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After meal.
They all went to the conference room. It's an room with one long glass table and three seats, it's just empty.
But there is a large computer set up that can connect the conference room to any part of Universe 32.
It's the private room just for the Duke's use.

Today it was being connected to the Government to record the Duke taking an oath of loyalty and sincerity toward Elian. The Duke will have to kneel and recite a traditional oath in front of the future in-laws.

"I don't need to appear?" Elian frowns. He is the other half....but he is not needed?

"Traditionally, it was the parents of the bride who will accept the kneel and the oath so brides dont need to appear." Duan rubs his head and lay his head on top of Elian's hair.
"It is to symbolized that the groom appreciated the parents effort toward the soon-to-be bride's making the parents reassured."

"What about orphans?" Elian frowns. "They can't get married?"

"They can. You think everyone needs to send this kind of cheesy act to the government? Only people like the Duke and the nobles, who needs certification to get married need to do such tedious ceremonies. Because everything they do need to be checked and legalized." Elionora said. "This is also the time to do prenup adjustments between two parties. If the Duke want to give his properties to you if he dies or not. Needs to be clear in the papers."

"Why would something so awful be in such thing?" Elian thinks its a happy occassion but it's already sounds like a last will testament.

"It's because the Duke owned stars and planets. He is super rich. If you are not careful and we didn't check the prenup paper, you might get in a predicament later. The government might even sieze the Duke's property if you won't be written as his successor, in case, you know, he dies."

Elian just gapes for awhile.
But he understand that he is beinnh naive.
This is not just about a few coins. Duke's property is not just a matter of if he wants it or not.

He is thinking about it when he saw the black cape in the air. Dancing in  the air as if seducing him. The Duke slowly kneels in front of his parents and says the traditional 'vows'.

The person in the video screen is recording everything.

Elian thinks it was so romantic.

After his father reach his hand toward the Duke and the Duke accepted it. They were officially engaged.

Then after the ceremony is the last will.....

"I want the Duke to give 25% of his property to Elian if he suddenly refuse to continue the marriage/delay the marriage or caught in an ambigious relationship with another person." Crowen.

The officiates looks at the Duke.
25% is huge amount and it was just an engagement.

"Agreed." The Duke and Crowen each sitting in front the government witness. Duke of Wrose is sitting with confidence.

"The Duke should not harm or force the bride-to-be with his own engagement demands that he is uncomfortable with. If the Duke is caught doing something that aims to discredit the bride-to-be, the engagement will be cancelled and 20% of his property confiscated."

The witness lips twitch. It seems the Fredrist is very mad at the Duke's property.

"Agreed." Drake didn't dare appear lazily.

"The groom-to-be and the bride-to-be should not live in the same house until they got married." This is not part of the deal but a parent's concern.

"No." Drake said. "Elian is pregnant. I need to give the baby mana to make sure of the baby's full potential when the child is born."

Eliza pats Crowen's shoulder.

"It was shameful for the bride-to-be to cross the household before marriage. People will talk even with the Duke's protection. We will allow the Duke to live in our house instead." Eliza said.

Drake raised his head and look at the two.
If it was shameful for a bride to cross the household.It was impossible for a groom-to -be to do it.

"I agree. But I have my own rules in my household and the Fredrist should compromise."
Drake said.

"Agreed." Eliza smiles back.

The witness nods.
"This is a request and not needed to be recorded. You can talk about it on your own. I accept the recording. Congratulations to the Duke and Elian Fredrist engagement." The video close.

Elian was lead by Duan and Elionora to the Duke and their parents side.

"What would the Duke wants?" Crowen asks.

"Elian and I will be living in a single room. And I do not like people around me but I know the Fredrist employs human and nonhuman employee. I wish they never come near me or appear in my face. If that is not possible. I will not give Elian back."

Crowen smile is crumbling.

"The maids and servants in our house can't possibly avoid the Duke 24 hours." Duan said.

"I am not going to be in the Fredrist 24 hours. I will only appear between 9pm. Sleep with my bride-to-be and go back before the sun rises."

"Then we accept this demands." Eliza nods. The Duke is not being difficult, they should not make it seem so oppressive.

Elian just look at them. He can't even say anything nor he can. His head is in a mess.

"Elian, come here." Drake said and extends his hand.

Elian walks to him.
"How about you? What is your demand?" Drake asks.

Elian eyes widen.

Drake smiles.
"Yes. You."

Elian smiles.
"I want everyone to be happy."

Drake grins.
"Is that all?"

"Oh. I disagree with Dad. If you cheat me, you should give up half...no 70% of your property!" Elian said feeling that 70 is not even a passing  grade at school he is generous.

Fredrist paled.
Though they are acting tough, they are not so bold as to tell the Duke something like that. They are not even sure if Elian knows how much is that  70% property he was asking.

Drake chuckles.
"Not even my brother will ask me that much."

Elian pouts.
"What is there to fear if you won't cheat me?"

Drake raised his head and looks at Elian's agreieved frowning face.
He stood up and rubs his head.
"You are right. Should we call tne witness back and change the contract?"

Elian blushes.
"He looks busy. Don't disturb him." He looks at Drake. "For now, I'll just try believing you."

Drake lips twitch.



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