Good People

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The doctor stares at Jerome.

"Elian Fredrist?"

"Yes doc."

Jerome smiles.

"You dont want to abort, is that right?" The doctor stares at him.

Jerome nods.
"Yes Doc."

"I will not ask you why you change your mind but remember the Empire rule, if you want to abort the baby after it reach 6 months,you will serve in jail for 10 years."

Jerome nods his head. Though this is a first for him. And he doesnt know where he is but now he knows that this place is called Empire. His mind is trying to take all the information but he is more curious about the baby in his belly.

"Doc, am I really pregnant?" He asks despite the huge belly.

The doctor looks at him for a while but everyone is professional. He nods.
"You are 5 months pregnant."

"But Im a man." He said seriously. He ever try to cup his chest if he has a huge breasts like a woman.

The doctor is still serious.
"Well, its a bit weird to say now that you are pregnant, right?"

Jerome feels embarrassed and chuckles.

But seeing his cute smile admitting he is a bit foolish made the doctor ralk more.

"Since the beginning. Human race like us are the minority in the vast universe. After centuries of being coveted by the other planets, human race face near extinction and the ancestors find a way for men to reproduce doubling the effort to save our race. So to your question, yes, its not really weird for men to get pregnant."

"Ah?" Jerome blushes.
It means his question is something of a common knowledge and everyone in the universe knows it? --Universe?

"Let's proceed to the check up?" The doctor asks.

"Yeah? Yes. Yes!" He stood up and follow the doctor. Jerome didnt know how maternity check up looks like but he just trust the doctor in front of him.

"So doc, you can carry babies too?" He suddenly asks.

The doctor hands paused.
He looks at him wryly.
"If I want. But Im already a father. The nurse you met is my wife."

"Ah! She looks nice." He smiles.

The doctor stares at him weirdly. Then he smiles for the first time.
"Human race doesnt like my wife's appearance much but she is very pretty in my opinion."

Jerome also think someone who can smile like that is a good person and all good persons are beautiful.
He nods.

"Okay." He puts Jerome's clothes down.
"The baby is very strong. What is the race of your husband? The child's father?"

Jerome looks at the doctor with panic.

The doctor waited but Jerome only sweats.
How would he know? Elian could have left some useful memory if he was him. He doesnt know a single thing.

As he was struggling he remembers something like a flash.

A majestic tiger.
Lazily staring at him.
Then it  turn into a human and said some embarrassing  words and then start doing ----

Jerome face reddened.
He shakes his head in panic.

"What's wrong? Dont you know his race?"


"A beast race? Thats explain why the baby is strong." The doctor nods.
"Since its from a beast race then you dont need any medicine for the child, you only have to take care of your ownself. Ill prescribe some vitamins for you."

"T-thank you doctor." His face is still red. He is the smae age as Elian, only 23 years old. Thinks that Elian and that Tiger did are too much for his heart.
But he is a bit sad after calming down.
He rubs his tummy.

It seems that majestic tiger doesnt have any deep relationship with Elian. And if Elian wants to abort the baby, it means the two have separate ways.

"These days you will feel a bit emotional and easily irritable. But you dont have to worry. Its all norma--"

Jerome looks up.
Tears are flowing down his face.

The doctor had seen alot of mothers. Since earlier, Jerome is the most unstable patient for today and he came alone. His clothes is a mess and he is not in his right mind.
It can only mean that he was abandoned.

Human race are very coveted for their beauty. But they are also the race the other race look down the most.
There are so many...countless mother who wants to abort because they were abandoned.

"As a human, if you prove yourself of having no job and income, they will give you money to support you in your pregnancy and even your hospital bill for child delivery might be covered. Dont cry and look at the bright side."

Jerome blinks.
He just cried thinking how pitiful is the baby in his stomach not to have a father but hearing the doctor comfort he feels alive.
"Really? The government will help me?"

"Go and check it online. If you apply now, they will be able to process your papers tomorrow. Be strong for your baby. Even if the Beast Race are strong race it doesnt mean you can abuse your body. The baby will still be affected if you got sick from worry."

Jerome nods.
"Im healthy doc! Dont worry. Ill do my best to raise my baby...ah...My cub!"

"Yes. Its a cub." The doctor called the nurse and told her not to charge Elian for the check up. Also give him free vitamin and milk samples.

"Ah! Thank you nurse. Thank your husband too. Doctor and nurse are too kind!" Jerome happily carry the bag of freebies.

"Make sure to come back for your routine monthly check up next month." The nurse smiles.

"Ofcourse! Ill be going now.Umm..Nurse..."

"Nurse Jane."

"Thank Doctor For me Nurse Jane. Bye."

Jerome knows that anywhere you go there will be bad people. But if you are just going to focus in that fact, you will missed the good people.

"Baby...ah...cub, we met a lot of good people already. Ah.. I am Jerome. Sorry, I dont know what happen to your real mother.But I will try my best to raise you." He said rubbing his belly.

He feels a bit weird talking to his belly so he just grin.

El's corner;

I have my own corner.
I want my own world next. Lols hahahahahhaha

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