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Elionora wakes up late. When she came down there was nobody in the house except for the maids and the servants.
She is used to being alone outside but not when she comes home.
Bored. She just ate a late breakfast and messaged Shaina.

Elio : They are all on Elian's side as usual. Nobody really stays behind? I mean, I'm also the daughter in this house right?

Shaina is just lazing on the side and almost bursts into laughter receiving Elionora's message.

Shai : Wow. Did you change souls with Elian? You are now a stubborn child?

Elio: Give me a cringed! 

Shai : Come on, Elian's pregnant. You really think that's not a big deal?

Elio: I know. Just a bit jealous. Why is he always the important one? Gaah.

Shai : Aren't you glad that he finally wants to change? For the sake of his baby?

Elio : Who is not glad? Ofcourse I support his changes. But can you just suddenly change? He sounds so fake!

Shai : Really? He doesn't sound fake to me. Maybe you are too comfortable in your position that you forgot how to look at people?

Elio : Are you also on his side? You are no longer the Shai I know!

Shai : hahaha

Elionora snorts.
Of course she is aware.
She is a military high ranking official and she is a direct subordinate of the Duke Of Wrose. How can't she tell if Elian is lying or not?

"Elian, Elian, Elian!!!!! Gaah!" Angrily, Elionora walks back to her room and just checks her emails. It's better to just work during her holiday.

Elionora gaped as she slowly raised her cheek from the table. The paper sheet is stuck on her cheek.
Crumbling the evidence of her drooling...err...the paper to the trash bin.
She looks out of the window and sees the sky is already dark.
She didn't know when she fell asleep.

She sighs.
"I really need a vacation."
Her work is too demanding.
Also dangerous.

It's been a while since she fell asleep comfortably.

Going out of her room. She saw Elian slowly descending the stairs.
Looking around, she frowns.

"Why are you alone?" Elionora walks beside him.
She eyed his huge stomach. 
She wouldn't admit that she suddenly feared Elian will fall.
In her mind, Elian is really weak despite his explosive temper.

Elian smiles.

"Dad,Mom, Brother and Sister Shaina are on a double date. I urged them to go. It's not  good to always be concerned about me."

Elionora gave him an eye roll.
"Since when can anyone stop worrying? The way you always carry yourself, your jumping in conclusion, your self centeredness….." 

Elian smiles.

"You know ,sorry is not enough." Elionora sneers.

"I know. I still want to say sorry."

"Whatever. Take my hand. I'll bring you downstairs."

Elian takes her hand and feels funny.
He feels like a princess being guided by a knight.
In a sense, Elionora is a knight 

"Can you tell me about him? Duke of Wrose?"

Elionora sweats.
"Him? Uh...Right. Let's go in the garden? The air is chilly though, so maybe just in the living room?"

"Yeah. I can't stay in the garden. Doctor Duan's order." Elian chuckles.

Elionora stares at Elian.
"I don't like you but brother likes you alot. Since you said you will change, you don't have to get close to me. Just keep treating Brother Duan like this and I will try my best to live in harmony with you."

Elian looks at Elionora.

Elionora chuckles.
"Well, What do you want to know about your future husband?"

Elian smiles wryly.
"Future husband…"

"What else do you think will happen except for that? Being able to carry Boss's baby, Boss will surely propose marriage on the spot."

"But in my memory, 'he'doesn't like me that much."

"Marriage for people like them is not all about feelings. He will marry just anyone who can prove to him that she/he is carrying his baby."
Elionora rolls her eyes.
"Don't worry. If you feel that you don't like that kind of life, you can choose to divorce. Based on my understanding of Boss, he doesn't really mind things like that. He is very carefree."

Elian frowns.
"He sounds awful."

"He will take care of the baby or support them. He has money so it's not a problem for him to raise one or 2 million babies." Elionora laughs.

Elian still feels awful.

"Hey, you are not thinking he is oblique to love you right? Come on, don't think so simple minded. You two just shared a one night stand. And you just got pregnant because of that. You can't expect him to just grow 'feelings' because of that?" Elionora rolls her eyes.

Elian thinks Elionora is right.
He feels ashamed.
He sadly looks down while his cheeks are red and hot.

Elionora frowns.
"Well… It's not impossible if you try your best? I...I am not the boss so who am I to say for sure? You…. I didn't know you liked  boss that much."

Elian blinks and looks up.
He is not sure if he likes Duke of Wrose.
Technically, he has never met him yet.

"I'm not sure. But In my head, I was thinking that if we will have a cub, we can be a happy family?" Elian shyly said.

Elionora feels sad.
This is really not something the previous Elian will say.
Just having a baby can really make someone change so much? 
"Don't worry. If that plan fails, this family will not abandon you."

Elian looks at Elionora.
"Thanks Sis."

"Now you know how to call me Sis?" Elionora's lips twitch.

"Well, I'll call you Sis from now on."




"You don't like him that much huh."

"As a leader, he is the best I ever had and will never follow anyone else but him. But as a person… your potential future partner...uhh.. he is just not someone the softie you should have. If it's the former you, then It's much made in hell."

"Ho…" Elian giggles.

Elionora rolls her eyes.
"Don't laugh at me. Your change is so much that I just feel like it's a different person. Saying softie you and the former you, is a must!"


Good morning lolols

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