Fredrist Vs. Fredrist

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Elian looks at Drake.

"Duke, you have to help those children."

"To be honest, they are not residence of Universe 32. They dont have any birth certificate saying they are resident."

"They cant even find food for themselves and you think they have money for certificate? They are here. They are resident here." Elian said.

"Thats not how government system works."

Elian knows he is being selfish. He sighs.
"Cant you do anything? Arent you a Duke?"

Drake lips twitch.
"I thought I shouldnt use my position for my advantage?"

Elian eyes widen.
He did say that but.
"What's the use of position if you wont use it? And we are not abusing your position, we are just trying to help."

Drake chuckles.

Elian kicks his foot.
"We! Yours are mine."

Drake chuckles.


Elionora froze seeing a panda cub on the couch. There are other small animals and some children playing.

"Mom, did you kidnap these children?" She asks.

Eliza is holding a lion cub feeding it with milk in a bottle.
"They are the children that Elian save. This is Leon."

Elionora was stunned.
"Since when did Elian starts saving the world?"

"Stop being sarcastic and start helping. Some girls needs to wash in the bath but they dont trust easily. Though they like Toffer, we cant let Toffer help the girls right?"


"A big black tree brother!" One boy shouted and everyone looks at Duan.
He looks scary so other girls cub start crying. Some boys run to look at him.

Duan froze in the door and think he enters a wrong house.

Elionora holds him back from leaving.

"Do you eat human?" A boy asks Duan

Duan shakes his head.

"Why not? You look very strong!" The other boy said. " Once I grow up I'll eat human!" The boy shows his large fang

"My mother and brother are human." Duan said. He didnt take offense of what these children said. Its just some tribes really treats human this way. Food or slaves.

They all looks at Eliza. Not knowing what human really looks like.
"You are human? The old man said human are disgusting and ugly creature. You are very pretty...and kind." The little boy with snake scales starts to sob.

"You shouldnt eat people just because they are different from you. Or look down on them because of their race." Eliza explains.

"I dont know human looks like us. I...I cant eat human." The girl bear said trembling. "I thought they are like chicken."

They all apologize to Eliza.

Eliza chuckles.

Soon the children were tired.
Elionora was exhausted.

Eliza watches them sleep in the bunkbeds. Like angels.

Slowly she closes the door.

"Mom," Duan looks at his angry mother.

"Fredrist! How dare them! They uses children for such an idiotic reason? Do they think they are that big in the entire Universe?"

"This is strange, mother. Fredrist Medicine Institute has the permission to use convicts and prisoners for their medicine experiments. Why would they use children?" Elionora doesnt know why they would even go so far as to break the law and abuse children for this reason.

"Im not sure too." Eliza shakes her head and sat on the couch. "But what sure is that they are involve!"

Duan takes out his phone and after a few taps, he puts it down and a virtual images appears.

"Maybe it was because of this." Duan said.

The two women eyes widen in shocked.

"They want to make a medicine for the unchanged children....It was a good idea. But the government stop the project after the death of so many unchanged cubs death. Giving birth is already so hard. Them dying for a stupid booster is even more painful." Eliza remembers. It was when she was young. So many friends in the neighborhood died after some tests.
The whole street and the entire Universe 32 mourn those little lights dying one by one.

"If the mass learns about a remake of this failure experiments...We might even be part to take a blame. How stupid!" Eliza stands up.

"What should we do Mom? In the eyes of the world, we are still Fredrist. And those righteous f**king bast**ds will do their best so we would help them."
Elionora rolls her eyes.
"I might get demoted. Thanks m***erf**ers! Ruining my career!"

Duan chops her hair.
"Think about the children."

Elionora stucks her tongue out.
"Right, and for hurting the children!"

Duan sighs and looks at his mother.

"We can escape this." Eliza sneers.
"I wont let them harm my family."

Crowen arrives home seeing his wife and two children waiting for him.
Elian and Jaden are with Drake.

"I heard..." Crowen starts but Eliza raises her hand.

"I want to help those children charge the Fredrist Medicine Institute child abuse, drug abuse and illegal experimentation. And I will announce the family expulsion from the Fredrist Clan and make sure in the eyes of the public, we are no longer part of the Fredrist Clan. Tell me your opinion."

Crowen was speechless.
He sat down next to Eliza.
Crowen loves his family. Though they are bad toward his wife and children. While growing up, he was full of love and been pampered. Despite his previous attitude. He still consider them as his family. He cares for them.

Eliza is not forcing Crowen because she knows Crowen loves his family and that Crowen knows what to prioritize. She believes in her own man.

Crowen after a while holds her hand.
"I understand. We will do this."

Drake looks at Elian and chuckles.
"Are you still mad?"

Elian shakes his head.
"I know you are a just person. You cant abuse the law just because I ask you." Elian snorts and looks away. Hugging Jaden away from Drake.

Drake rolls his eyes.
"You say one thing and do another thing."

Elian didnt say anything

Drake hugs him from behind.
"Ill talk to father and mother-in-law first. I didnt say I wont help right?"

Elian looks at Drake.

Drake smiles.

Jaden didnt look up. He knows that these two likes each other so much and very touchy.
He doesnt need to look up to see that they kiss.

Elian blushes after Drake gives him a kiss.
But seeing Jaden didnt see it, he feels relieved.

Drake winks at him and he looks away.
Drake is too much of a pervert in his opinion.
Cant he do this thing when they are alone?


Thanks for reading♡♡

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