Wants to Help You

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"You are so amazing! My friend is doing stunts for so long but his viewers didn't reach 10 thousand even after a year and just  doing it in a month yet you are already signing for a contract!" Cello is so excited.

Jerome blushes. He keeps praising him and rubbing his head.

Seeing his discomfort, June slaps Cello's hand away from Jerome.

Cello gapes but Joshua points at Jerome's red face and he understood.

"But you are in your 8th month of pregnancy, how are you going to continue your program?" Joshua asks.

"I already draw some books ahead of time. I can slowly draw the other books while recuperating in bed."
Jerome said rubbing his big belly.
He was here for 2 months now and he already consider the three men part of his small family.

"No." June sternly said.

"Boss is right, you are saying this now because you don't know  but when you give birth, you won't know how hard it was for you."

Jerome smiles.
He is not acting tough. But he knows that even if he is in pain, he can't lie down doing nothing. Who would care for his baby? Feed the baby, change the diaper and cuddle? Humming song and lull the baby to bed? He doesn't expect anything from these bunch of wild men who probably never held a baby in their entire life.

Jerome falls asleep with a smile.
It was nice that they care for him and the baby. He is glad he met kind people.

In his dream, Jerome is walking on the surface of a water.
There is nothing but water.
Jerome walks to where the water is coming from.


He called but there is no one to answer him.

The sound of metal dragging in the floor startled him.
There is a huge tiger in a huge cage.
White tiger with black stripes. It was a different tiger but Jerome eyes tears up seeing him.

The white tiger is injured. It was nit stable. It was growling in pain.
The white tiger eyes are covered with metal mask. All four legs are also tied by a metal chain that seems heavier than the tiger.

The water is coming out of the tiger. It was the tiger's tears.

Jerome walks to the cage and looks at the majestic tiger.

He is choked with helplessness as he watch the tiger tried to fight the chains.

"Don't.." he begs and cried.
"Don't hurt yourself.." Jerome begs the white tiger but it can't hear him.

Jerome wakes up crying but he can't remember why.
He just feel so sad.
He rubs his stomach.

"Sleep baby...Mommy just had a nightmare...yes..."


Drake opens his eyes and looks beside him.
The empty space is too large and too cold.

Drake used to wake up alone. He just had Elian for two months by his side. So why is he acting loke he can' live without him?

Drake grabs the pillow Elian last uses and try to recall...his smell...his smile....

"I will find you."
Its true that there is less than 10 percent that Elian is alive. But even if there is 0 chance, he will still believe he was somewhere out there waiting for him..His soft, silly liar, will be  sad somewhere in the Universe, waiting for him. He can't fail him.

He stood up and walks to the bathroom. Everyday feels like useless to Drake. But everyday he will still go and hope for a little light.

"8 months...." Drake is not even by Elian side. He is about to give birth...He is already worried he would have an accident in a safe and pampered environment, now he is in a questionable place...his fear his growing day and night.

"Duke, you called?" Freed enters.

"For this month and the next. I will shoulder all the expenses to all baby deliveries in all Universe 32's hospitals. And anyone that give births to a tiger cub, what ever kind it was, will be given a million dollars in exchange for a mother's photograph" Drake said writing on his desk.

Freed gapes.

How large is Universe 32? How many people gives birth every few seconds? Though he is sure the Duke will not be in the red even if he really do  this.

Drake didn't care. If Elian is still with the pirates then they won't misa the 1million dollars. Even if they are careful, greed is greed

Drake wants to do anything to help Elian.....he just hope he can find him soon.

The news spreads in whole Universe 32 and many become amaze at the Duke. Many knows he is rich but not to this extent. Yet some gloats that he finally wrecked himself for love. Many laugh that even the Duke of Wrose is such a shallow man.


"What's wrong Jerome?" Joshua asks.

Jerome is looking at the news about the Duke of Wrose. He is throwing money so atrogantly but why would Jerome feel so distress as if he wants to hig the man and tell him everything will be fine.

"Oh..That's nice. You think you will give birth to a cub? You'll get 1M! That's so many money!" Cello said.

Joshua knoocks his head.
"How can he give birth to a tiger? Tigers are prideful tribe. They won't become shameless pirates."

Cello shrugged his shoulders.
"You cant base someone's integrity with just their clan!"
Cello snorts. Squirrel clan are known for their kindness and caring but look at him? Thrown in the dumpsite. Which part of that is kind and caring?

"You! Your mouth." Joshua pulled him away.
"Think about Jerome's feelings for a moment. You only think of the 1M. Dont you have any emotional burden while saying those insensitive words? The guy's been raped!"

Cello gapes and he was unable to talk.
Joshua went back and see Jerome still staring at the newspaper
"Atleast you can give birth peacefully. He is generous." Joshua said.

Jerome looks up.
"Ah...Yes...It's like he is helping me out."

Joshua smiles.
"Don't worry. We are here. We will protect you and the baby."

Jerome slowly folded the paper.
He feels happy inside his heart.
"It's very warm...everyone is very warm."

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