on him but right now, Red,black and blue bruises are all over his body. Only his face is intact.
But this man didnt shed a tear.

The mermen get tired of kicking Elian. He still wouldnt let go so they bring him too.
Using four more vehicle to act as a decoy.

"F*ck! How did they know!" But the decoy plan is foiled.

"Do they have tracking device on them?" One mermen suspected.

"How would they anticapate our attack and put tracking device? It was the Manager himself who help kidnap these two."

Jaden glares at the mermen while hugging his Mom.
A planet Manager dare to cooperate with kidnapping? How stupid!
And irritating.

Elian whispers in his ears.
"Johua's tracking device."

Jaden looks at him.

"He puts it on your clothes after you transform to a human baby. He said you are too cute someone might take you away." He whispers.

Jaden eyes watered. That guy is really a cute stalker!
"Maybe he gives the tracking device to Dad?"

"I hope." Elian kisses his forehead. They are still lucky. Elian believes that as long as his son lives, he will treat it as luck.


Crowen is holding his wife's hand.

"Everything will be alright." Eliza said.

Crowen body turns into a massive tree and his roots are destroying the foundation if their house. Everyone was ask to leave but Eliza stayed to calm his husband.

Crowen hand is the only human-like in his body anymore. Eliza thinks that if she let go. Her husband will completely go in berserk and eat all the creature near him. Even her will be his meal if that happens.

The police is already waiting outside and the medical team are on stand by. Once Crowen regain even 10% of his mind, they will start injecting calming injection.

"Think about Elian. Elian and Jaden will come home soon. You cant be like this. You will scare your son and grandson." Eliza's soft voice rings in Crowen's head.


"Yes. Yes. Sadly we cant name him Elizar like you want but Jaden is a nice name too. And it was your grandson., how can you not like him?"


"Yes. Yes. We all love him." Tears flowing her cheeks but she is smiling.
"We will give him all  the gifts we bought for him  for thae last 2 years and play with him until he got tired of us...no we can play with him even if he is tired.."

"Play.....I will play with them." Crowen slowly regain his sanity and smiles at his wife. Holding her cheeks to his palm.
"I worry you alot."

Eliza sniffs.
"I love worrying for you." She hugs them.
The team of doctors check his berserk meter and give him a dose.

"Mrs. Fredrist, the patients berserk meter is still high. We will put him under observation, do you wnat to come with us in the facility?"

"Yes." Eliza nods.
She is worried about Elian but there is nothing she can do at home. She leaves her youngest son to her two capable older siblings. She knows their bond may not be that high before but now she is at eased that it was different now.


Its hot here...Ice..... Ice baby~~ urghhh

Watching Friends funny clips.

Its a whip.

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