Territorial Dispute

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"Did you have fun?" Eliza asks while they are travelling back home.

Elian smiles.
It was not all good.
There are still some people that wanted to dampen his mood but there are more good things than bad things.
He just tried to filter all the bad things to make himself happy and that's best for him.

Elian nods.
"Clara said she will gives me a dream horse. Must be a unicorn." He chuckles.

"Dream horse is a special breed of horse that can grow up to 3 meters tall. Though they are docile animals, they are very strong and can fly to the air for 1 to 2 hours depending of the horse age and the load. Its a good gift. You also should think of a return gift." Eliza is happy that her son finally stop seeing those wild friends and now starting to find a other people to hand out with.

Elian is shock.
"A horse that can fly? There's really a pegasus?"

"Your brother owns a Nightmare horse. Its pure black and it soars in the sky. If you want to see it, we can visit in our vacation house in Planet DT12. It's a very violent horse but it's very beautiful. Only Duan van ride it."

"Wow. I want to see." Elian smiles.
More than the horse. He wants to see other planets.
He still don't understand the concept of using planet like it was a city or a province. For someone that know a planet, how ever small, is stilla big place, can't comprehend without seeing it.

"Then we should visit it." Eliza happily rubs his head. For her, all her children are still young children. They will never grow old.


"These are the flowers your father painstakingly bought for us. It was an eternal flower called Parapluie. It will make mommy able to absorb mana for you. I heard it was hard to obtain and there are legal procedures just having one flower. It will lose its mana after a while but the flower will bloom forever. "

Drake smiles as he hears Elian soft voice. He opens the door slowly and see him looking at a video recorder.

Drake smiles.

"Are you filming?"

Elian smiles and walks to him.
Drake leans so Elian can easily wraps his arms around his neck.

Drake would never knew that he would be doing something that makes him eye roll before.
Drake kisses Elian's lips softly.

"What are you filming?"

"Just chatting with the baby about the Parapluie flower. They were lovely. Thank you, Drake."
Elian smiles and gives him and smack in his lips.

Drake chuckles.

"Don't go near the camera. I want to be the only one in the film."
Elian warns.

Drake snorts.
"You don't want to include me? I bought it."

Elian stucks his tongue.
"They are mine now. Everything you own is mine. Everything I own is still mine!" Elian laughs.

Drake shakes his head in amusement.
But he really didn't go near Elian as he happily talks about the Parapluie. He praised it, he even smell it. It was a gem imitating a plant so there's no way there is a scent but Elian said there was.

"There's no smell on it."
Drake said.

Elian eyes widen.
"I told you not to show in the camera."

"I am behind it." Drake smiles.

Elian pouts.
"Even your voice should not be film."

Drake frowns.
"You don't like my voice?"

Elian turns the video off.
He looks at Drake and asks him to seat next to him.

Drake sat down.

"Drake, don't be selfish."

Drake almost laugh in anger and amusement.
"I am being selfish?"

Elian punched his arms.

Drake let him hit his arms.
Elian teary eyed stop.
"Your arm is too hard."

Drake grins and presses him in the bed.
Kiss his lips.
"What's wrong? Somethibg happened in the party? But the report said you are fine all day."

Elian looks at him. Confused at first.
"You ask someone to follow me?"

Drake nods.

Elian pouts but didn't really get mad.
"I really am fine. Just....I didn't know that Aunt Lilibeth's daughter died from giving birth."

Drake pulls him to sat up. So they can properly talk. Elian shakes his head. Realizing that it was best for him to be lying down.
Drake pinched his nose.
"Lazy bum~" Drake chuckles when Elian  makes face.
"There are alot of people dying in the whole Universe 32. Mothers risk their lives to give birth. It was hard role but they still choose to give birth."

Elian nods.
"I also want to give birth so I understand now. Why it was legal to abort a baby." Elian smiles. "One needs to understand if you dies...who would take care of your baby? Not everyone is as lucky as I am...I have my parents and siblings....I have you."

Drake stares at Elian. He is not aware himself that his eyes are shining bright as he looks solely at Elian.
He just realize that he was holding his breath for unknown reason.
He wanted to laugh.

"So even if I die...The baby will be full of love." Elian hugs Drake. "Thank you Drake. For giving me a chance to be this happy."

Drake hugs him back.

Elian is already sleeping but Drake was awake.
He watches male mothers giving birth.
Its not uncommon for male to be pregnant. But they are still some prejudice toward them and even making fun of them in the internet.

Men that gives birth are not real men.

He often ignores those things that didn't matter to him.
But the death rate of men giving birth is higher than women.
Realizing things he didn't bother caring before makes him feel stuffy inside.
He can't help but to be scared and conscious about it.

"So you can't even guarantee his life? What use are you?" Drake shouted. He is in the veranda. His eyes only seeing the sleeping Elian on their bed. How can such a person who loves to laugh and smile all day and night be facing death so early in his life?

"Your excellency, life and death, its always been like this."

"But he is healthy and the baby is well behave. How cant you be certain he will not lose his life?"

"It's the mystery of life. To give life, one must put one foot in the grave." The senior doctor said.

"Useless!" Drake angrily shouted. He clenched his fist on the metal railing. The metal made a straint noise and it finally breaks.
Drake is so angry that he turned into a tiger and growl.

His growl is too loud that all the servants in the Fredrist turn into their animal forms and hides shivering.
Toffer is the only one who is able to stop his trembling and run to Elian and Drake's room.

His heart is pouding.
Why would such a person make that kinf of territorial marking?

Toffer saw Crowen and Eliza rushing too.
Crowen is threatened. This whole mansion was his territory. It was definitely Drake's provoking his leadership that made his blood boil.

Drake didn't care about the misunderstanding.
He didnt go inside the room too in case he mistakenly harm Elian. On the veranda is a very large cat pacing back and port.

Elian wakes up because of all the ruckus.



Pfftt hahahhahahha.
Anyways, today, the milk tasted better than usual.
Thanks sugar

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