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"Dad, Mom? Toffer? What's wrong?" Elian rubs his eyes and asks yawning. The edge of his eyes tear up.

Crowen holds his face.
"Did that guy hurt you? Where is he?"

Elian blinks and also looks at them confused.

Eliza hugs him tight.

"It's better to leave. Toffer and I will handle this." Crowen said.

"What?" Elian doesn't understand the urgency.
"Is there someone attacking us?" He feels scared.

"It was nothing " Eliza said as he pulled Elian back.

Elian gasps and looks around.

"Wait what about Drake?" Elian panics.
He was just sleeping with him.
"Drake? Where are you?"

The huge cat ears moves and his whole body looks at Elian. It senses Elian's worry and it tried to jump to Elian's side. To protect him.

But Crowen and Toffer thought he wants to attack Elian. Toffer turn into a 7 tailed fox and face off with Drake. Though he is not a match. He can buy sometime.

Crowen also turn his body into a wood. His skin is as tough as steal,though he looks hideous like a tree monster.

Simulatneously attacking the tiger.

Drake made a loud roar.

Eliza pulled Elian but Elian doesn't want to leave.

"Mom, why are they fighting?" Elian looks at the tiger pacing left and right. He is simply blocking the attacks but not counterattacking them.

Elian feel heartache for Drake.

"He is not in his right mind. Once the berserk is over. He will be back to normal." Eliza said.
"Let's go first."

Elian looks at his tummy. And then at Drake. He wanted to stay with Drake but not to the expense of his baby's safety.

"Drake..." he softly called. He turns around and left with Eliza.

The tiger ears move again and he search for the person calling him but he can't see him.

The tiger finally get mad and it roars louder. Toffer trembles and uncontrolably cover his body into a ball.

Crowen uses his vines to tie Drake but Drake easily rip the vines with his mouth as if they were soft ordinary vines.


Crowen falls to the ground but he is not letting Drake come back to his wife and son.

Crowen uses all his strength and uses his root to hit Drake's body but the tiger evade his last effort. It even shakes its fur to removes the small debris in it's body before leaving the room.

Crowen eyes glow in anger.
But his strength is too weak to follow him.

"Toffer, Toffer, hurry and tell Eliza to run away!"

Toffer nods and turn into his human form. Grab the phone to call the madam.

But a defeaning roar made him stumble and he turn into a fox again. He hated himself but the beastman obey the strong. Fear is something engrave to their soul.

Eliza is hiding Elian as they back to the wall.

"Please...Snap out of it!" Eliza shouted.

Elian looks at how ferocious Drake was looking at his mother.

Eliza uses her mana and shoot Drake with ice arrows but it didn't even reach Drake as it melted.

The tiger lower it's head and it made a snarling noise. His paws also about to lift up in the air.

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